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When the Apostle Paul told the Hebrew Christians to "do not stop meeting, especially when you see that the day is coming" he also gave 3 very important reasons to do so: To motivate one another, show love and do good works.
With these words of Paul written in the letter to Hebrews 10:24 and 25, it became clear the importance of meeting in the first century and even more so in these last days!…. Today we have no doubt that the Kingdom Hall is the best place where we get motivated, encouraged and prepared to do good works.
It is clear that the true worshipers have to meet somewhere, so it was with the Tabernacle, and later with the Temple built in Jerusalem under the reign of Solomon... Speaking of that temple -precisely- Jehovah said in 2 Chronicles 7:11, 12 (Read)
Thus Solomon finished the house of Jehovah and the king's house; and Solomon successfully completed all that he planned to do for the house of Jehovah and his own house. 12 Jehovah then appeared to Solomon during the night and said: “I have heard your prayer, and I have chosen this place for myself as a house of sacrifice.
The LORD said over the temple: I have chosen for myself this place as a house of sacrifice. So that Jehovah's heart would always be in the temple, he would always be very interested in everything that happened in this house, which bore his name, and he kept saying what was recorded in 2 Chronicles 7:16 (Read)
And now I have chosen and hallowed this house so that my name will be on it permanently, and my eyes and my heart will always be there.
Solomon inaugurated the temple in 1026 BCE, The temple had Jehovah's approval, as we have just read, If the Israelites remained faithful, that house would have Jehovah's favor. But if they strayed from the right path, he would withdraw his protection from her and she would 'become heaps of ruins', Thus Warns Jehovah, Read 2 Chronicles 7:19-21 (read)
But if you stray from the statutes and commandments that I have given you and serve other gods and bow down to them, 20 then I will uproot Israel from my land, which I have given you, and will take away from my sight this house that I have hallowed for my name, and I will make it an object of contempt and a reason for ridicule among all peoples. 21 And this house will become a heap of ruins. Everyone who passes her will stare in amazement and ask: 'Why did Jehovah do that to this land and this house?'
Although the Israelites promised to have their hearts in the worship in the Temple, it was not so, unfortunately, little by little they lost the enthusiasm with which they served Jehovah. and we know what this turned out to be.
Now then... What do we learn from this biblical story? Do we agree on the importance of coming together from the heart for true worship? Do we agree with Paul that the Kingdom Hall is the best place where we get motivated, encouraged and prepared to do good works?
As can be seen in the photographs in our "activity guide", it is necessary not to neglect our personal prayers, attendance at meetings and commenting on them, as well as participating in the cleanliness, let us not neglect preaching, for our own good and that of those who listen to us, personal and family study and our voluntary donations.
It is clear then that the main place of meeting and worship today are the Kingdom Halls. Nothing to do with the ostentatious temples of Christianity, these are practical and modest, and in them we are educated spiritually.
There is no doubt what Jehovah thinks of our place of worship according to his will: Let us read his feelings again in the second book of Chronicles 7, 16: And now I have chosen and sanctified this house so that my name may be in it permanently, and my eyes and heart will always be there."
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