Sunday, December 11, 2022

LIVING AS CHRISTIANS 2022: Week from December 12 to 18, "Don't be afraid of the end of this system", Analysis with the audience.

LIVING AS CHRISTIANS  2022: December 12-18, 2022, "Don't be afraid of the end of this system", Analysis with the audience.

“Don't be afraid of the end of this system” (5 min.): Analysis with the audience. 

Jehovah's patience with this wicked world is running out more and more. And when that happens, all false religions will come to an end. And as the paragraph mentions, A Coalition or Group of Nations will attack the people of God. And therefore all the bad people are going to be finished off at Armageddon, and that is something that all of Jehovah's servants look forward to, as these events will be historic for God's people. 

We do not know in detail what exactly will happen in the great tribulation, for example the exact moment when it will begin. Nor do we know what reasons governments will give to justify their attack on religions. How long will the attack of the Nations against the people of God last? What will it consist of? and What will Jehovah do to exterminate the wicked at Armageddon?

Although it is true that this event can cause us a bit of fear, we must trust in Jehovah, since the Bible gives us all the information we need to remain calm. For example, we know that we are in the final part of «The Last Days». We also know that the attack on religions «Will be shortened» And the reason is so that the true religion does not disappear.

Furthermore, we can be sure that Jehovah has chosen someone just and powerful to eliminate the wicked and save the great crowd at Armageddon.

These events caused people to faint from fear. But we will be confident, since reflecting on how Jehovah saved his people in the past and what he has revealed about the future, we will have confidence to do what Luke 21:28 mentions, stand up and raise our heads because our liberation it is very close.

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