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1, 2. What symbolic upheaval was predicted for our times?
The prophet Haggai predicted "the shaking that Jehovah is causing to all the nations of the world," in Haggai 2: 6 he declared: "This is what Jehovah of armies says:" Once more in a little while I will shake the heavens and the earth , the sea and the dry ground ».
Just as a physical earthquake shakes the earth and buildings, the prophet Haggai prophesied that during our time Jehovah will in a similar way shake all the nations of the world in a symbolic way.
Yes, as has been commented, this shaking does not affect only one city but the whole world and also it is not at a specific time but has lasted for decades.
Just as those who have experienced a physical shock, for example an earthquake, say that it is something difficult to forget, this symbolic shock will also be difficult to forget in two senses, negative and positive.
3. What is the difference between this symbolic shaking and a literal earthquake?
The difference is that a "literal earthquake" causes destruction, but the "symbolic shaking" of which Haggai speaks produces good results, because out of these come "the valuable things of all nations." In Haggai 2: 7 the prophet announces that Jehovah himself said: "I will shake all nations, and the valuable things of all nations will enter this house and I will fill it with glory."
The difference is that a literal earthquake only brings bad things but this symbolic shock also produces good results.
In fact it is surprising because an earthquake usually destroys houses and ruins things of value, however in Haggai 2: 7 it is said that this shaking would cause the valuable things of the nations to enter the house of Jehovah and it will be filled with glory.
So in this article we will analyze what this prophecy meant in Haggai times and also how it is being fulfilled today what it means for us.
And something nice that we are going to see is how we too can participate in that shaking.
4. Why did Jehovah send the prophet Haggai?
Jehovah sent Haggai to help and encourage the people to complete the rebuilding of the temple. In Haggai 1: 2 we read the feeling of discouragement that the people had, they said: "The time has not yet come to build the house of Jehovah." This feeling was caused by the opposition of the neighboring lands, which resulted in him abandoning the work, that is why Jehovah sends Haggai with the mission of "encouraging the people to finish the construction."
For I am sending him to get his servants to regain their enthusiasm, apparently it is said that he was one of those who returned to Jerusalem from exile in Babylon and began to lay the foundations of the temple but later faced opposition, they were discouraged and abandoned these works, so Jehovah He needed to encourage them again to regain that enthusiasm and so he sent the prophet Haggai.
In Ezra 4: 4 you can see the demoralizing effect on the part of neighboring nations that infected Jehovah's people with discouragement but it is very nice to see after the work that Haggai did in Ezra 6:14 and 15 we see the contrast when there now full of advice that he had given says that the elders of the Jews encouraged by the prophecies of Haggai and Zechariah began the work with ardor and finished the work that had been entrusted to them, so Haggai developed a crucial work in that matter.
5. Why must Haggai's message have been so encouraging to God's people?
Because as Haggai 2: 4 says, this message indicated that they had the support of "the Lord of hosts." This will ensure a successful rebuilding of the temple. So surely, the Jews were encouraged and trusted that "Jehovah of armies" would help them through his immense army of angels.
Part of what Haggai said was from Jehovah himself and he told you to be strong and agreed with you because Jehovah of armies is with you what encouraging words.
And that expression Jehovah of armies reminded them that Jehovah has an immense army of angels, so even though they had to face this opposition from enemy nations that could resemble an army, Jehovah's army will become stronger more powerful. older and that gave them confidence.
6. What effects would the shaking predicted by Haggai have?
The effects would be: on the one hand, that God's people would finish building the temple, and, on the other hand, non-Jewish people would join them and worship Jehovah in the restored temple.
For unlike a literal shaking that would be a disaster here it says that God's people would finish building the work thanks to that shaking even non-Jewish people would join them and worship Jehovah in the restored temple.
And this would happen because what was the dominant power at that time, which was Persia, was going to shake and there were many nations that encompassed this world power, then from there the people were going to be liberated so that they could work and others would also come to worship. Jehovah.
So in short, the quality that we talked about in the previous paragraph, which was courage, as mentioned in Zechariah 8: 9, there is said to be brave, so I encouraged them in such a way that it gave them that courage to continue with the work.
7. What work are we helping to do in our day?
We are privileged to participate in the work of proclaiming that "The Kingdom of God" is the only hope for mankind. As Matthew 24:14 says, this "good news" message is "being announced throughout the inhabited earth" and is shaking the whole world.
For we are helping to tell the whole world that there is no ruler left on earth that has been set by Jehovah and that the only solution to humanity's problems is the kingdom of God.
We are also proclaiming as Psalm 2: 6 says that Jehovah has already set a king to rule who is his son Jesus Christ, therefore this means a threat to the governments of this world.
The paragraph mentions two key dates, one in 1914 the moment when Jehovah established Jesus Christ as king and the other 1919 because from that moment especially Jehovah's people began with force to proclaim this good news.
8. According to Psalm 2: 1-3, how have most nations reacted to this message?
Most nations have reacted negatively. As this Psalm says, "the nations are in an uproar, they are gathered as one against Jehovah and his Anointed One." They refuse to accept Jesus as Jehovah's appointed ruler. Some governments attack their loyal servants, prohibit preaching, and do not believe that the Kingdom message is "good news." Although they claim to serve God, they do not want to give up their power and authority.
Most have responded negatively, they do the opposite as the Psalm says they are united as one against Jehovah and against his anointed one.
That is why they do not believe that this message that we carry of good news of the kingdom is a message of good news for humanity, in fact some are opposing that kingdom by prohibiting those proclaimers of that message in some places or opposing in some quite forceful way and brutal.
The reason behind not accepting the message is pride. They are not willing to lose their power to give up the authority to whom it belongs, that proud attitude leads them to reject Jehovah's anointed.
This rejection of Jesus as king by extension concerns us because we are the representatives here on earth through preaching, so many of these governments that claim to believe in God support God then in reality, not because they even try to stop the work of the kingdom.
The idea of Acts 4: 25-28 appears in the paragraph, there you can see one of the reactions that these rulers are attacking Jehovah's people today, but it is not new at that time because they also opposed Jehovah's anointed, attacking him for the most part. and there we see the attitude of Herod, Pontius Pilate also united against the king that Jehovah was going to establish his anointed one.
Interesting about this text is that it is the same idea of what the psalm says as well, they united even though they were enemies among themselves because Herod and Pontius Pilate did not have a particularly good relationship with each other but to attack Jehovah's anointed in that case to Jehovah's representative on earth if they did.
Series of images: 1. Haggai conveys a message to the Jews who have stopped rebuilding the temple due to discouragement. 2. Brothers and sisters announce a speech by Joseph Rutherford with signs in their hands and hung from their shoulders. Some signs say, "Serve God and Christ the King." 3. With the help of "The Watchtower" number 2 of 2020, which talks about the Kingdom, a couple preaches by letter and by phone. 4. Jesus and his army of angels come from heaven to destroy God's enemies.
Are you participating to the fullest in the Earth-shaking work that is taking place today? (See paragraphs 7 and 8). *
9. How does Jehovah respond to the negative reaction of the nations?
In Psalm 2: 10-12, "Jehovah invites these kings to accept correction and honor his son, otherwise he will be indignant with them and they will die." Thus, Jehovah is kind and gives these opponents a period of time to change their minds and accept his Kingdom, so today it is more urgent than ever for people to know the truth and make the decision to stand on the side of Jehovah.
Well, Jehovah is very merciful and very kind to these opponents since he tells them to change their attitude towards the king and his kingdom, so as we see it is more urgent than ever that people know the truth of Jehovah and make the decision to stand up part of Jehovah because Jehovah's patience has a limit and is already running out.
Isaiah 61: 2 speaks that we proclaim a message of good will and here in Psalm 2 it also speaks and says serve Jehovah, all who take refuge in him rejoice happily, that is, our message is that but there is no doubt that in the end too the day of revenge is coming.
The answer given by Jehovah indicates it very clearly, the first words of Psalm 2 say Kings be insightful accept the correction, it is noted the goodness of Jehovah allows them time to change but this time as we said will be exhausted because Jehovah's patience will reach a point at which he runs out how he says at the end of the verse his fury flares up quickly so Jehovah is allowing a certain margin of time for the judges the kings to change.
10. According to Haggai 2: 7-9, what positive reaction would there be as a result of the shaking?
In these texts they say that the positive result of the shaking of the nations is that: "the things of value that is, the good-hearted people of all the nations" will come to worship Jehovah.
The so-called asterisk highlights an important point because previously, when we explained these texts, we said that "it was not this shaking that made the nations desirable things come out." Jehovah has allowed the progressive light of truth to be clearer and that is why we understand that it is: "Through this shaking, to the nations that people of upright heart embrace true worship."
The text here says that valuable things from all nations will come in and that means good-hearted people will come to worship Jehovah.
And the explanation given in this paragraph 10 is how the attached note based on The Watchtower of May 2006 mentions an adjustment in our way of understanding this prophecy because there this action of rocking or shaking all the nations was the way in which people of right heart embraced true worship and in that Watchtower it was said no, but we are seeing it that yes that the preaching of the good news of the kingdom is the main way of how they are rocked to all the nations.
And this prophecy of Haggai is also supported by prophecies such as the one in Isaiah that we see in chapter 2 verse 2 to 4, there he also spoke that all nations would flow to Jehovah's mountain, so valuable things people with a good heart come to worship to Jehovah.
11. How did a brother react when he first heard the Kingdom message?
Brother Ken's reaction was positive, he says: “He understood that in order to receive God's approval and eternal life, he had to come out of this unstable world and stand firmly on Jehovah's side. So he immediately prayed and left this world behind and took refuge in the Kingdom of God, which cannot be shaken.
Well, the brother shows different steps that he followed after listening, he understood and was clear about what he had to do, he visualized the time in which he was, he says that he prayed and immediately began to act in that way, not only did he find refuge in the kingdom of God but also could see how Jehovah blessed him.
In a literal earthquake people escape from fragile buildings and take refuge in more stable places and this brother did exactly that, when he heard the good news of the kingdom he left this world and took refuge in the kingdom of God.
We are talking about a message of shaking, if we want people to shake how happened to this brother we have to include an urgency component in fact in his comments he says I am glad to know that we are living in the last days that was the first shock in the message and that's how he reacted.
The reaction of this brother and the one that some of us have experienced or have seen in people to whom we have made known the truth makes us see the beautiful privilege that we have of being able to carry this message and to shake the desirable things of this world so that they understand the moment in which we are and that we give urgency to this work.
12. How has Jehovah's spiritual temple been filled with glory during these last days?
Jehovah's spiritual temple has been filled with glory because there has been an impressive increase in people worshiping God in the right way. Today, we are more than 8 million active servants who have put on the new personality and give glory to his name "Jehovah" and serve in the earthly courtyards of his spiritual temple.
Well, on the one hand it has been the increase when this proclamation began from 1914 around the world there were a few thousand people participating in this shaking and today we are more than 8 million active participating in it.
And another way in which it has been filled with glory has been why there have been changes in these kind-hearted people, they have refined, as the letter to the Ephesians says, they have put on the new personality that according to the will of Jehovah brings them glory because it makes them obey its laws and have submitted to its rules.
The spiritual temple the paragraph explains in a very simple way represents everything that Jehovah has done so that we can worship him in a correct way, all those maneuvers on the part of Jehovah here on earth allow all of us these millions of people who want to join he can do it as he wants and deserves.
13. What other prophecies are fulfilling these exciting events? (See cover image).
For example, the prophecy of Isaiah 60:22 is being fulfilled where it says that: "The little one will become a thousand, and the insignificant one, a mighty nation." Thus, Jehovah has allowed the worldwide expansion of people who enter his village and are willing to join in the preaching of "the good news of the Kingdom." The words of Isaiah 60:16 are also fulfilled where Jehovah says that "you will drink the milk of the nations" which means that the abilities that the men and women of his people have are used to promote true worship such as that preached in 240 countries and territories and publications are published in more than 1000 languages.
One of them is in chapter 60 of Isaiah verse 22, it says that the little one would become a thousand and the insignificant one a powerful nation and we have commented that in 1914 we were very few servants of Jehovah here on earth but today we number in the millions.
And something wonderful about these valuable things that we are seeing in Jehovah's organization or that is becoming great are the qualities that they possess so different and so diverse that thanks to that, as he says, it is made up of men and women who are preaching in 240 countries and territories and publications are being published in more than a thousand languages, so thanks to those skills, Jehovah's people are reaching the ends of the earth and Jehovah's work increasing.
And it is very nice to remember that we are seeing the fulfillment of this prophecy is the milk of the nations these resources of the nations that we are now drinking as an organization are allowing incredible things such as that we can have access to the internet that we can receive the information at the same time things that undoubtedly strengthen our faith.
Series of images: Brothers from different cultures happily participate in the preaching work. 1. A sister writes a letter. 2. A married couple preaches on the phone. 3. A brother writes on a laptop. 4. A mother helps her little girl write a letter.
God's servants around the world have been happily preaching the message of God's Kingdom to people. (See paragraph 13)
14. What decision do people have to make now?
They have to make "the personal decision" to: support the kingdom of God, or continue to trust the governments of this world.
For you have to make the decision between supporting the kingdom of God or trusting the governments of this world.
And this does not mean that we do not obey the laws of every country in which we live, but it means that we are neutral in political matters and do not meddle in them.
15. What great test of loyalty is predicted in the book of Revelation?
In Revelation and 13:15 it says that “the wild beast is given the breath of life to kill anyone who refuses to worship it,” so this means that Jehovah's servants will continue to suffer intense persecution and opposition for supporting God's kingdom. Furthermore, in Revelation 13:16 it says that "the obligation is imposed on everyone to be marked on the right hand or on the forehead." In other words, people are expected to show by their actions and thoughts that they belong to and support political governments.
For it is mentioned that human governments will impose on all people the obligation to be marked on the right hand or on the forehead that is to say that everyone is expected to support the governments here on earth.
Revelation 12:15 says that the image of the beast will be brought to life to kill those who refused to worship the bony wild beast that this involves persecution and everything else.
And from this test of loyalty we did not get rid of any of us in Revelation 13:16, it says that all of them are small great rich poor free and slaves will impose the obligation to be marked, so regardless of who we are, what we call ourselves we have to go through this great loyalty test.
And this will mean positioning ourselves or we have the image mark or we belong to the political governments by our speech our thinking or our actions or we remain neutral and we belong to Jehovah.
Following the idea that no one escapes not even Jesus himself in the previous paragraph we saw the text of John 18 when he was in front of Pilate Jesus made his decision he said my kingdom is not part of this world.
16. Why is it urgent that we strengthen our loyalty to Jehovah now?
For those of us who refuse to receive the mark of the wild beast will face difficulties and dangers. Therefore, now is the time to ensure that our loyalty to Jehovah is firm. As Isaiah 44: 5 says, we worshipers of God must symbolically write on our hands the words "Belonging to Jehovah", which will indicate that we are his slaves and we belong to him, which will make our God happy.
If we are already seeing it today, to remain loyal to Jehovah and his organization sometimes we have to go against the tide by doing different things than the world does, but when we demonstrate our loyalty to those instructions and loyalty to Jehovah we can do what Isaiah says instead of putting on the devil's mark, we write to ourselves that we are the property of Jehovah.
This expression that says Revelation no one will be able to eat or buy or sell, it assumes that there will be social exclusion and these are strong so we must prepare now, so now we have to do everything necessary to show our loyalty to be very close to Jehovah to So that he can say this is my property. This feeling of being property of Jehovah is something precious that we already have to cultivate now so that when difficulties come we will have it clearer.
If we know that having that mark can facilitate living in this world but it would also involve having God's fury, that is what we do not want to have, on the contrary, if we do not have it, we make him happy.
At the end of the paragraph he mentions that we have to make sure now is the time to make sure that our loyalty to Jehovah is firm, so we do not have to wait for that moment to come, now we can demonstrate small aspects of our lives, daily aspects, for example, young people in We have been reminded many times by school of the importance of identifying themselves as Jehovah's Witnesses, it is a way of saying I belong to Jehovah or the work of the brothers also serves as protection and at the same time it is also a way of identifying ourselves with the one who is ours. God.
17. What should we remember about Jehovah's patience?
We must remember that Jehovah's patience has the limit. As 2 Peter 3: 9 says, "Jehovah is not slow to keep his promise, rather, his love and patience give people a chance to change." But in the end, if they don't, they will have to know that "he has power and is the only true god."
It is just as second Peter 3: 9 says, he does not want any of them to be destroyed but the verse begins by saying that Jehovah is not slow to fulfill his promise, that is, he will fulfill it will have an end.
With what happened in the time of Moses and the nation of Egypt, Jehovah showed his patience but at the moment that he saw it opportune, he took action, he magnified his name.
18. a) What other type of shaking is described in Haggai 2: 6, 20-22?
These texts describe a shaking that "involves not only the earth, but also the sky."
For we see that the previous shaking had a positive result and this shaking has a negative result in this case the destruction of those who refuse to recognize that Jehovah has the right to rule.
b) How do we know that Haggai's words will have a future fulfillment?
The key is in Hebrew 12: 26,27. There the apostle Paul quotes Haggai 2: 6, 20-22 and says that "once again" God would "rock the heavens and the earth," and "would destroy the throne of kingdoms and destroy the strength of the kingdoms of nations. ». So Paul quotes from the book of Haggai to show what will happen in the future to "the kingdoms of the nations." It is clear that his words point to a time after the first century, when he wrote the letter to the Hebrews.
Well, the apostle Paul in his letter to the Hebrews uses the expression once again I will shake not only the earth but also the sky, that is to say again Jehovah in this negative connotation of destruction over the word shaken will act again to destroy this type of people .
19. What will not be shaken, and how do we know it?
The only thing that was shaking us is the Kingdom of God. We know this because the Apostle Paul in Hebrew 12:28 tells anointed Christians "that they are to receive a Kingdom that cannot be shaken," with these words he shows how firm the Kingdom of God is. Also, in Daniel 2:44 it says that "the Kingdom of God will never be destroyed and will remain forever," therefore it will never be shaken.
Neither the king nor his kingdom promised by Jehovah, and we know it from the words of Daniel 2:44 Jehovah there says that his kingdom will not be passed on to any other people and will never be destroyed so Jehovah does not guarantee them.
The apostle Paul also wrote in Hebrews chapter 12 that the Anointed Jesus Christ were going to receive a kingdom that cannot be shaken and yet in the same paragraph Psalm chapter 110 is also quoted in which it is shown that there will be kingdoms that will to make shaken yes that the consequence is going to be destruction for them and we are talking about the human kingdoms.
20. What decision should people make, and how can we help them?
People must choose between: Continue to support the lifestyle that this world fosters and be destroyed or make the necessary changes to live according to God's will and receive eternal life. We can help them make the best decision by continuing to preach about the Kingdom of God and teach them to stand on his side.
They must decide between supporting the world's way of life and being destroyed in this final upheaval or making the necessary changes to live according to God's will and receive eternal life.
Hebrews 12:25 encourages us to do this because it tells us to make sure we listen to the one who is speaking because we already have the example in the past that says because if those who refused to listen to divine warnings did not escape, it is the same now.
And preaching helps them to make the best decision because through preaching we can show them what Jehovah's plans are, the help they have to make the necessary changes and above all to have a faith that will allow them to collect or benefit from the strength that comes of Jehovah.
Psalm 2: 1-3
This Psalm teaches us the negative reaction that the nations have, there it says that "the nations are in an uproar, they gather as one against Jehovah and the Anointed One." They refuse to accept Jesus as Jehovah's appointed ruler. Furthermore, some governments attack their loyal servants, prohibit preaching, and do not believe that the Kingdom message is "good news." Although they claim to serve God, they do not want to give up their power and authority.
The text here in Psalm is very clear about the reaction of the nations because the nations met with one against Jehovah and against Christ also and that is exactly what is happening today the nations do not support the kingdom of Jehovah nor the message that we preach.
Haggai 2: 7-9
These texts show us the positive effect that "the shaking of nations" produces on some people. It is mentioned that “valuable things,” good-hearted people, embrace the truth of the kingdom and unite to worship Jehovah.
Those verses show that the shaking of the nations has positive results that good-hearted people will come to worship Jehovah.
Haggai 2: 20-22
The apostle Paul in Hebrew 12: 26,27 helps us understand that the prophecy of Haggai 2: 20-22 would have a future fulfillment because he uses the expression "Once again" God would "rock the heavens and the earth" and "would end with the throne of kingdoms and would destroy the strength of the kingdoms of nations. So his words point to a time after the first century, when he wrote the letter to the Hebrews.
That there will be a final shaking which will mean the eternal destruction of all those who do not accept Jehovah and Jehovah will sanctify his name.
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