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Let's Find Hidden Pearls (10 min.)
Thu 5:20. How did the stars fight for Barak from heaven? (w05 1/15 25 ¶5)
The Bible does not say if there was angelic help, meteorites that the sages of Sisera interpreted as bad omens, or astrological predictions for Sisara that turned out to be false. However that may be, what is clear is that there was some kind of divine intervention.
The Bible does not clarify how "the stars" fought in this battle, some think that it refers to angelic help or there was a meteor shower, or also that the sages of Sisera, through astrological predictions, gave bad omens or turned out to be false . However that may be, this statement implies that there was some kind of divine intervention in favor of the army of Israel.
The Bible does not specify if the stars mentioned in the story refer to the angelic help that Barak received or meteorites that the sages of Sisera interpreted as bad omens or astrological predictions for Sisera that were false, what is clear is that if there was some kind of divine intervention.
The Bible does not say if there was angelic help but if there was intervention on the part of Jehovah to help Barak. This helps us see how Jehovah intervenes to help us.
Sisara was the chief of the army of the Canaanite King Jabin. In the biblical account, Sisera is given more importance than the Canaanite king and together with him they oppressed Israel for 20 years. That is why Jehovah used Deborah and Barak to free Israel from this cruel domination and intervened as the biblical text says with the help of the stars.
Although the text is not explicit as to whether there was an intervention of the angels, it seems that the wise men who surrounded Sisera spoke to him of bad omens or predictions that had to do with meteorites or astrological tests so that Sisera does not go to war but he does not he paid attention and was defeated. What we are sure is that there was some kind of divine intervention.
What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
Judges 4: 1. He mentions that Ehús died and then the Israelites were unfaithful to God again, this teaches us that our worship of God and our faith should not be based on men, it is true that there are brothers that we appreciate a lot, but we should not confuse things, from what On the contrary, we could stop being loyal and faithful to Jehovah if in case one of these men were to be absent, in fact, this has happened to some brothers, for example, in the beginning of the modern history of the organization when Brother Rusel died , mentions the book proclaimers.
Judges 4: 3. It mentions a king who harshly oppressed the people of God, oppression means to squeeze someone too much mentally or physically, that is, to exert pressure, the Bible mentions that Pharaoh and the enemy kings oppressed the people of God, this us It teaches that oppression is diabolical, without a doubt it is something that we should never do to any brother, as we saw on Broadcasting: "We are not in a military organization, we do not sacrifice our brothers for a procedure."
Judges 4: 4. Mention Deborah, this faithful woman acted as a judge, settling disputes and giving Jehovah's answers when problems arose in the nation, Deborah lived in the mountainous region of Ephraim, between Bethel and Ramah. He was in the habit of sitting under a palm tree to receive people and help them with Jehovah's guidance. The task was certainly difficult, but she was not intimidated. Furthermore, the situation was worrying. We see that Deborah performed tasks that a male would normally perform, but allowed things to continue in that direction, and with Jehovah's blessing things went well, similarly in our days there are congregations in which due to a lack of men willing to assume more responsibilities sisters have been seen collaborating with important tasks that a male would normally perform,Even so, Jehovah blesses his work in the congregation, it is important to pray to Jehovah that he continues to help us to have the will and do, to have a good attitude and to help in the congregation.
Judges 4: 8. It teaches us a valuable lesson that we must seriously reflect on. Barak apparently felt incapable of facing Sisera's army alone. The presence of the prophetess would give him and his men the assurance that they had God's guidance, and that would instill confidence in them. Therefore, Barak's insistence that Deborah accompany him was not indicative of weakness, but of strong faith. Therefore, we too should value and respect our sisters in the congregation, for their faith and experience serving Jehovah they help us in a very valuable way in the congregation.
Judges 5: 3. It teaches us that we too should praise Jehovah with song, even in our room in the virtual meetings of the congregation, it is important to do it with the heart to praise Jehovah in spirit and in truth.
Judges 4:15. Barak's account teaches us important lessons. Anyone who turns Jehovah out of his life ends up having problems and frustrations. However, turning to God with repentance and showing faith in him allows freedom from various kinds of oppression. We also need to cultivate obedience. Even when God's instructions do not appear to conform to human logic, we can be sure that they always bring us lasting benefits.
Judges 4: 8,9. The prophetess Débora encouraged Judge Barak to act and go against the armies of Sisara. Barac told her that he would fulfill this difficult task if she accompanied him, in the end he acted with faith and took steps to fulfill this divine order. This teaches me: that if we feel that some assignment we are given is difficult to fulfill and are initially hesitant to do it, reflecting on how Jehovah blessed Barak for "acting in faith" may well move us to take positive steps to carry it out. If we have faith, we will be able to meet any challenge and be victorious with Jehovah's help.
Judges 5:31. The song of Deborah and Barak conclude with words of triumph, they say: «O Jehovah! That is how all your enemies die and those who love you be like the sun when it rises in all its glory ». These expressions exalt "Jehovah for his victory." This teaches me: that it will be so at Armageddon, Jehovah's enemies will also perish and those who love him will be saved. We will be witnesses to the complete victory that Jehovah will have over all his enemies. Like Deborah, Barak, and all faithful Israelites, we will be privileged to sing and praise "Jehovah's victory for all eternity."
Judges 5:23. An interesting detail in this verse is that Meroz is mentioned, a place that an angel cursed for not having come to Jehovah's aid. It is possible that when Sisera fled, he passed through this city and its inhabitants did not stop him. This teaches me: that Jehovah gives us the honor of human beings to contribute and support the fulfillment of his divine purposes. We live in a time when we cannot be indecisive or stand aside, as the people of Meroz did, rather, we must be determined, courageous, and show through our actions that we are determined to follow from Jehovah.
Judges 5:18. The tribes of Zebulun and Naphtali risked their lives to support Deborah and Barak. Through their voluntary service, Jehovah allowed them to see with their own eyes how he defended his people. This teaches me: that today, in some countries where the work is restricted, many brothers risk their lives to support the interests of the Kingdom. Our dear brothers and sisters must be assured that their zeal in defending true worship will not go unnoticed by Jehovah. He will never forget the volunteer service they give him, and he will reward them with life forever in the New World.
Judges 4:14, 15. In these texts, Deborah, three times, attributes the credit for "the victory" to: Jehovah and not to any of the 10,000 Israelites. This teaches me: that, again, at the imminent Armageddon, all the survivors will give credit to Jehovah, in it none of his earthly servants will fight. Jehovah through Jesus Christ the 144,000 and the angels will destroy all their enemies. On that day: What a beautiful name Jehovah will make for himself through his great victory! Undoubtedly, our "Almighty God deserves all the praise and glory for eternity."
Judges 5: 15-17. We are shown that the tribes of Reuben, Dan and Asher, did not have "a willing spirit." They were more interested in their possessions, such as herds, ships, and ports than in collaborating in the accomplishment of Jehovah's purposes. This teaches me: Christians should not allow our distractions or possessions to cloud our service to Jehovah or make us feel indifferent or comfortable. Rather, we must have a "willing Spirit" so that Jehovah will use us to fulfill different spiritual tasks, resulting in us being a blessing to his people.
Judges 4: 5; 5: 24.26. The scriptures say that Jehovah used "women" such as Deborah to represent him and Jael to put Sisera to death. In this way, we are shown that he gave them a useful and worthy place in his village. This teaches me: that the accusations that certain feminist groups make, about God, totally differ in how he sees and treats women. Jehovah respects, values and appreciates them very much. In the Christian congregation, women occupy a worthy place, since they "work, together with men, hard in the Lord" and "proclaim the good news." Thus, Jehovah treats women with the honor and respect they deserve.
Judges 4: 6-8. Without a doubt, Jehovah's promise of victory to Barak must have surprised him a lot, since at that time Israel did not have an organized army and its instruments of war were scarce and basic, even so, Barak was willing to fight and fulfill the mission that Jehovah commanded him, likewise, many servants of God today are willing to serve more broadly in the ministry despite their limitations, if they strive to fulfill their commission, they will be rewarded.
Judges 4: 9. The prophetess Débora communicates to Barak that the merit of the victory would go to a woman, thus highlighting that women would have a key role in the victory of the Israelites, currently, women are victims of many injustices, acts of violence and abuses but Jehovah values men and women equally, and also honors women by entrusting them with important tasks, showing that he trusts them, so it is essential that we do not adopt the prejudices that abound in this world.
Judges 4: 14-16. Here we can see the divine intervention of Jehovah in the victory of the Israelites, at one point during the war it started to rain, but Barak and his men did not mind the rain as they knew that Jehovah had sent it, so they began to attack to the Canaanite soldiers defeating them all, in our time, Jehovah no longer sends his servants to any war, but he does want us to fight for our faith in a spiritual warfare, by obeying God and being brave, we show which side we want to be on in that fight.
Judges 4:17, 18. Sisera had escaped and reached the tent where Jael was, Jael knew the wickedness of the Canaanites and how they oppressed people, so he had to make a decision: he could help this man cruel or could side with Jehovah and destroy the enemy of God's people, we also go through a similar situation in which we must side with Jehovah or the world of Satan, our faith and loyalty will help us to side with Right.
Judges 4:22. Shortly after Barak arrived chasing his enemy, Jael showed the body with the stake stuck in the temples to Sisera, immediately he realized that Deborah's prophecy had been fulfilled and that it was a woman who had defeated the powerful Sisera, obviously we can See that Deborah did not envy the honor that Jael received, because for her the most important thing was that the word of Jehovah be fulfilled, likewise, our brothers should not feel envy if someone in the congregation receives a special privilege, rather, they should congratulate him and support it.
Judges 5: 5. In this text we find the expression "the mountains melted before the face of Jehovah", this can refer to the fact that there were tremors during the battle or also to the effects of the strong storm that also happened in the battle, since the streams and the violent torrents that originate as a consequence of the heavy rains carry the earth, producing a visual effect as if they were melting it.
Judges 5: 8. Here we see the importance of faith on the part of those who joined Barak, Jehovah had promised him victory over the Canaanites, but they did not have a shield or a spear, it can be said that they carried a very light equipment and yes Even they were all well equipped, spears and swords could help little in an unequal fight against war chariots with iron sickles, so when they entered the battle they had to rely a lot on Jehovah, likewise, despite the limitations or difficulties If we trust in Jehovah, we will be victorious.
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