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“He Defended Pure Worship Courageously and Decisively” (10 min.)
In the year 905 before the common era. It was a time of great changes for Israel And we say this because some 100 years before Jehovah had caused the division of the United Kingdom of Israel due to Solomon's apostasy. Now Jeroboam did not want his subjects to travel to swear to worship in the temple, therefore, he instituted the worship of calves in Israel, and thus established a pattern of idolatry that spread throughout the town.
Now the situation became even more complicated when Ahab ascended the throne. His foreign wife, Jezebel, promoted Baal worship and murdered Jehovah's prophets. Despite clear warnings from the prophet Elijah, Ahab did not stop her.
When Ahab died, his son Jeroboam succeeded him. The time had come to cleanse the country. Elisha, Elijah's successor, notified the ugly commander that Jehovah urged him to be the next King of Israel. What would be his commission? Let's go to the Bible and see the story directly Let's see, please, Second Kings 9:6,7 if you found it, please accompany me with the reading.
So Jehu got up and went into the house. The servant poured the oil on his head and said: “This is what Jehovah, the God of Israel, says: 'I anoint you as king of Jehovah's people, of Israel. 7 You must destroy the house of your master Ahab, and I will avenge the blood of my servants the prophets and of all the servants of Jehovah who have died at the hands of Jezebel.
According to the text read, what was the commission? Exterminate the sinful house of Ahab and avenge the blood of the prophets that Jezebel had shed… .Immediately - says the Bible - Geo obeyed and note how that event happened in 2 Kings 9:22-24, 30-33.
WE ARE GOING TO READ 2 KINGS 9:22-24, 30-33.
As soon as Jehoram saw Jehu, he said: “Will you come in peace, Jehu?” But he replied, “How can there be peace as long as your mother Jezebela continues her prostitution and all her sorceries?”b 23 Immediately Jehoram turned his chariot to flee and said to Ahaziah, “We fell into the trap! Ahaziah!" 24 Jehu seized his bow and shot Jehoram between the shoulders. The arrow went through his heart, and he collapsed into his war chariot.30 When Jehu got to Jezreel, Jezebel found out. So he painted black * his eyes, he adorned his head and looked down through the window. 31 Jehu was entering the gate of the city, and she said, “Did it go well with Zimri, the one who killed his lord?” 32 Looking up at the window, he asked, “Who is on my side? Who?” Immediately, two or three court officials looked down on him. 33 He said, “Throw it out!” So they dumped it. The wall and the horses were splattered with blood, and he ran over her.
As we can see, Jehu fulfilled his mission and defended pure worship with courage and determination... This is how Jehu's obedience is described, and Jehovah fulfilled what he promised Elijah. Now let's read 2 Kings 10:17.
17 Jehu came to Samaria and killed all that remained of Ahab's house in Samaria until he had wiped them out, according to the words that Jehovah had spoken to Elijah.
Which it was the result? The scriptures describe Jesus as a brave man who delivered Israel from the oppression of Jezebel and her family. Surely as Christians we are faced with circumstances that demand courage and decision from us, and how often it is given to making a decision. Will we take Jehovah into account before deciding? Before answering this question we must remember at that moment that our devotion to Jehovah comes first, we cannot tolerate any rivalry.
Today the final judgment of false religion is near. We Christians preach good news to all mankind under the angelic guidance of Jehovah and encourage people to separate themselves from false religion.
Today's Christians also invite the meek to submit to the kingdom of God in the hands of Jesus Christ…. That is why we must not allow our zeal to uphold true worship and fulfill the mandate of Matthew 28:19,20 to make disciples of people of all nations to weaken.
On one occasion when King David was under great pressure, he made a prayer found in Psalm 57:7,9, where he expresses his feelings through this praise, mentioning that his heart was firm. What can we say about us? Our heart is also firm despite many difficulties? Regardless of what Satan tried to do to discourage or oppose us. Let's show that our heart remains straight with our Lord Jesus Christ.
And although at the end of his days, Jehu was wrong, that fact left us a great lesson, We must never take our relationship with Jehovah for granted. Let us give our allegiance to him and we will achieve it by studying his word, meditating on it and sincere communication with him. Therefore, let us do our best to keep walking in Jehovah's law with all our hearts.
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