Friday, February 3, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of February 6-12, 2023, First Conversation, Offer a Bible Course, Lesson 12, Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: 6-12-February-2023, First conversation, Lesson 12, Assignment Prepared.

First Conversation (3 min.): Use the topic of ideas for conversation. Then offer a Bible study (th lec. 12).

PUBLISHER: Good morning, I am (..) and this morning I am asking the following question: the neighbors, God listens to prayers, what would you say?

HOUSEHOLD: Hello, I don't think so, I've been asking God for something in prayer for months now, and instead of seeing improvement in the matter, it gets worse every time.

PUBLICATOR: I'm so sorry.

HOUSEHOLD: I think that God doesn't listen to me, maybe it's because I don't pray regularly, but only when I have problems or when I have something to ask him for. I don't go to church either, well, I've never been a very religious person.

PUBLISHER: Let me show you a text here in the Bible that will calm your concerns and clarify certain things regarding prayer. The text is Psalm 65:2 and I would like you to read it here in the Bible please.

HOUSEHOLDER: It's okay, he says..

PUBLISHER: Very well, here we are making it clear that Jehovah God is the hearer of prayer, but the hearer of whose prayer, the answer is in the second part of the text that you have just read, if you want you can review it again .

HOME LOVE: There it says that he is the listener of the prayers of people of all kinds.

PUBLISHER: That's right, Jehovah wants people of every language, race, sex, age or nationality to come to him in prayer, so he is always ready to listen to us. What do you think?

HOUSEHOLD: That is very nice and generous from God

POSTER: Yes, prayer is a gift from our loving heavenly father. How does knowing this make you feel?

HOUSEHOLD: Well, it really comforts me, but if that's the case, then why doesn't God listen to my prayer, because I'm sure that if he had listened to my prayer, I would have noticed his response, don't you think?

PUBLISHER: That is a very interesting question that leads us to ask ourselves, what things can we pray about, so that God listens to us. That is why I offer you a free Bible course, you can take the course here at home at the time we agree, it does not commit you to anything and you can suspend it whenever you like.

HOUSEHOLDER: Let me think about it, but could you come back on Saturday and give me the answer that the Bible gives to my question please.

POSTER: Of course, so I calmly show you a video that explains what our Bible courses are like.

HOUSEHOLD: Sounds good to me, I'll wait for you.

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