Tuesday, December 6, 2022

DAILY TEXT, From today Wednesday December 7, 2022, I myself will look for my sheep and take care of them (Ezek. 34:11).

DAILY TEXT, Wednesday December 7, 2022, I myself will look for my sheep and take care of them (Ezek. 34:11).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2022

Wednesday December 7

I myself will look for my sheep and take care of them (Ezek. 34:11).

In the time of the prophet Isaiah, Jehovah said to his people: “Can a woman forget her baby . . . Even if these women forget, I would never forget you” (Is. 49:15). It is not often that Jehovah compares himself to a mother, but on this occasion he did. He used the bond between a mother and her child to highlight the deep love she has for her servants. Most mothers identify with what a sister named Jasmin said: "When you breastfeed your baby, you create a very special bond that lasts a lifetime." Jehovah notices when one of his sons stops preaching and going to meetings. Many of these dear brothers return to the congregation, and we welcome them with open arms. Jehovah wants them back, and so do we (1 Pet. 2:25). w20.06 25:1-3.

What effect can work have on some?

Some get too involved in their work. A brother named Hung, who lives in Southeast Asia, admits: “I got sucked into my job. I made the mistake of thinking that if I earned more money I would be able to serve Jehovah better. So I started working longer hours and missing meetings more and more. In the end, I withdrew from the congregation entirely. It seems the world is designed to make people drift away from God little by little."

What happened to a sister because of all her troubles?

Other siblings struggle with issues that weigh them down. Let's look at the case of Anne, who is from Great Britain and has five children. She recounts: “One of my children was born with severe disabilities. Later, one of my daughters was expelled and another of my sons was diagnosed with a mental illness. I got so depressed that I stopped going to meetings and preaching, and ended up becoming inactive.” It breaks our hearts that brothers like Anne and her family go through such difficult situations.

What could happen if we don't follow the advice in Colossians 3:13?

(Read Colossians 3:13.) There are servants of Jehovah who feel that a brother has hurt them. The apostle Paul recognized that sometimes we may have a valid reason to complain about another. We may even have been treated unfairly. But if we are not careful, we could become resentful and end up alienating Jehovah's people. Let's look at the case of a brother from South America named Pablo. They falsely accused him of doing something wrong and, as a result, he lost a service responsibility. How did he react? He says, "I was so angry that I walked away from the congregation."

What can feelings of guilt lead us to?

It may also be that those who committed a serious sin in the past continue to feel guilty and even believe that they are not worthy of God's love. Even if they were repentant and shown mercy, they may feel that they no longer deserve to be part of your people. This is how a brother named Francisco felt. He recounts: “I was censured for falling into sexual immorality. Although at first I continued to go to the meetings, I became depressed and felt that I did not deserve to be among Jehovah's people. My conscience bothered me and I was sure that Jehovah had not forgiven me. Over time, I stopped preaching and going to the Hall.” What do we think of the brothers who face situations like the ones we have seen? Do we see them with empathy? And, more important, what does God think of them?

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