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“Trust Jehovah to Help You” (10 min.)
What is trust for you according to a dictionary trust means I will believe in another person who is honest and sincere who is capable and wants to act appropriately in a given situation.
But it has happened to you that when you have a problem it is difficult for you to ask a certain person for help because perhaps you do not have enough confidence to tell them to help you, either morally or physically. Question now that we should ask ourselves is: we have enough confidence to tell him enough confidence to tell Jehovah to help us in such a situation or when we have a problem at that time it is reflected if we trust in Jehovah. There was a servant in the past who had confidence in Jehovah to tell him about his problems.
LET'S READ: 2 Samuel 22:7.
7 In my anguish I kept calling on the Lord, and I kept crying out to my God.
In this text we see how many problems this character had but for many it is easy to turn to a person and not to Jehovah, why?
Because perhaps a person feels more attached or more confident, however in the text we see that Jehovah is sooner than any human being imagines this person suffering so much anguish and what does the text say I called Jehovah, and here we can see how much superiority he has trust Jehovah because perhaps when we need to vent or ask a person for help we have to go where that person is, however the text says that for Jehovah we only have to call him.
And as we can see, he was so sure that Jehovah was listening to him because precisely when I speak of his anguish, he immediately says he heard my voice, they reached his ears, when we have problems, when we have difficult decisions to make, who is it that we tell our relatives first? our trusted friend and we turn first to Jehovah to tell him what we are going through. We said before that we must have greater priority trust in Jehovah, why do we say that?
LET'S READ: 2 Samuel 22:14,18.
14 From heaven Jehovah began to thunder, and the Most High himself began to give his voice. 15 And he kept sending arrows, to scatter them; lightning bolts, to confuse them. 16 And the channels of the sea were made visible, the foundations of the productive land were laid bare, at Jehovah's rebuke, from the gust of breath from his nostrils. 17 He was sending from on high, he was taking me, he was pulling me out of great waters. 18 he was delivering me from my strong enemy, from those who hated me; because they were stronger than me.
How do we see something that helps us to trust in Jehovah is that he has the necessary strength to help us the necessary power perhaps for the human being to help us sometimes it is difficult because his strength is limited however we see why they had confidence in Jehovah they had seen their strength they had seen how by a simple power they had opened the waters of the sea how easily he had freed him from his enemies who were stronger than him this teaches us and trust in Jehovah because he will not disappoint us.
LET'S READ: 2 Samuel 22:26.
26 With someone loyal you will act in loyalty; with the mighty, faultless one, you will deal in a faultless way.
Loyalty means being by that person's side until they have fulfilled their purpose. That's right Jehovah stays with us until we have the strength to endure this disease until we are strong to endure the persecution of his enemies.
And why does it? because loyalty also means acting in loving kindness this means that Jehovah loves you that is why when you ask him for help he is chi eat a loving father and runs when his son has a problem and the illustration Well, it can teach us a lot that young woman we see there, what is her problem? Well, perhaps he has to endure the opposition of his family for wanting to study the Bible. Although Jehovah is not going to act miraculously as he did in the past, well, he can help us in different ways.
For example, through his holy spirit by giving us the strength to endure the Bible through his word and he can also use our brothers who are in the congregation to give us strength to continue putting ourselves on Jehovah's side, that is why we continue to develop that confidence because, as we have seen, if we cry out for help, Jehovah will be there and if the enemy seems stronger than us, Jehovah is even stronger than him. And finally, let us trust in Jehovah because he loves his servants like a father loves his children.
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