Monday, December 12, 2022

DAILY TEXT, From today Tuesday December 13, 2022, I am grateful to God and I always remember you in the prayers I make day and night (2 Tim. 1:3).

DAILY TEXT, Tuesday December 13, 2022, I am grateful to God and I always remember you in my prayers day and night (2 Tim. 1:3).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2022

Tuesday December 13

I am grateful to God and I always remember you in the prayers that I pray day and night (2 Tim. 1:3).

The Apostle Paul could have focused on the past and thought that if he had made other decisions, he might not have been arrested. He might have resented the men from the Asia province who had abandoned him and become distrustful of his other friends. But he didn't do any of that. Even knowing that he would soon die, he did not lose sight of the fact that the most important thing was to give glory to Jehovah. In addition, he continued to look for ways to encourage others and to pray to Jehovah with confidence. He did not dwell on the idea that some had deserted him, but rather he expressed his deep gratitude for the love and help of his loyal friends. He also continued to study the Word of God (2 Tim. 3:16, 17; 4:13). And, what is more important, he was totally convinced that Jehovah and Jesus loved him. w21.03 18 pars. 17, 18.

How did Jehovah help Paul?

Jehovah had warned Paul that he would be persecuted for being a Christian (Acts 21:11-13). How did Jehovah help Paul? He answered his prayers and gave him strength (2 Tim. 4:17). He also assured him that he would get the reward he had worked so hard for and encouraged Paul's loyal friends to give him practical help.

How can we imitate the faith that Paul expressed in Romans 8:38, 39?

Apply. Let us ask ourselves: “How can I imitate Paul?”. Like Paul, we know that we will be persecuted for our faith (Mark 10:29, 30). To be loyal in the face of trials, we need to pray to Jehovah with confidence and have good study habits. We must not forget that one of the most important things we can do is give glory to Jehovah. We can be sure that he will never leave us and that nothing can be done to stop him loving us (see Romans 8:38, 39; Heb. 13:5, 6).

What helped Aya and Hector to overcome their problems?

Whatever our circumstances, Bible examples can strengthen us. For example, Aya, a pioneer from Japan, says that Jonah's story helped her overcome her fear of participating in public witness work. Hector, a young man from Indonesia who serves Jehovah even though his parents are not Witnesses, says Ruth's example helps him want to learn more about Jehovah and serve him.

How can we get the most out of the Biblical videos and audios and the "Examples of Faith" section?

Where can we find more information about biblical characters that will strengthen us? Videos, audio plays, and articles in the “Examples of Faith” section bring Bible stories to life. Before viewing, hearing, or reading this well-researched information, let us ask Jehovah to help us find practical lessons for our lives. Let's imagine ourselves in the place of the main character. Consider what he did and how Jehovah helped this faithful servant deal with his problems. Next, let's apply what we've learned to our situation. Finally, let us thank Jehovah for the help he has already given us and show our gratitude by looking for opportunities to encourage and support others.

What does Jehovah promise us at Isaiah 41:10, 13?

Life in this world controlled by Satan can be hard, and sometimes we won't know what to do (2 Tim. 3:1). But we don't have to worry or be afraid. Jehovah knows what we are going through. When we need help, he promises to uphold us with his mighty right hand (read Isaiah 41:10, 13). We are sure that Jehovah will help us, and the Bible will give us the strength to overcome any difficulty.

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