Saturday, June 17, 2023

Study From The Watchtower, Week of June 12 to 18, 2023, “Your brother will rise up”, Underlined Answers

Study From The Watchtower, June 12-18, 2023, “Your brother will rise up”, Underlined Answers.

Yellow: Direct Answer.

Dark Yellow: Additional Answer.

Light Blue: Additional Points.

“Jesus said to [Martha], 'Your brother will rise'” (JOHN 11:23).

1. How did a child express his faith in the resurrection?

 A YOUNG MAN named Matthew has a serious illness, and has had to be operated on many times. When he was seven years old, something touching happened. One day he and his family were watching the monthly program on JW Broadcasting®. Towards the end of the show, they watched a music video featuring brothers welcoming their loved ones to the resurrection. When he finished, Matthew went up to his parents, took their hands and said, “Mom and Dad, did you see that if I die I'm going to come back to life? They can wait for me. Everything will be fine." Can you imagine how those parents felt when they saw their little boy's faith? For Matthew the hope of the resurrection is something very real.

2, 3. Why is it good for us to meditate on the hope of the resurrection?

2 From time to time, it is good that we meditate on the promise of the resurrection (John 5:28, 29). Because? Because we don't know what could happen tomorrow. We could become seriously ill or a loved one could die unexpectedly (Eccl. 9:11; Jas. 4:13, 14). The hope of the resurrection can help us endure these trials (1 Thess. 4:13). The Scriptures assure us that our heavenly Father knows us very well and loves us very much (Luke 12:7). In fact, he has to know us very well in order to create us again with our same personality and all our memories. And he loves us so much that he gives us the chance to live forever. He even he will resurrect us if we die.

3 In this article we will analyze why we can trust the promise of the resurrection. It will also strengthen our faith to examine the Biblical account that contains the words of the theme text: “Your brother will arise” (John 11:23). Finally, we will see what we can do to make the hope of the resurrection more real for us.


4. What must we be convinced of to trust a promise? Give an example.

4 To trust a promise, we have to be convinced that the one who makes it has both the desire to fulfill it and the power, or ability, to do so. Let's think of an example. Our house was severely damaged in a storm, and a friend promises us: "I'm going to help you rebuild your house." We know that he is sincere and that he wants to help us. Also, we know that he has the ability to help us because he is a good builder and has the tools that are needed. So we take his word for it. What can we say about the promise of the resurrection? Does God really have the desire to fulfill it and the power to do it?

5, 6. Why can we be sure that Jehovah wants to raise the dead?

5 Does Jehovah have a desire to raise the dead? Of course. He inspired several Bible writers to mention the promise of the resurrection (Is. 26:19; Hos. 13:14; Rev. 20:11-13). And, when Jehovah promises something, he fulfills it (Jos. 23:14). In fact, Jehovah longs to bring the dead back to life. Why do we say it?

6 Let's think about what the patriarch Job said. He was sure that if he died, Jehovah would long to see him again (Job 14:14, 15, note). Jehovah feels the same way about all his servants who have died. He really wants to bring them back to life and that they have health and a happy life. And how does Jehovah feel about all the people who have died without the opportunity to learn the truth about him? Our loving Father wants to bring them back to life as well (Acts 24:15). He wants them to have the opportunity to become his friends and to live forever on earth (John 3:16). It is clear that Jehovah wishes to raise the dead.

7, 8. Why can we be sure that Jehovah has the power to raise the dead?

7 Does Jehovah also have the power to raise the dead? Of course. He is “the Almighty” (Rev. 1:8). He can defeat any enemy, even death (1 Cor. 15:26). Knowing this strengthens and comforts us. Let's look at the experience of Sister Emma Arnold. She and her family faced severe trials during World War II. To console her daughter for the death of several loved ones in the Nazi concentration camps, she told him: "If death kept humanity bound in perpetuity, it would be stronger than God, right?" That's right, there is nothing and no one stronger than Jehovah. He created life, so he has the power to bring those who have died back to life.

8 Another reason why we know that God is able to raise the dead is that he has an infinite memory. The Bible says that he calls all the stars by his name (Is. 40:26). Jehovah remembers all people who have died (Job 14:13; Luke 20:37, 38). He can remember even the smallest details of those he will resurrect, such as his genetic code, his experiences and memories of him.

9. Why do you believe in the promise of the resurrection?

 9 As we have seen, we can trust the promise of the resurrection because we know that Jehovah has both the desire to fulfill it and the power to do so. Another reason we know he will keep this promise is that he has already raised some people from the dead. In Bible times, Jehovah gave some men, including Jesus Christ, the power to raise the dead. Let's look at the account of one of the resurrections that Jesus carried out. It is found in the 11th chapter of John.


10. What happens while Jesus is preaching two days from Bethany, and what does he decide to do? (John 11:1-3).

10 (Read John 11:1-3). Jesus has some friends who live in Bethany: Lazarus and his two sisters, Mary and Martha (Luke 10: 38-42). Towards the end of the year 32, Lázaro falls ill. His sisters are very worried and send a message to Jesus, who is on the other side of the Jordan, two days away (John 10:40). Unfortunately, Lazarus dies around the time Jesus receives the message. Although Jesus knows that his friend has just died, he decides to stay where he is for two more days before going to Bethany. So when he arrives, Lazarus has already been dead for four days. Jesus' intention is to do something that will benefit his friends and bring glory to God (John 11:4, 6, 11, 17).

11. What lesson about friendship can we learn from this story?

11 What lesson about friendship can we learn from this story? When Mary and Martha sent the message to Jesus, they did not ask him to go to Bethany. They simply told him that his dear friend was sick (John 11:3). When Lazarus died, Jesus could have raised him from a distance. But he decided to go to Bethany to be with Maria and Marta, who were his friends. Do you have a friend who is willing to help you without your asking? If so, you know you can count on him “in times of trouble” (Prov. 17:17). If we imitate Jesus, we will be that kind of friend. Let's go back to the story and see what happened next.

12. What did Jesus promise Martha, and why could she trust him to keep it? (John 11:23-26).

12 (Read John 11:23-26). When Martha finds out that Jesus is near Bethany, she immediately goes to see him. She tells him, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died” (John 11:21). It is true that he could have cured Lazarus, but he plans to do something much more impressive. Jesus promises Martha: "Your brother will rise." In addition, she strengthens her faith in what she has promised him by telling her: "I am the resurrection and the life." That's right, God has given Jesus the power to restore life. Until then, Jesus had already resurrected a girl shortly after her death and a young man, apparently on the same day she died (Luke 7:11-15; 8:49-55). But could he resurrect someone who had been dead for four days and had already begun to decompose?


13. According to John 11:32-35, how does Jesus react when he sees Mary and others crying? (See also drawing).

13 (Read John 11:32-35). Let's visualize the scene. Mary, the other sister of Lazarus, approaches Jesus and tells him the same thing as Martha: "Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died." Both she and those who accompany her are devastated. Seeing and hearing them crying, Jesus is very saddened. The compassion he feels for his friends brings tears to his eyes. He understands how painful it is to lose a loved one and wants to put an end to this situation that is making them suffer so much.

14. What does Jesus' reaction to Mary's tears teach us about Jehovah?

14 Jesus' reaction to Mary's tears teaches us that Jehovah is a God of tender compassion. Why can we say this? Because, as we saw in the previous article, Jesus perfectly reflects the way of thinking and feeling of his Father (John 12:45). So when we read that Jesus wept when he saw the pain of his friends, we know that Jehovah is also deeply moved when he sees our tears of pain (Ps. 56: 8). Doesn't knowing this make us want to get closer to our loving God?


Jesus weeps along with Mary, Martha, and others who are also mourning. Jesus was deeply moved to see his friends crying. (See paragraphs 13 and 14).

15. According to John 11:41-44, what happens at the tomb of Lazarus? (See also drawing).

15 (Read John 11:41-44). Jesus arrives at the tomb of Lazarus and asks that the stone that covers the entrance be removed. But Marta tells him that the body must already smell bad. Jesus replies, "Didn't I tell you that if you believed you could see the glory of God?" (John 11:39, 40). Then Jesus looks up to heaven and says a prayer in front of everyone. He wants to give Jehovah all the credit for what he is about to go through. He then yells, "Lazarus, come out!" And Lazarus comes out of the tomb. Jesus has just done what to some seemed impossible (see study note on John 11:17).

16. How does the account in John chapter 11 help us to be more confident in the hope of the resurrection?

16 The account in John chapter 11 helps us to be more confident in the hope of the resurrection. Let us remember what Jesus promised Martha: “Your brother will rise” (John 11:23). Like his Father, Jesus wants and can keep that promise. His tears show that he sincerely wants to eliminate death and the sadness it causes. By raising Lazarus, Jesus once again demonstrated that he has the power to bring the dead back to life. Let us also think about what he reminded Martha: “Did I not tell you that if you believed you could see the glory of God?” (John 11:40). We have good reason to believe that God will keep his promise to raise the dead. But what can we do to make this hope more real for us?


Jesus tells Lazarus, who is wrapped in cloth, to come out of the tomb. Marta, Maria and others look on in amazement from outside the tomb. Jesus demonstrated that he can bring the dead back to life. (See paragraphs 15 and 16).


17. What should we do when we read about the resurrections mentioned in the Bible?

17 Let's read about the resurrections of the past and meditate on them . In the Bible we find eight accounts of people who were resurrected here on Earth. Could we set ourselves the goal of studying each of these stories in depth ? As we do so, let's keep in mind that these were real-life people: men, women, and children. Let's look for lessons for ourselves and think about how each example shows that God wants and can bring the dead back to life. And above all, let us meditate on the most important resurrection, that of Jesus. Hundreds of people saw Jesus alive after his death, and this resurrection is a solid foundation for our faith (1 Cor. 15:3-6, 20-22).

18. How can we take advantage of songs that speak of the resurrection? (See also note.)

18 Let's take advantage of the "spiritual songs" that speak of the resurrection (Eph. 5:19). These songs strengthen our faith in this hope, make it more real to us. That is why it is good that we listen to them, sing them and talk about what their lyrics teach us in family worship. Let's memorize the songs and engrave their words in our hearts. So when we experience a life-threatening trial or lose a loved one, Jehovah's spirit will help us remember these songs. This will comfort us and strengthen us.

19. How can we use our imagination when thinking about the resurrection? (See the box “What questions would you ask them?”).

19 Let's use our imagination. Jehovah has given us the ability to see ourselves in the new world. One sister comments: “I spend so much time imagining myself in the new world that I can almost smell the roses in Paradise.” Imagine what it would be like to meet faithful servants from Bible times. Which of them do you most want to meet? What would you ask? Let's also imagine what it will be like to be reunited with our loved ones who have died. Think about the first words he will say to you, the big hug he will give you and the enormous joy you will feel to see them again.

What questions would you ask them?

Imagine that you are talking to the resurrected in the new world and that you ask them the following questions:

To Noah's wife: What's your name? What did they do to protect their children from the evil that surrounded them? (Gen. 6:5, 13).

To Isaac: What was going through your mind as you went up the mountain with the firewood? (Gen. 22:6-8).

To Job: How do you feel now that you know what was happening in heaven while you were going through that trial? (Job 1:6-12; 2:1-7).

To John the Baptist: What was it like to hear the voice of Jehovah? (Matt. 3:13-17).

To the criminal who was executed next to Jesus: What else can you tell us about Jesus' last moments on the stake? (Luke 23:39-43).

20. What should we continue to do?

20 We are very grateful to Jehovah for the promise of the resurrection. We are sure that he will fulfill it because he wants to and can do it. It is as if he were saying to each one of us: “Your loved ones will rise up”. Let us continue to strengthen our faith in the promise of the resurrection. If we do, we will draw closer and closer to Jehovah, who has given us this beautiful hope.


Why can we trust the promise of the resurrection?

He inspired several Bible writers to mention the promise of the resurrection. When Jehovah promises something, he fulfills it. In fact, Jehovah longs to bring the dead back to life.

He is “the Almighty”. He can defeat any enemy, even death. Knowing this strengthens and comforts us. That's right, there is nothing and no one stronger than Jehovah. He created life, so he has the power to bring those who have died back to life. 

We know that God is capable of raising the dead is that he has an infinite memory. He can remember even the smallest details of those he will resurrect, such as his genetic code, his experiences and memories of him.

What did we learn from the account of the raising of Lazarus?

Seeing and hearing them crying, Jesus is very saddened. The compassion he feels for his friends brings tears to his eyes. He understands how painful it is to lose a loved one and wants to put an end to this situation that is making them suffer so much.

It teaches us that Jehovah is a God with tender compassion. When we read that Jesus cried when he saw the pain of his friends, we know that Jehovah is also deeply moved when he sees our tears of pain.

What can you do to make the hope of the resurrection more real to you?

Let's use our imagination. Jehovah has given us the ability to see ourselves in the new world.

Imagine what it would be like to meet faithful servants from Bible times.

Let's also imagine what it will be like to be reunited with our loved ones who have died. Think about the first words you will say to them, the big hug you will give them and the enormous joy you will feel to see them again.

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