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1. What relationship can faithful human beings have with Jehovah?
We have a very important relationship which is to be able to belong to a loving family of brothers and sisters. We can become a member of this family when we dedicate our lives to Jehovah and are baptized.
To be part of a loving family of brothers and sisters who serve Jehovah. Like the central biblical text of this study, where Jesus said: My father and your Father, he is also part of this family since he is the first-born of all creation.
2. What will we discuss in this article?
In this article, we will see Jehovah as a loving and close Father. We will see in what ways we can imitate Jehovah in dealing with our brothers.
We will analyze how Jesus helps us to see Jehovah as a loving father, a loving father who wants us to draw close to him. Of course, some may cost us more than others because we have not been used to feeling that love of a father towards us. But in this way we will continue to dig deeper and see Jehovah in a totally different way.
3. Why does the Lord's Prayer bring us closer to Jehovah?
Jesus could have said that we address Jehovah as "the Almighty", "the Creator" or "King of eternity", these titles are also very appropriate and are found in the Bible. But he used a more affectionate term, like "Our Father." Jesus wants us to see him as he sees him, as a father.
Because the expressions used show that Jehovah wants us to treat him as a loving father for what he is. That is why the prayer begins by saying: "Our Father." He does not mention here that we should call him "the Almighty", "the Creator".
4. Why do we know that Jehovah wants us to draw close to him?
Jehovah is the best father we can have. He loves human beings, and he shows it in many ways. For example, he gave us a beautiful Earth to live on. And every day he gives us what we need to stay alive. More importantly, it gives us what it takes to have strong faith. In addition, he assures us that he hears our prayers himself. Jehovah sent his own Son to die for us and pay for our sins. Thanks to the death of Jesus we have the hope of living forever and being perfect.
Because in James 4: 8, he himself makes this invitation, come close to God and he will come close to you. That is why it is beautiful to feel that Jehovah wants us to get closer to him, not to feel distant, or to see him as being too far from us. He wants like a good father to accept us as his children
5. According to Luke 10:22, why can Jesus help us draw closer to Jehovah?
Because he knows him very well and knows how perfect he is. Jesus is like an older brother, he helps us and teaches us to obey and respect Jehovah, to earn his approval.
As the text said, Jesus knows his father very well and he wants us to get closer, and for that he makes himself available. To help us achieve this, he is represented as an older brother who teaches us how he should be respected, how he should be obeyed and will even help us win God's approval. He wants to help us see Jehovah as a good and loving father.
6. Why can we say that Jehovah paid attention to Jesus?
Because I help him when he needed it. He did so when he asked for help in important matters, such as when he chose his 12 apostles, Jesus only wanted Jehovah's will to be done. He was also in times of distress, and he sent an angel to strengthen him.
It was part of the life of Jesus to constantly communicate with his Father, he did it on several occasions like the prayers when he was here on earth and for example: he asked for help to choose the twelve apostles. But a scene that one can make it mentally is the one in Luc. 22: 41-44, where on his last night as a perfect human being here on earth, he pleads with Jehovah to help him endure the trials that were to come and Jehovah listened. Although he did not say anything. no audible words. Nevertheless. He did something to send him an angel to encourage him to arouse the desire to remain faithful.
Because he is a loving Father, Jehovah strengthened his Son through an angel. (See paragraph 6.) *
7. How do you feel knowing that Jehovah hears your prayers?
Jehovah hears our prayers, and we must feel closer to God and have the strength to face painful situations in life. Some people pray because it makes them feel better, even though they really believe that no one is listening. But prayer is much more than just therapy to cope with problems. The Bible assures us that Jehovah is close to all who call to him.
We can be sure that Jehovah does listen to us, but like the case of Jesus, let's not expect something supernatural to think that Jehovah is helping us. He uses, as he did with Jesus, an angel and also uses things to encourage us and here in this paragraph we have the example of an Indian sister, who was struggling with deep anxiety and asked Jehovah to help her . Jehovah responded through the jw broadcasting program in May 2019 on how to cope with worries and anxiety. It was just what the sister needed. As she said, it was the answer to my prayers.
8. In what ways did Jehovah show his love for Jesus?
Jesus always felt the love and support of his Father no matter what trial he faced. Jehovah was always with him, attending to all his spiritual, emotional and physical needs. He also gave his love and approval. So Jesus did not feel alone.
He took care that their spiritual, emotional and physical needs are taken care of. He spoke to him audibly at times, others heard what God said to his own son in front of others. So Jesus never felt alone, it must have been beautiful to hear the voice of his parents after so many years being here on earth.
9. What evidence do we have that Jehovah loves us?
Jehovah gives us what we need. He does the same thing that he tells the parents to do. She takes care of the material needs of her children. He does not want us to worry about food, clothing, or shelter. Since he loves us, he has even made sure that in the future we also have everything we need. But most importantly, it meets our spiritual needs. He has revealed to us through his Word the truth about himself, his purpose, the meaning of life and what will happen in the future.
In John 6:44 it says that Jehovah draws those he loves. So it is a clear demonstration being in your organization, you also provide us with excellent nutritious spiritual food every week in the various meetings and through your word and publications. And what about how it helps us meet our physical needs. So he, as a loving father, loves us deeply.
10. How can we imitate Jehovah's love for our brothers?
It is not easy to feel love for our brothers and to express it to them. Mostly it is because we are very different, some of us have different cultures or because we grew up in very different circumstances. We have to love our brothers, just as Jehovah does. In order to contribute to having love in our spiritual family.
We want to show love to our brothers now, it is true that it is not easy for everyone because some of us are not used to that, to saying nice things, to expressions that please. Maybe a little bit, we are a little more shy because we have not been raised that way or we think that what we say can hurt other siblings or when interpreted. Still we can be part of this spiritual family where others feel comfortable with us.
11. How did Jesus reflect Jehovah's “tender compassion”?
When a person is compassionate, he worries when he sees that someone is suffering and helps that person. The way Jesus showed compassion was the way he treated people.
One point the paragraph emphasizes is that when a compassionate person sees another suffering, they do something to provide comfort and help. That is why the bible says that when he saw the crowds he was deeply moved from within, because they were mistreated and abandoned like sheep without a shepherd. But that was not enough, he acted because he felt that compassion. He did something to help people, it could be giving them food, healing them, etc. There are many ways he showed that appreciation.
12. In what practical ways can we show compassion?
Even when you have the best of intentions, showing compassion isn't always easy. Cultivating this skill takes time and effort. A simple way to show compassion for others is to listen and communicate with sincerity, empathy, and kindness.
If a sister has health problems she needs help, she may appreciate having meals prepared for her or helping to clean the house. Or it is possible that a brother has lost his job, we could give him a small financial aid if it is within our reach. To act we also have to show empathy, that is, try to feel the same as the brothers. Think of the case of Jesus, he did not feel the pain of an illness, but he felt sorry to see him and he undoubtedly imagined the suffering and that is why he acted.
13, 14. How can we follow Jehovah's example of generosity?
God created human beings in his image and likeness. In other words, he made us to reflect his personality. Therefore, if we want to be happy and feel fulfilled, we have to follow their example by being interested in others and being generous. Why? Simply put, because that's how God made us. Despite our imperfection, we can be generous like him.
Jehovah does not expect humans to ask him for the sun to rise, for rain on plants to produce food, or for conditions to be what we need to live. He gives without our asking, that's the point in our congregation as well. We should not wait for them to ask us, sometimes one says to the brothers, if he needs my help, let me know. They are not going to do it, it would be very rare for them to do it only if it is a true emergency possibly. But we want to act without their request.
Series of images: 1. Brothers prepare boxes of food in a pantry. 2. A brother gives one of the boxes to a family.
Let us copy Jehovah's example and be compassionate and generous to our brothers. (See paragraphs 12-14). *
15, 16. In harmony with Luke 6:36, what should we do if we want to imitate our heavenly Father?
We must be merciful if we want to imitate Jehovah, because our heavenly Father shows us mercy every day. We must strengthen our spiritual family, forgiving generously.
Jehovah is merciful, he forgives us daily and all those who are willing to correct their error. Jesus also here on earth forgave, he showed mercy to his disciples and apostles many times. That is something that makes us meditate and allows us to confidently approach them again. Therefore, although it may not be easy for us to forgive, we want to do it, we must strive to do it and thus do it generously in that way we imitate Jehovah.
Series of images: 1. A mother helps her little daughter to draw a picture that encourages a brother who is in prison. 2. The brother in prison smiles when he sees the drawing and the letter that they have sent him.
Young and old have shown interest and affection to their siblings. (See paragraph 17) *
17. As Matthew 5:16 shows, how can we honor our heavenly Father?
By not doing anything that could stain the name of our heavenly Father or his people. We should conduct ourselves in such a way that people are drawn to the good news message from our heavenly Father.
By having the proper conduct so that others who are observing us are drawn to the good news message and see that we are worshiping Jehovah in the proper way. It is like in a family, good behavior raises the honor of the father of that family.
18. What will help us to preach with courage?
God has bestowed upon us the unequaled honor of proclaiming his Kingdom. However, this work contains many challenges. Although some people gladly accept the good news, the vast majority resemble Noah's contemporaries, who, as Jesus said, "ignored it until the flood came and swept them all away." Some even make fun of us or are hostile. To make matters worse, we have to deal with our own weaknesses, such as shyness and fear of rejection. Indeed, there are many factors that make it difficult for us to do our ministry. We must be determined, but also peaceful. When we preach the good news of the Kingdom, we have to balance courage with tact, because we do not want to offend anyone.
From our study of the Bible we know that not everyone will accept the message of salvation, however we also want to remember that we are not alone in doing this work that Jehovah, his son, the angels, support us and in this paragraph 18 the text of Matthew 10: 19-20 where Jesus said: that when the time comes they will be told what to say. The holy spirit would speak for us.
19. How did a student of the Bible courageously witness?
Robert, when he was just beginning to study the Bible, had very little knowledge, had to appear in front of a military court in South Africa. He was very brave, he explained that out of love for his Christian brothers he would not serve in the army. "Who are your brothers?". Robert did not expect that question, but he remembered the text of Matthew 12:50: "Everyone who does the will of my Father who is in heaven is my brother and my sister and my mother." Jehovah's spirit helped him answer that question.
We have the case of this student in South Africa, he had to appear in front of a military court. It was not easy at all, however he boldly explained that out of love for his Christian brothers he was not going to serve in the army. One of the judges asked him Who are your brothers? Although he did not expect that question to be mentioned, he said: "Everyone who does the will of my Father who is in heaven is my brother and my sister and my mother." He had been studying the Bible for a short time, the spirit of Jehovah undoubtedly helped him answer that and other unexpected questions that is the fulfillment of what the previous paragraph said, your father will speak for you that is what Jesus Christ said.
20. What should we keep doing? (John 17:11, 15).
We have to appreciate that we belong to a spiritual family that is very loving. Satan and his evil followers want us to doubt the love of our heavenly Father and they try to break our unity. We must continue to strengthen Jehovah's love in our prayers.
We must recognize that we belong to a loving spiritual family with the best father there is and the brothers and sisters who love us very much, so we want to pray for others so that Jehovah will take care of them and take care of us and keep our spiritual family together.
What shows you that Jehovah is a loving Father?
She takes care of the material needs of her children. He does not want us to worry about food, clothing, or shelter. Since he loves us, he has even made sure that in the future we also have everything we need. But most importantly, it meets our spiritual needs.
Jehovah wants us to call him Our Father. He also wants us to get closer to him because he loves us. He is always ready to listen to us and answer our prayers in a timely manner. He attracted us to his spiritual family, provides nourishing spiritual food, and helps us meet daily physical needs.
In what ways can we express love to our siblings?
By helping a brother in need, we can contribute to love in our spiritual family by loving our brothers, just as Jehovah does.
We want not only to say that we love our brothers but to show them. Perhaps a sister with health problems needs help preparing meals or cleaning the house. Or a brother has lost his job and if possible we can help him in some way until he finds a job. We can also forgive generously to maintain the unity of our spiritual family.
How do we show that we value belonging to our spiritual family?
Let us imitate the example of Jesus and never doubt the love and support of our heavenly Father. Let's keep getting closer and closer to our spiritual family.
We want to behave in the appropriate way to respect our heavenly Father. Look to Jehovah for help in carrying out our ministry and valuing the unity of our spiritual family.
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