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Let's Find Hidden Pearls (10 min.)
Jos 24: 2. Did Abraham's father Terah worship idols? (w04 12/1 12 par. 1).
At first he was not a servant of Jehovah God. It is probable that he worshiped the moon god sin, very popular in Ur. According to Jewish tradition, he may even make idols. However, when Abraham leaves Ur by divine order, his father accompanies him to Haran.
Probably yes, because Terah lived in Ur. A city that worshiped the moon god Sin, so it is possible that he worshiped this god. This shows us that at first he was not a servant of Jehovah God.
Terah was the eighth generation from Noah's son named Shem. Since Terah lived in Ur. Of the Chaldeans and there he raised his family. The city of Ur was part of ancient Babylon therefore they worshiped a number of gods.
Terah may not have been a servant of Jehovah at first as he worshiped the moon god Sin and made idols, but it seems that this changed after accompanying his son Abraham to leave Ur by divine order.
Joshua went on to say to all the people: “This is what Jehovah the God of Israel has said: 'It was on the other side of the River that their forefathers, Terah father of Abraham and father of Nahor, dwelt long ago, and they used to serve other gods.
It is likely that he did and that he even made some apart from worshiping the moon god Sin, who was very popular in Ur. And this is because at first, Terah, was not a servant of Jehovah but he accompanied Abraham when he left Ur by divine order.
What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
Joshua 23: 1. He mentions that Jehovah gave his people rest from their enemies, in a similar way Jehovah can give us rest from our burdens and anguish, when we take refuge in him through prayer and express all our concerns to him, and we thank him for his blessings we experience a peace that He surpasses all thought, He is very good and cares for His loyal servants.
Joshua 23: 2-5. We see that Joshua reflected the quality of modesty, he recognized that he was already an older person and that everything they had achieved had been with the help of Jehovah, it is very important that we as Christians be modest, as we learned in the study of the watchtower, modesty will help us to get along with our brothers and to work as friends in the congregation.
Joshua 23: 6-8. Joshua's words to the people contain valuable lessons for us, just as they, we too must be courageous to obey God in the midst of this crooked, wicked and perverse generation, we must not have close friendship with non-believers, much less form marital alliances, we also do not participate in their popular celebrations, instead we remain united to Jehovah.
Joshua 23:11. We are also in a spiritual war, we must keep on guard, that is, alert in a spiritual sense, and keep ourselves in the love of God willingly obeying his commandments, it would not be sensible to live believing that nothing is happening around us, ignoring the war. spiritual that is being freed, that is why it is vital to take the full armor that comes from God.
Joshua 23: 12,13. Jehovah warned them that forming marriage alliances with neighboring nations that were not worshipers of God would have dire and painful consequences, in our days this principle is still in force, marrying only in the Lord, for some it sounds extreme, but the Bible is not wrong We have seen that many have suffered severely for not obeying this biblical commandment, Jehovah wants to see us well and that is why he gives these commandments to his servants, the decision is in our hands.
Joshua 23:14. Joshua was the successor of Moses as leader of Israel. By the time he was nearly 110 years old, this servant of God had witnessed many of the miracles that Jehovah performed on behalf of the Israelites, such as when he delivered them some 60 years earlier at the Red Sea. Towards the end of his life he gathered "A toso Israel, its elders and its heads and its judges and its officers" to bid them farewell. His words showed that not only did he have extensive experience in life, but he also spent time meditating with faith. It teaches us that Jehovah always keeps his promises, we must never doubt him, and we have been eyewitnesses of this in this time of confinement, Jehovah has cared for us physically and spiritually, and will continue to do so, there is no doubt that the best decision we we can take is to stay close to Jehovah and the congregation,and never let go of him.
Joshua 23: 14-15. Jehovah always keeps his promises, which sustain us and give us hope, such promises have sustained many faithful servants in the past, that makes us wonder about which promises in particular we are interested in seeing fulfilled.
Joshua 23: 15-16. When someone makes a vow to God and does not fulfill it, the Bible says that there are consequences for such a person, that teaches us that we cannot sin against Jehovah and at the same time ask him to give us his blessing, with God we do not play, and from him no one mocks, says the Bible, everything we do this will also blind.
Joshua 24:14. It is important to serve God in integrity, in fidelity, lately the organization has highlighted that tangible acts such as going to the kingdom hall, going door to door delivering tracts, anyone could do that and still not enter the spiritual Temple, that is what we achieve when we live up to our dedication and baptism, when we are whole, holy or separated from sin.
Joshua 24:15. It could be that we find ourselves in a very thorny situation if in our house or family there are those who do not want to serve Jehovah and pressure us to participate with them in their celebrations, they may even criticize us, or get angry with us, but we must be determined and choose who we are serving.
Joshua 24:16, 31. When Joshua addressed Israel, he was "aiming" for the people to stand firmly on the side of true worship and turn away from idolatry. The Israelites at that time responded that: They would never stop serving Jehovah for other gods. This teaches me: that we Christians today have the same "objective", we must firmly stand on the side of true prayer. We would never want to hurt Jehovah, so we completely avoid idolatry in all its forms, even the most subtle, and value the privilege of being part of a clean people: Jehovah's people.
Joshua 23: 6-7. Jehovah's law encouraged the Israelites to "keep separate from the nations" but with "the right motive" which was to protect their spirituality and pure worship. Not so that they felt superior to neighboring nations. This teaches me: that Christians should avoid an attitude of superiority that despises those who do not share our beliefs. This attitude does not please Jehovah nor does it adequately reflect his pure worship. Rather, let us "adorn the divine teaching" by considering and treating others with respect and dignity according to the reasonable principles of God's word and the Bible.
Joshua 23: 8. One of Joshua's advice to the Israelites was to "stay united with Jehovah" and that they will continue to do so as they have been up to that day. This teaches me: the importance of "unity." Soon we will experience the most difficult days in history, therefore, all of us, young and old, must remain united, gathered together before Jehovah because he will protect us from our enemies. Let's not try to do things our way or allow anyone to divide us, rather, let's follow the instruction to stick together and prepare now for the very near Day of Jehovah.
Joshua 24:21, 22. The Israelites were "Witnesses" of the good acts that Jehovah had done for them, this made them reason and make the wise decision: "to serve him voluntarily." This teaches me: that being a “Jehovah's Witness” is not just a label, studying the Bible and testing how its purposes are served make us reason, understand and make the wise decision, voluntarily, to dedicate ourselves to Jehovah and serve you for eternity. Therefore, let us show constant and loyal support in our lives for this decision, so that we will once again be witnesses, when Jehovah fully fulfills all his purposes.
Joshua 23: 2. Joshua is known as the successor of Moses as the leader of Israel but he is also a good example of someone with faith, by the time he was almost 110 years old, this servant of God had witnessed many of the miracles that Jehovah performed on behalf of the Israelites, such as when He freed them some sixty years earlier in the Red Sea so, when the end of his life was approaching, he gathered all of Israel to say goodbye to them, demonstrating with his that not only did he have extensive experience in life, but that he also dedicated time to meditate with faith.
Joshua 24:24. In Joshua's days, the people responded that they were willing to listen to and serve Jehovah fully, but unfortunately, in later years they did not act like that, what happened to them should teach us that we do not want to be like those who They did not comply, rather, we must imitate the example of faithful servants like Joshua and his family, like Caleb, like the Gibeonites and like Rahab to serve God with a complete heart.
Joshua 24:29. After a life completely dedicated to serving Jehovah, Joshua son of Nun died at the age of 110, the example of his life was reflected by the fact that Israel served Jehovah during all of Joshua's days and even long after His death, when we study his example of faith, we will be able to accept assignments that may seem difficult to us, defend pure worship, see things God's way, learn to imitate divine qualities, and above all, imitate his complete trust in Jehovah.
Joshua 23: 1-5. We see that Josué lived his last moments and gave a series of advice. Jehovah would continue to protect his people and keep his word. This gives us the certainty that the people of God will always remain as they have done up to now, and will always have an orderly direction.
Joshua 23: 7. Joshua tells us not to get mixed up or even mention their gods. This we must continue to take into account today, for example, with pagan holidays, such as birthdays. Not only do we not participate in it, but we do not even have to mention them, so we will not be mixing and we will not jeopardize our faith.
Joshua 23: 8-10. Jehovah will drive out our enemies from before us and we will defeat them. But for this, we must trust as well it is said here in his word and be united. Because a united people is powerful, and is capable of persecuting thousands.
Joshua 24:19. As we well know and this verse reminds us, "God demands exclusive devotion." Let us follow the advice we have seen from Joshua in the treasures this week and do not mix with people who may cast doubt on our pure and exclusive devotion to Jehovah.
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