Thursday, January 5, 2023

DAILY TEXT, Today Thursday January 5, 2023, The Son of Man came to give his life as a ransom in exchange for many people (Mar. 10:45).

DAILY TEXT, Thursday January 5, 2023,  The Son of Man came to give his life as a ransom in exchange for many people (Mark 10:45).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023

Thursday January 5

The Son of Man came to give his life as a ransom in exchange for many people (Mark 10:45).

When Adam—who was perfect—sinned, he lost the opportunity for himself and any children he had to live forever. What Adam did was without excuse, for he sinned willfully. He deserved to die. But what about his children? They had nothing to do with Adam's sin (Rom. 5:12, 14). Could anything be done to rescue them from the death penalty? Of course. Shortly after Adam sinned, Jehovah revealed how he would rescue millions of Adam's descendants from the curse of sin and death (Gen. 3:15). The ransom makes it possible for us to have a good friendship with Jehovah even though we are imperfect. Thanks to the ransom, the works of the Devil will be completely undone (1 John 3:8). In addition, Jehovah's original purpose of making the earth a paradise will be carried out. w21.04 16:1, 17.

Why must we forgive?

Do we have a tendency to hold a grudge against those who offend us? (Lev. 19:18). If so, let's put this advice into practice: “Keep supporting each other and forgiving generously even if someone has a reason to complain about another. Jehovah generously forgave you, so do likewise” (Col. 3:13). Every time we forgive a brother, we show our heavenly Father that we truly appreciate the ransom. How can we value this gift from God more and more?

What will help us value the ransom more?

Let us thank Jehovah for the rescue. Joanna, an 83-year-old sister living in India, says: “I think it's important to mention the ransom in my prayers every day and thank Jehovah for it.” In our personal prayers, let's think about the mistakes we've made during the day and ask Jehovah to forgive us. Although, if we have committed a serious sin, we will also have to ask the elders for help. They will listen to us and advise us with love using the Bible. In addition, they will pray with us and ask Jehovah to forgive us thanks to Jesus' sacrifice so that we can recover spiritually (James 5:14-16).

Why should we take time to read about and meditate on the ransom?

Let us meditate on the rescue. A 73-year-old sister named Rajamani says: "When I read all that Jesus suffered, my eyes fill with tears." We, too, may be moved when we think of how much the Son of God suffered. But the more we meditate on the sacrifice that Jesus made, the more we will love him and his Father. In order to accomplish this, why don't we include ransom in our personal study?

How does it benefit us to teach others about the rescue? (See cover image.)

Let's teach others about the rescue. Every time we tell others about the rescue, we appreciate it more. We have very good tools to explain why Jesus had to die for us. For example, we can use lesson 4 from the Good News From God pamphlet, entitled “Who Is Jesus Christ?” Or we can use chapter 5 of the book What does the Bible teach us?, entitled "The ransom, God's greatest gift." And each year our gratitude for the ransom grows as we attend the Memorial of Jesus' death and enthusiastically invite others to do the same. What an honor it is that Jehovah has commissioned us to teach others about his Son!

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