Sunday, February 5, 2023

Watchtower Study, We Can Live Forever, Week of January 30 to February 5, 2023, Practical Comments and Answers.

Watchtower Study, 30-Jan-5-Feb 2023, We can live forever, Comments and Answers.

"This means eternal life" (JOHN 17:3).

1. How does thinking about Jehovah's promise to live forever affect us?

When we meditate on this promise, the love we feel for the creator becomes stronger, but it also says that we have to see it as a gift and that is the other effect, a gift encourages us to do our best, in terms of maintaining ourselves. faithful to Jehovah not stray from him, because the best is what is to come.

2. How does the promise of eternal life help us?

It helps us to face the tests, not only to face them, but also to endure them, since we know that our life will not always be a test, but that later a reward will come, so to speak. Even if our enemies threatened to take our lives, we will not stop serving Jehovah, because we know that this life is only temporary, since we know that what is coming is eternal life, and it is not someone's idea and there are guarantees involved, we know that if we die faithful to Jehovah he will give us life and we will have the hope of never dying again.

When we read the gospels we see how the disciples of Jesus were afraid as we have been at some point. And then when their teacher came to be arrested and hanged on the tree, they were also very afraid, but then there was a change, and what was that change, that they saw him resurrected and at that moment courage, courage, was manifested to them , the power not to be afraid of their enemies, because they knew if they died in this system they would also continue living, later because they had the living proof of seeing their risen Jesus Christ. If we see it from this perspective, the hope of eternal life is what has also kept many brothers in modern times to be faithful until the end of their days.


3. Why are we sure that Jehovah can make us live forever? (Psalm 102:12, 24, 27).

Because according to Psalm 36:9 Jehovah is the source of life and lives forever and he gives this eternal life to whoever he wants. In fact, that was what Jesus Christ said that his father had given him life, the source of life, and that he could give him this water of life so that no one would ever thirst, and never die.

Psalm 90:2 says that the creator exists forever and ever and Psalm 102 expresses that similar idea, perhaps it is a concept that we do not fully understand at this time, but we should not worry about that. In fact, the prophet Habakkuk said that Jehovah has always existed and that he is a holy God who never dies.

Therefore, it is a fact that we have to take into account, it is that Jehovah is the source of life and eternal life comes from him, there are people with a lot of money in these modern times, they are looking for a way not to die and to be able to to stay alive, but it will be of no use to them because the true God will bring Armageddon or the great tribulation, and there the Bible says that they will seek to die but death will flee from them, all of this has a meaning that has not been fulfilled , is about to be fulfilled. However, either one way or the other, eternal life will only make sense if it comes from our creator.

4. Why should we not worry if we find it difficult to understand that Jehovah has always existed?

The simple fact that we do not understand something does not mean that it is not true or that it does not exist either. We may not fully understand how light works, how sound works, how other things that exist work, for example the wind, particles, molecules, or how the air we breathe is processed inside our lungs and that allows that we are alive, but not understanding how that works does not mean these things do not exist and that we stop living because we do not understand it.

Human beings may never fully understand how everything is possible, how it is possible that the creator has no beginning or end, of course not, that is why Ecclesiastes says that there is a purpose and we will never discover it. However, that does not mean that God cannot give us eternal life and that he is not eternal.

Something I wanted to add is that the truth about the creator does not depend on our very limited understanding of things, it is as if a scientist who understands mathematical formulas teaches these formulas to a 2-year-old child, it is clear that this child would not understand nothing on this subject, that is why the Bible says in Romans 11:33-36, the wisdom and depth of God is so unexplorable and unattainable for us as such limited human beings.


5. What hope did the first human couple have?

He gave them the hope of having eternal life if they did not die, but if there was a warning, he told them that if they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they would die without fail. We know that if they had obeyed, they would not have died.

The expression "forever" in the Bible

Of the Hebrew words that are usually translated “forever,” the most common is ʽohlám. In the Bible, this word can refer to something that existed long in the past or will exist long in the future, without specifying its beginning or end (Joshua 24:2; Ps 24:7, 9). . ʽOhlám can also refer to something that will never end. It is in this sense that Jehovah is said to remain forever (Ps. 102:12, 24, 27). Depending on the context, this Hebrew word is translated in the New World Translation with expressions like “forever,” “permanently,” or “a long time ago.”

6, 7. (a) What other proofs do we have that we are not made to die?

For example, some scientists have found evidence that our brain has the capacity to store much more information than we can learn throughout our lives, there are even parts or sections that remain asleep and that we do not use 100% of our brain.

In 2010, an American scientific magazine said that according to calculations, our brain can store about 2.5 million gigabytes and that is equivalent to a 3 million-hour video that would take more than 300 years to watch, and it is likely that this calculation remains very short.

6, 7. b) What do you want to do when you have eternal life? (See pictures).

When looking at the images we see, for example, some activities that many brothers want or would like to do, such as traveling around the world, exploring the whole earth, learning about cultures and places that are now impossible to access due to many factors.

Others want to dedicate themselves fully to the arts such as painting, singing, poetry, literature and explore knowledge that is hidden or hidden today, knowledge that has remained secret or is lost.

Other brothers want to travel by sea and personally others want to simply be there in the new world and praise Jehovah for all eternity as is Jehovah's purpose in the future.


In the image we see an older brother thinking about things he would like to do with his time in a perfect life and body, young again in the new world when he has eternal life. However, in his current reality, what we see on his table is practically a cocktail of medicines, and this brother is aware of that, he knows that in this system there are not many good things that we can expect, but the best is what is to come.

Series of images: An older brother is sitting next to a table on which there are many medicines. He is reading the Bible and thinking about the things he will be able to do in the new world when he regains the vigor of youth. 1. You are browsing. 2. He is painting a picture. 3. He is walking next to a waterfall. Since we hope to live forever, we love to think about what we can do in the future. (See paragraph 7).


8. What does Isaiah 55:11 assure us about Jehovah's purpose?

Jehovah did not set aside his purpose and he will keep his word and carry out everything he has said from the beginning, because as the text mentions, the word that comes out of his mouth does not return without results and it will without fail, and we also say this because he wants faithful people to live forever and we know it from all the things he did to fulfill his purpose and has always fulfilled it successfully.

9. What promise has God made? (Daniel 12:2, 13).

The promise is that Jehovah will literally rise up, since the word resurrection means to stand up, rise, or come back to life. And he will resurrect them so that the people who have died will stand up, and he will give them the opportunity to obtain eternal life as we just read.

The Jews of Jesus' time knew that God could restore life to his servants, in this case eternal life. Jesus spoke on many occasions of this promise and he himself was raised by his father and that is very significant.

10. What do the resurrections of the past show? (See drawing).

Well, it shows that Jehovah is the one who gives us life and that he has the ability to restore life to those who have died.

Another point is that while Jesus was on earth, He said that the Father had given him that authority as well as the power. Therefore, as the king of the Kingdom of God, you can fulfill the promise that all those in the graves will come back to life in the hope of continuing to live forever.


Well Jehovah has the power and wants to restore life to all those faithful who have lost it and we see in the image, the beautiful scene a beautiful reunion the widow of Sarepta receives her son full of joy, who has been resurrected by the prophet Elijah . Undoubtedly we also yearn with all our souls to see our loved ones who have died again, and that is precisely the promise of Jehovah that will undoubtedly be fulfilled.

The widow of Sarepta receives her son full of joy, who has been resurrected by the prophet Elijah. What does the resurrection that Elijah did guarantee us? (See paragraph 10).

11. How does the ransom make it possible for us to live forever?

Jehovah gave his son Jesus Christ as a ransom so that we have the forgiveness of our sins and he gives us the opportunity to obtain eternal life.

In John 3:16, he mentions that for the love that Jehovah has for humanity, he gave his beloved son, his only son so that the people who show faith in him will not be destroyed, but will reach eternal life, then By giving his son as a ransom, Jehovah made possible the forgiveness of our sins and the opportunity to obtain eternal life.

The text of Matthew 20:28 clearly shows that Jesus gave his life as a ransom in exchange for many people. Which means that Jehovah through Jesus saved humanity from death, that is why the text of John 3:16 mentions that we must exercise faith in order to obtain that eternal life and thus live forever.

12. How will Jehovah fulfill his purpose?

He will do it through his heavenly kingdom where Jesus is the named king, and 144,00 people collaborate with him to make Jehovah's will or purpose come true.

In Matthew 6, in the model prayer, it is mentioned that the will of Jehovah was requested to be fulfilled, both in heaven and on earth. When that is done, we will begin to see Jehovah's purpose with our own eyes. Through his Kingdom and now the King named Jesus Christ, and also through the 144,000, Jehovah's will is beginning to come true.

13. What is Jehovah doing in our day, and what should you do?

Jehovah is gathering a large crowd of people and training us to live under his Kingdom. He is teaching us to live in peace and together and to trust him. Therefore, it is important that we decide to fully support his heavenly government, so we will be putting good knowledge for the future and we cling to life that really is life as mentioned in 1 Timothy 6 19.

According to Revelation 7 Jehovah gathering a great crowd so that we live under his Kingdom and we must make adjustments in our lives to become part of that group, even if this means opposition from families or economic problems and the guarantee that Jehovah will will be in charge of satisfying what is necessary, as Matthew 6 says, all this confirms that the Kingdom of God is a reality and that the purpose of it will be fulfilled.


14, 15. How will Jehovah's promise to eliminate death forever be fulfilled?

It will be through King Jesus Christ the 144,000 will complete their Victory and eliminate the wicked. Then during the 1000 years Jesus will resurrect those who have died and help all obedient human beings to reach perfection, then the final test will come and the people that Jehovah considers righteous will inherit the earth and live forever on it and finally death will no longer exist.

Through his Kingdom, and the Kingdom of God already rules in heaven, so Jesus is the King of the Kingdom of 1914 and very soon together with the 144,000 and when all are complete in heaven they will destroy the wicked. And then during the thousand years Jesus will resurrect those who have died and they will help all those who are obedient to reach perfection, and as we well remember when the 1000 years are over there will be a final test, and all only who pass it will be considered righteous and there they will live forever since death will be destroyed.

16. What should be the most important reason for serving Jehovah?

The most important reason to serve Jehovah is the love we have for him, we understand that Jehovah did everything necessary to fulfill his original purpose, this makes us feel immense gratitude and love for our heavenly father. Which gives us the desire to want to tell others about its wonderful promises, including the hope of living forever.

Although this hope helps us to be loyal in these last days, we want to show our love from the heart, and not only in the interest of saving our lives, our goal should be to make Jehovah want to be our friend forever.

17. What responsibility does each of us have? (Matthew 7:13, 14).

According to Matthew 7:13,14, each of us has a responsibility to stay on the narrow and narrow path that leads to life.

We must stay on the path that leads to life despite the difficulties that may arise.


How do we know that we are made to live forever?

We saw several proofs, for example, of all the living beings that Jehovah created, only Adam and Eve were given the special hope of having eternal life. Jehovah also designed our brains with the capacity to store a lot of information that we could use for eternity.

Another proof is also the one mentioned in Ecclesiastes 3:11, there it says that God has put eternity in the hearts of human beings, that is why when we get seriously ill we seek medical help to recover, and when someone dies we are invaded by a deep pain that it is difficult to overcome, all these tests show us that Jehovah put in us the desire to continue living forever.

How do we know that Jehovah still wants us to live forever?

We know this because Jehovah has said and done everything possible to fulfill his purpose. For example, he has promised us that he will resurrect people who have died, and will give them the opportunity to obtain eternal life and he will do so through his heavenly Kingdom, where Jesus his son is king and 144,000 people will collaborate with him to make the will come true. or Jehovah's purposes, and the ransom is the most outstanding proof of Jehovah's love for us, since it is the means he uses to free us from sin and death and give us eternal life.

What must be the most important reason for wanting eternal life?

Although this reason helps us to endure the trials that come, the main reason for serving Jehovah is to love him deeply and to hope that he, too, will want to be our friend forever. 

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