TREASURES OF THE BIBLE, Week of January 30 to February 5, 2023, "Jehovah will help you fulfill any responsibility", Prepared Speech.

TREASURES OF THE BIBLE, 30-January-5-February 2023, "Jehovah will help you fulfill any responsibility", Prepared Speech.

“Jehovah Will Help You Meet Any Responsibility” (10 min.).

How do you see the matter of responsibility? Today in the world many men elude or avoid it, because it brings duties and obligations, others ambitiously seek responsibility hoping to thus achieve prominence, power and control over others.

And in granting special privileges in the Christian Congregation there is no place for any of these attitudes. However, men who are willing to assume responsibility are needed, taking into account that Jehovah will help them to fulfill any responsibility, that is why it is necessary that these men have a very different attitude towards responsibility compared to the one that so many people have. in the world, that is the reason why you should make efforts to assume Christian responsibilities. Yes, but moved by a desire to serve others primarily God and then his neighbor.

These men must strive correctly to honor God and to make the name of Jehovah prominent and respected, not their own name, taking these aspects into consideration in ancient times there were men who also showed responsibility, whom Jehovah helped to fulfill Those responsibilities, such is the case of the goalkeepers. Let's see in the Bible. What was their job? please read with me 1 Chronicles chapter 9:26,27, It says like this:


There were four main gatekeepers in the positions of trust. They were Levites and were in charge of the rooms and treasury chambers of the house of the true God. 27 They spent the night at their posts around the house of the true God, because they were responsible for guarding it, they were in charge of the key, and each morning they opened the house.

The Levite gatekeepers had a position of great responsibility and held a position of great trust, since they were in charge of the keys to the sacred precincts of the temple. These porters proved to be responsible in their duties by opening the doors every day.

What do we learn from the Levites? In our case, as publishers of the Good News of the Kingdom of God, we have been entrusted with helping the people of our territory so that they also come to worship God, so it would be good for us to ask ourselves. Shouldn't we carry out this commission with the same responsibility that the Levitas goalkeepers demonstrated? Their example should motivate us to show this attitude of being responsible. Let's analyze another example that we find now verses behind the same book of Chronicles Chapter 9, now please read from 17 to 19. It says like this:


The gatekeepers were Shallum, Acub, Talmon, Ahiman, and their brother Shallum, the chief, 18 and until then he had been at the king's gate to the east. Those were the gatekeepers of the Levites' camps. 19 And Shallum the son of Korah, the son of Ebiasaf, the son of Korah, and his brothers from his father's house, the Korahites, were responsible for the service of the tent-porters, and their fathers had been responsible for the camp of Jehovah as guards. from the entrance.

In the time of Moses Finehás was the chief of the gatekeepers of the Tabernacle, Finehás carried on his shoulders the serious responsibility of caring for the congregation of Israel and he knew how to face with courage, prudence and faith the difficulties that his work entailed. His diligence earned him Divine approval in the first book of chronicles chapter 9 now verse 20 confirms this aspect let's read it please


In the past, Finehás the son of Eleazar had been their leader; Jehovah was with him.

These words can then also be said of all today's superintendents, as well as other Christians who serve God faithfully. What lesson can we learn from this topic? The main thing is that Jehovah will help you fulfill any responsibility, in fact Jehovah entrusts us with many important tasks.

In the image corresponding to this week, we can see in the image one of those tasks is construction work, since this work is a facet of the sacred service. Those who offer their help do so willingly. These loyal servants of Jehovah do not charge or in any way seek to profit directly or indirectly from their services, for their entire time and resources are dedicated to Jehovah.

Another important task is shepherding, those who have the privilege of serving as shepherds in a spiritual sense, should not do so reluctantly or feel obligated to take care of the sheep. They should not feel forced as if it were somehow unpleasant work or as if others were goading them into shepherding the flock. Rather the elders should serve willingly, when a person is willing to do good to others.

In general, he does it with all his heart, striving and doing everything possible to serve the interests of others, the old man with a willing spirit gives liberally of his time and his strength, he knows that on some occasions, the sheep go astray and he wants to help them so that he imitates the interest that God has in those who are like sheep,

Another important task is that of preaching, as publishers we have acquired the responsibility of helping people, the most important reason to preach is love for Jehovah, but when we do so we also glorify Jehovah and sanctify his name, we also preach the Kingdom to give people the opportunity to know what God's will is for human beings.

Just like Jehovah, we sincerely want them to hear the message and go on living, at the same time preaching from house to house and in public places allows us to warn as many people as possible that God's kingdom is coming to put an end to this wicked world.

That is why, Dear Brothers, when you are not sure how to do any of these tasks, ask Jehovah and a mature Christian for help. In conclusion our greatest rewarder is our heavenly father Jehovah who loves a cheerful giver and he will reward us with blessings that will last forever. Consequently, when privileges are placed within your reach in the service of Jehovah, you will be able to offer yourself willingly and say like Isaiah: Here I am, send me!.
