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“Stay humble when things go well for you” (10 mins.)
On one occasion I heard a certain joke they said, I'm proud to be humble and most of us laughed. But seeing it well, there is something true about that expression, because many people boast believing that by saying those things or appearing to be somewhat humble they will feel good and will do others. However, within the Christian sphere, the humility that one has at the beginning may be lost when we are doing things better.
That's what we're going to talk about in the Treasures of the Bible topic. "Don't lose your humility when things go your way." And, to be honest, if we do things well, have you not felt satisfied after giving a talk or a participation in the meeting, an interview in the Kingdom Hall or an assembly? come out perfectly. You feel good, it's not bad to feel proud of having done things well.
And one feels this way because the purpose has been achieved on the spiritual plane, to help others to motivate them in some way. However, there are times when we do something right and believe that we are the best of the best. And for this we can examine the example of King David.
He, before being a king, had exceptional qualities. People spoke well of him. He stood out in many ways. Let's review a few here.
LET'S READ: 1 Samuel 18:5,7.
5 David began to go out to fight, and no matter where Saul sent him, he was always successful. So Saul put him in command of the men of war. And this pleased Saul's servants and all the people. 6 When David and the soldiers returned from defeating the Philistines, the women came out of all the cities of Israel to meet King Saul. They were singing and dancing with joy, with tambourines and lutes. 7 The women celebrating the victory sang: "Saul has defeated thousands, and David, tens of thousands."
Por lo que leemos aquí. David siempre tenía éxito en todo. Donde se lo ponía él hacía las cosas bien. Hay que recordar que era un pastor. Pero aquí lo estamos viendo ya a un hombre de guerra que dirige las cosas muy bien. Y el pueblo se daba cuenta de eso, porque en la canción de Victoria decían Saúl ha derrotado a miles y David a decenas de miles. Así que la gente reconocía que David todo le salía muy bien.
Pero , ¿Por qué suceden estas cosas? ¿Cómo era que David era tan bueno en todo que siempre tenia éxito?.
VAMOS A LEER: 1 Samuel 18:14.
14 A David todo le salía bien, y Jehová estaba con él.
Así que esa era la clave por la cual a David le salían bien las cosas, porque Jehová lo apoyaba. Jehová le brindaba todo lo necesario para que él tenga éxito. Recuerde que aquí en 1 Samuel 18:5,7, se lo exaltaba como un gran guerrero. Pero su origen no era ese. Él comenzó siendo un pastor, así que Jehová, su espíritu, fue el que lo capacitó para que tuviera el éxito.
Por eso se dice que cuando uno tiene una participación de cualquier aspecto en la congregación, así creamos que sea algo tan sencillo. Antes de subirnos a la plataforma se nos recomienda que hagamos una oración a Jehová para que nos ayude a hacer un buen trabajo, no para exaltarnos, sino más bien para honrarlo a Jehová y que se transmita la información que Jehová desea que llegue a su pueblo.
Volviendo al punto de David, teniendo tanto éxito, tanta alabanza de las personas, ¿Cuánto le afectó eso en su manera de tratar a los demás?.
VAMOS A LEER: 1 Samuel 22:23.
22 Además, Saúl les ordenó a sus siervos: “Díganle a David en secreto: ‘El rey está muy contento contigo, y todos sus siervos te tienen cariño. Así que hazte yerno del rey’”. 23 Cuando los siervos de Saúl le dijeron esto a David, él les contestó: “¿Se creen que es tan fácil que un hombre como yo, pobre e insignificante, se convierta en yerno del rey?”.
¿Qué podemos percibir en David mediante estas palabras? Que nunca perdió la humildad, las cosas le salían bien, pero su humildad estaba intacta a pesar de todas las alabanzas que él escuchaba, de lo que la gente opinaba de él. Sin embargo, decía que era un hombre pobre e insignificante que no se consideraba que podría convertirse en el yerno del rey.
We return to the point. David recognized that what he had, his qualities, his abilities and privileges, was because Jehovah had been humble and had paid attention to him. How does Jehovah become humble? Because Jehovah does not need any human being to raise up his people, to lead him. He could easily do it, but the fact that Jehovah is humble, he chooses someone much lower than a human being and sets him high before everyone else. For this reason, David once said that thanks to Jehovah's humility, he had become great.
And that is the way we want to act. Let us never lose our humility when things go well, so let us always recognize that if we are doing something well, it is because Jehovah has prepared us for it. What can help us remain humble? Recognize the source of everything we have and of course, that we use our gifts to serve our brothers, to help them progress spiritually and so that all honor and glory go to Jehovah.
May you never be one to say, "I'm proud to be humble." It is better that Jehovah is always using him in the place that he sees fit. Jehovah is the first humble person because he chooses us to serve him within his people and thanks to the fact that he has done that, it is that we can be instruments to encourage, stimulate our brothers. Let us do our best to remain humble so that Jehovah may be the one receiving all the praise.
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