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How many of you like to cook? In general, those who spend the most time in the kitchen are women. Although it is not a rule. All of us should know for some reason. What's more, even the Lord Jesus Christ knew how to cook when he prepared food for his apostles on several occasions.
But when we have to make a new recipe, especially in confectionery, to make cakes, cookies and any of these things, then we do have to be very, very careful. We must faithfully follow the recipe given to us. Making slight changes may turn out not to have the effect or result that we so desire.
Well, this speech is not going to talk about baking, but it is going to talk about following the instructions. In the Treasures of the Bible section we have the title: "Things Work Out When We Follow Instructions." And it is that as human beings we always think that we have the best idea, the best initiative that has not happened to anyone else and therefore what we think is what should be done.
But when we have to follow, so to speak, Jehovah's recipe, we must not change anything at all, even if we have the best intention. We are going to see the case of King David, a man who deeply loved Jehovah and who was willing to follow instructions to the letter, but who sometimes failed him. If we see here the text of 1 Chronicles 13: 3, let's see his good intention.
1 Chronicles 13:3 We are going to bring back the Ark of our God.” And it is that in the days of Saul they had neglected it.
It is incredible to think that the Ark of Jehovah had been abandoned for 70 years. Not even King Saul himself made him come back. David did and he wanted it to be in its rightful place. Do you see there a very good intention on David's part? Put Jehovah and his worship where he should be. However, Jehovah's instructions had to be followed.
Like when we want to make some cookies. If you add more or less of an ingredient, you will have unpleasant results. The same thing happened here with the Ark. David wanted to bring her, very good. He did everything necessary for her to be pleasantly accompanied, with music and everything necessary. But if we read 1 Chronicles 15:13 What David said.
1 Chronicles 15:13 Since you did not take it the first time, the anger of Jehovah our God broke out against us, because we did not make sure what was the right way to do it.
What has happened? David had consulted with the heads of the people, so it seemed good to them that David should bring the ark of Jehovah back to Jerusalem. But he did not investigate well to determine what was the divine will in the matter. There was a procedure to follow if any holy thing that belonged to Jehovah was going to be moved, they had to be exclusive people to do it. In this case the cohatitas.
But even they could not directly touch these sacred things. Otherwise, Jehovah had said in Numbers chapter four, that he who touched died. And well, although there was a very good intention, David ordered a special carriage to be built for the ark to be moved there, and of course, animals that were going to pull this cart. They were about to cause a tipping over and the ark to fall.
However, a well-meaning man named Uzah grabbed the ark so it wouldn't fall. He touched her. He did something that Jehovah had said should never be done, and what Jehovah had warned about came true. Whoever touched the ark or any sacred object had to die. And so it happened. David was responsible for a death for not following Jehovah's instructions.
This teaches us that within the organization there are so many things that have been tested and that sometimes it is known that it is not the best result if they are put into practice. It is possible that we have a good idea, but if we are told that we should not do it except in such and such a way, then we better follow the instructions so that the situation is appropriate and the result is what Jehovah wants.
In David's case, unfortunately he had to realize that he had to follow Jehovah's instructions. When he did the necessary research on how it is the correct way to do it and, of course, correct the error. Let's see what he mentioned in 1 Chronicles 15:2.
1 Chronicles 15:2 It was then that David said: “No one should carry the Ark of the true God except the Levites, for Jehovah has chosen them to carry the Ark of Jehovah and to serve Him always.”
Now he was following the instructions. He now he had investigated just as well as Jehovah said it should be done. And of course, within the Levites there were some divisions and the ones that had to do this were the Qohatites. So when at last the Levites transported the ark from the house of Obed. The result was totally different.
If we look at the drawing that is made in our Activity Guide, we see the correct way to do things, these Coatitas Levites carried the ark on their shoulders without bumping into it, but on the uprights and in this way they transported it. Now it was all joy, there were no more carriages, there were no animals that transported the ark, they were human beings specially chosen for that work, everything turned out as it should be, the instructions were followed, that's why David in 1 Chronicles 16:11 gave a few words that they serve up to now for each one of us.
Seek Jehovah and his strength. Always seek his face.
Within Jehovah's organization. The intentions, suggestions or initiatives that we have are not cut off, we can give them, they can be analyzed and if it is believed that it is the right thing, then the adjustments are made. For example, in recent days we have had the announcement of the hours requirement for pioneers and missionaries.
That is something you have. Someone must have given the initiative, it was analyzed, the situation was seen and the decision was made. Possibly Jehovah must have put that precisely in the person who gave the idea so that he can transmit it to others. But we must do it following the instructions. In Deuteronomy 30:16 it tells us.
If you listen to the commandments of Jehovah your God that I am commanding you today by loving Jehovah your God, walking in his ways and obeying his commandments, his statutes and his judicial decisions, then you will live and multiply, and Jehovah your God will bless you on earth that you are going to conquer.
These words are a clear reminder for us to listen to Jehovah's commandments, and we will receive blessings like when desserts are made. If you follow the instructions as the person who gives them, you have undoubtedly already tried and that they will come out as said, because the result will be success, it will produce satisfaction, you will realize that by following those instructions you will They have the results we so desire.
Jehovah will always value our good intentions; but it is He, the Supreme Being, who already knows very well the results of things. For this reason, in the spiritual realm we want to cling to the instructions that He gives us. Let's follow what Jehovah tells us through the faithful slave. Through publications, let us make decisions that Jehovah approves, and the results will undoubtedly be for the best, because we have been obedient in following instructions.
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