Friday, June 9, 2023

DAILY TEXT, From today Friday June 9, 2023, I will wait patiently (Miq. 7:7).

DAILY TEXT, From today Friday June 9, 2023, I will wait patiently (Miq. 7:7).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023

Friday June 9

I will wait patiently (Mic. 7:7).

If we're waiting for a shipment that we badly need but it's taking longer than we expected to arrive, we may be restless. But if we find out that there are compelling reasons why it hasn't arrived yet, we'll probably be more willing to wait patiently. In Proverbs 13:11 we find an example that demonstrates the importance of being patient. There he says: "The riches that are achieved quickly will decrease, but those that are gathered little by little will increase." What principle do we learn in this verse? That the wisest thing is to do things with patience, step by step. Proverbs 4:18 tells us that "the path of the righteous is like the bright light of the morning, which shines brighter and brighter until it is broad day." These words show us clearly that Jehovah teaches his people his purpose in a progressive way. Now this verse can also be applied to the spiritual progress of the Christian. This is a process that takes time, it cannot be rushed. w21.08 8 pars. 1, 3, 4.

What example did Jesus use to teach us that spiritual growth is progressive?

In a parable, Jesus compared the message of the Kingdom that we preach to a little seed that grows little by little inside people with a good heart. He said: “The seeds sprout and the plants grow big, although he [the sower] does not know exactly how. By itself, the earth bears fruit: first the stem, then the ear, and finally the ripe grain in the ear” (Mark 4:27, 28). What did he mean? That the person who accepts the message of the Kingdom grows in a spiritual sense just like a plant: little by little. For example, we can see this when our Bible students get closer to Jehovah and we begin to notice the changes they make in his life (Eph. 4: 22-24). But we must remember that it is Jehovah who makes that little seed grow (1 Cor. 3:7).

What can we learn from the way Jehovah created the earth?

Whenever he does something, Jehovah is patient and takes his time. And he does it as much for the glory of his name as for the good of others. Let's look, for example, at the steps he followed when he prepared the Earth for human beings.

Describing how Jehovah created the earth, the Bible says that he “fixed its dimensions,” fitted “its foundations,” and “laid its cornerstone.”​—Job 38:5, 6. He even took time to reflect on his work (Gen. 1:10, 12). Can we imagine how the angels felt when they saw that Jehovah was creating everything? They must have been very excited, for at one point they even “sang shouts of praise” (Job 38:7). What do we learn? That it took Jehovah thousands of years to create the earth, the stars and living things, and, when he stopped to look at all that he had created, he said that "everything was very good" (Gen. 1:31). 

What will we see now?

As we have seen in the examples above, the Bible contains many principles that teach us the importance of being patient. Let us now look at two situations in which we must be willing to wait for Jehovah to act.

In what situation do we have to wait for Jehovah to act?

When it seems to us that Jehovah does not answer our prayers immediately. If we ask him to give us strength to face a problem or to help us overcome a weakness, we may feel that he is taking longer to answer us than we expected. Why doesn't Jehovah answer all our prayers instantly?

Why should we be patient when we pray?

Jehovah pays close attention to our prayers (Ps. 65:2). He considers them a test of the faith we have (Heb. 11: 6). In addition, he is very interested in seeing if we are truly determined to live in harmony with what we ask of him and to do his will (1 John 3:22). So if we are trying to overcome a bad habit or weakness, we may have to be patient and act on our prayers. Jesus implied that God might not answer some of our prayers right away by saying: “Keep asking and it will be given to you, keep seeking and you will find, keep knocking on the door and it will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who seeks finds, and to everyone who knocks the door will be opened” (Matt. 7:7, 8). If we follow this advice and persevere in prayer,

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