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“A beautiful public prayer full of humility” (10 min.)
Some people have excellent singing voices. Others have a natural talent for music. But to fully develop their faculties, any of these people need instruction. Something similar happens in the case of prayer. Although we are free to address Jehovah at any time, doing so privately or publicly varies greatly, like singers.
When one is practicing in the shower, at home, singing any melody that we like. But, it is not true that when an artist already presents himself to the public he has to improve. That is what we are going to review in this section of treasures of the Bible with the title: «A beautiful public prayer full of humility», And it is loving of Jehovah to have left prayers written in his Word that teach us a lot to know how to do them in public, because it is different to do them than in private.
For example, in private we could resemble a child who can approach his father and tell him more tender, more intimate words, due to his familiarity. But if he addresses his father in front of other people for some other situation, it is possible that he uses different words of more respect towards his father. And as Christians we have different facets where we have to pray in public and it is very different from praying in private.
That is why we are going to review with the help of what is written in 1 Kings, about how it is an appropriate way to address Jehovah both in a respectful way and also teaching others. Because we have to pray in public in front of the students, in front of the family, in front of the congregation, and there has to be a model to follow and the correct way to express ourselves before others to indicate the respect we have for Jehovah.
LET'S READ: 1 Kings 8:22.
22 And Solomon proceeded to stand before the altar of Jehovah, in front of all the congregation of Israel, and now he extended his palms to the heavens.
Sometimes it is up to the men of the congregation to say prayers in front of the others. And here is a good example of the deep respect that Jehovah has. But not only those who perform the prayer show such respect.
But the way in which one should lead in prayer is also important, not only the posture, but also what is said.
LET'S READ: 1 Kings 8:23,24.
23 and went on to say: “O Jehovah the God of Israel, there is no God like you in the heavens above or on the earth below, who keep covenant and loving-kindness toward your servants who are walking before you with all their heart, 24 you who have kept for your servant David my father what you promised him, so that you made the promise with your own mouth, and with your own hand you have fulfilled it, as at this day.
By carefully examining these words, we can see that Solomon is not extolling what he has accomplished from helping build the temple, from his father's materials, etc. No, he is heading to exalt Jehovah in everything. "There is no God like you" he says here. That is what we should always be concerned about in our public prayers. May Jehovah be praised. Let him be told the most beautiful things possible, acknowledging him as our God, as our instructor, as our Savior, etc.
I want to take the attribution of briefly putting a recording that is in JW and that we are going to put at the bottom of this video so that you have the reference and can completely download an audio play that is in JW called «El Jehovah's name shall be declared in all the earth." This play came out many years ago and personally the prayer that is made when the Israelites are going to leave Egypt towards the Red Sea is one of the most beautiful prayers before eating the Passover dinner the first time it was made It would be nice if we listen to it.
Beautiful prayer. At the bottom you will find the link so you can download all the audio and have something really beautiful that lasts a little over an hour. That is the way we should address Jehovah, exalt him, praise him, address Jehovah, exalt him, praise him, address him exclusively. We don't want to talk about ourselves in terms of qualities we have or what we have done, etc.
But to do so requires humility. And that is what Solomon had at the time that he was doing the dedication prayer of the temple. Although this construction was masterful.
LET'S READ: 1 Kings 8:27.
27 “But will God really dwell on earth? Look! The heavens, yes, the heaven of heavens, they themselves cannot contain you; How much less, then, this house that I have built!
Solomon here I pray with humility. It is an excellent example of the correct way in which we should pray in public, whether in front of Bible students or in front of our brothers in the congregations.
So like these people who have a great singing voice, or have some natural talent for music, they have to practice and practice. We also want to do it, because our goal is to pray to Jehovah in a public way, full of humility. He deserves it for being the sovereign of the universe.
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