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1, 2. What symbolic upheaval was predicted for our times?
Haggai prophesied and said: "This is what Jehovah of armies says:" Once more in a little while I will shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry ground. " This is what Haggai meant by his prophecy, he means that Jehovah is shaking all the nations of the world, and has been doing so for decades. This shock will not only affect cities or countries in a good way, if not the whole world.
An earthquake that destroys shops and buildings, leaves many people with nothing and fear. The symbolic shaking is compared to this, but it does not affect only one city or one country. Jehovah is shaking all the nations of the world. Jehovah says that in a little while he will shake the heavens, the earth and the whole world.
3. What is the difference between this symbolic shaking and a literal earthquake?
Hay muchas diferencias entre ambas. Un terremoto solo es una sacudida, que trae destrucción y solo daña a ciudades o países. Pero la sacudida simbólica que se refiere Ageo no es lo mismo que un terremoto, esta sacudida produce buenos resultados y será dirigida para todo el mundo.
Un terremoto solo trae tragedias y destrucción, pero la sacudida espiritual que Ageo profetisa solo produce buenos resultados. Jehová dijo: “Sacudiré todas las naciones, y las cosas valiosas de todas las naciones entrarán en esta casa y yo la llenaré de gloria”
4. ¿Por qué envió Jehová al profeta Ageo?
Porque Ageo fue uno de los que en el año 537 regresaron a Jerusalén desde el exilio en Babilonia. Después de llegar, los siervos fieles colocaron los cimientos del templo. Lamentablemente, se desanimaron y abandonaron las obras. Es así que, en el año 520 Jehová le encargó a Ageo para que ayudara a las personas a recuperar el entusiasmo y que puedan al fin terminar el templo.
Jehová envió a Ageo porque el sabia que era capaz de hacer esta misión. La misión de Ageo iba a hacer, era que avivara el celo de los exiliados judíos repatriados para que reemprendieran la reconstrucción del templo, después de una interrupción de algunos años debida a la oposición enemiga, pero prolongada por la apatía de los judíos y su búsqueda egoísta de intereses personal.
5. ¿Por qué debió ser el mensaje de Ageo muy animador para el pueblo de Dios?
Because he had the mission to send a message that had a good objective that was to strengthen the faith of the Jews. He had to convey some good words of encouragement to people who were discouraged.
Jehovah had commissioned Haggai to encourage the Jews so they can finish building the temple. So this message that Haggai had to give had to be encouraging, so that the Jews would once again have the same faith they had before.
6. What effects would the shaking predicted by Haggai have?
Jehovah was to symbolically shake all the nations. One of the effects of the shock predicted by Haggai would be that the Jews could finish building the temple.
Another effect would be that even non-Jewish people would join them and worship Jehovah in the restored temple. They were able to finish building, surely Haggai's message was very encouraging to be able to finish building the temple.
7. What work are we helping to do in our day?
In 1914, Jehovah made Jesus Christ King of his heavenly Kingdom. Of course, for the world's leaders it was bad news. It meant "the appointed times of the nations." Since then, Jehovah's people have been telling people that the Kingdom is the only hope for the world.
Jehovah's people have been telling people that God's Kingdom is the hope for mankind. This is the great work that all the brothers around the world do, we preach "the good news of the Kingdom."
8. According to Psalm 2: 1-3, how have most nations reacted to this message?
As expected, not everyone reacted in a good way, most have reacted negatively. As always they refuse to accept once and for all the Kingdom of God. The nations are in an uproar.
The nations reacted negatively, as expected they do not believe that the Kingdom message we preach is "good news." To prevent us from giving the good news, some have even prohibited preaching.
Series of images: 1. Haggai conveys a message to the Jews who have stopped rebuilding the temple due to discouragement. 2. Brothers and sisters announce a speech by Joseph Rutherford with signs in their hands and hung from their shoulders. Some signs say, "Serve God and Christ the King." 3. With the help of "The Watchtower" number 2 of 2020, which talks about the Kingdom, a couple preaches by letter and by phone. 4. Jesus and his army of angels come from heaven to destroy God's enemies.
Are you participating to the fullest in the Earth-shaking work that is taking place today? (See paragraphs 7 and 8). *
9. How does Jehovah respond to the negative reaction of the nations?
Jehovah said: “So now, kings, be insightful; accept correction, judges of the earth. Serve Jehovah with fear and rejoice with trembling. Honor the son; If not, God will be indignant and you will die on the way, because his fury flares up quickly. Happy all those who take refuge in him! ”.
Jehovah is patient, but if they do not agree to honor Jehovah and serve him. He will be very upset and indignant, he will ignite his fury against them. But Jehovah is kind and gives these opponents a period of time to change their minds and accept the Kingdom of God.
10. According to Haggai 2: 7-9, what positive reaction would there be as a result of the shaking?
For some people there are many positive effects of the shaking, for example, that all good-hearted people of all nations will be able to worship Jehovah.
One of the positive effects would be that all faithful people will be able to serve Jehovah. This means that we can continue to worship Jehovah steadfastly. This effect may be fulfilled in the last days.
11. How did a brother react when he first heard the Kingdom message?
Ken is a brother who when he heard the truth of God's Word for the first time, he was very happy to know that we are living in the last days of this system.
Brother Ken reacted very happy, because he finally understood that, to receive God's approval and eternal life, he had to leave this unstable world and firmly stand on Jehovah's side.
12. How has Jehovah's spiritual temple been filled with glory during these last days?
As we have seen in the last few days, the number of people who now adore and believe in him has increased impressively. Every year the number of people followed by Jehovah continues to increase.
In 1914 we were only a few thousand. Now in these last days we are more than eight million servants of God, and each year millions more join us in celebrating the Memorial. Jehovah has done many things so that we can worship him correctly.
13. What other prophecies are fulfilling these exciting events? (See cover image).
There is another prophecy like the one in Isaiah chapter 60. Verse 22 says: “The little one will become a thousand, and the insignificant one a mighty nation. I, Jehovah, will hasten it in due time. Since we are many people who are entering the Kingdom of God, something wonderful happens: these things bring with them different abilities and a willing spirit to preach "the good news."
Jehovah's people can take advantage of the abilities Isaiah described as "the milk of nations." We can do many things with all these prophecies, as with the help of these valuable men and women we will be able to preach in many countries.
Series of images: Brothers from different cultures happily participate in the preaching work. 1. A sister writes a letter. 2. A married couple preaches on the phone. 3. A brother writes on a laptop. 4. A mother helps her little daughter write a letter.
The servants of God from all over the world have been happily preaching to the people the message of the Kingdom of God. (See paragraph 13)
14. What decision do people have to make now?
People have to choose one of the two options, support the Kingdom of God or trust the governments of this world. For some people it will be a very difficult decision, because there will be no going back.
They will have to choose between supporting God or supporting the governments of this world. We know that the Kingdom of God is the only solution to humanity's problems.
15. What great test of loyalty is predicted in the book of Revelation?
In the last days the governments of this world will force us to worship them and will persecute those who refuse to support them. And they will force us to provide a stamp, we will be marked on the right hand or on the forehead.
They will want to mark us for not worshiping them, they will persecute us and force us to put a mark as they used to do with slaves who were given a mark that identified who their master was. Likewise, all people will be expected to have a symbolic mark on their hand or forehead.
16. Why is it urgent that we strengthen our loyalty to Jehovah now?
It is urgent that now more than ever, we are close to Jehovah and strengthen our loyalty. Because in the last days those who refuse to receive the mark that the political governments will put, will face difficulties and dangers.
Because in the last days we will face many tests and obstacles, they will want to put a brand on us, that with that no one will be able to "buy or sell except the person who has the brand." Therefore, instead of bearing that mark, it will be as if they wrote on his hand: "Property of Jehovah."
17. What should we remember about Jehovah's patience?
Jehovah is very patient. He is very good and has given us many opportunities to go back from our decisions and make one that is correct, but everything has a limit.
As we already know, Jehovah gives us opportunities and many, he is very patient with us. But your patience has a limit. Maybe if we do not make a decision we will remain like the pharaoh of Moses' time.
18. a) What other type of shaking is described in Haggai 2: 6, 20-22? b) How do we know that Haggai's words will have a future fulfillment?
Paul demonstrated that some of the words that we find in Haggai 2: 6, 20-22, will be seen in the near future. Unlike the shaking mentioned in Haggai 2: 7, this shaking will mean the eternal destruction of those who refuse to acknowledge Jehovah's right to rule.
In Haggai 2: 6, 20-22, he speaks of another kind of shaking. Jehovah said: 'Once again I will shake not only the earth, but also the sky. The expression 'one more time' indicates that things that are shaken will be removed.
b) How do we know that Haggai's words will have a future fulfillment?
Because in the prophecy of Haggai, the apostle Paul showed by divine inspiration that the words we find in Haggai 2: 6, 20-22 would have a future fulfillment.
19. What will not be shaken, and how do we know it?
When the great shaking passes, the only thing that will remain standing will be the Kingdom of God. But as we already know, we are going to receive a kingdom that cannot be shaken.
In the shaking, the whole kingdom of God will stand firm. Because in the new Kingdom that we will receive, nothing can be shaken. This is so that we continue to receive undeserved kindness, because through it we can give sacred service to God.
20. What decision should people make, and how can we help them?
People cannot choose both ways. So they must decide if they want to continue supporting the lifestyle that this world fosters or that they will make the necessary changes to live according to God's will and receive eternal life.
The decision they must make is not easy for them, but we can help them through preaching, we help people to make this important decision.
Psalm 2: 1-3
Haggai 2: 7-9
Haggai 2: 20-22
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