DAILY TEXT, Today's Wednesday November 24, 2021, humbly think that others are superior to you (Phil. 2: 3).

DAILY TEXT, Today's Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2021

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Humbly think that others are superior to you (Philippians 2: 3).

On one occasion, Jehovah took part of his spirit from Moses and gave it to a group of Israelite elders who were near the tent of meeting. Soon after, Moses learned that two elders who had not gone to the tent of meeting had also received the holy spirit and had begun to act as prophets. How did you react when JosuĂ© asked you to stop them? He was not envious that Jehovah had noticed these two men, but was glad that they had received the honor of prophesying. —Num. 11: 24-29. What do we learn from Moses? Consider an elder who is very fond of a certain responsibility he has in the congregation. Then, he is asked to prepare another brother to take care of this responsibility later. If you are humble like Moses, you will not feel threatened. On the contrary, you will be glad to do so. w20.02 15 par. 9; 17 paras. 10, 11

How can we help others fight envy?

Our attitude and our actions have a huge influence on others. The world wants us to “show off the things” that we have (1 John 2:16). But that provokes envy. How can we avoid awakening it in others? One way is by not talking at all times about what we have or what we plan to buy. Another is to be modest and not brag about the responsibilities we have in the congregation. Constantly talking about them paves the way for envy. Instead, when we take an interest in others and acknowledge the good things they do, we help them feel content and foster peace and unity in the congregation.

What did Joseph's brothers do, and why?

We can win the battle against envy. Let's go back to the case of José's brothers. Years after what they did to his brother, they met him in Egypt. However, Joseph did not immediately reveal who he was, but instead tested them to see if they had changed. He organized a meal for all of them, but ordered that Benjamin, his younger brother, be given larger rations than the others (Gen. 43:33, 34). However, there is no evidence that his brothers were envious. Rather, they showed genuine interest in Benjamin and his father, Jacob (Gen. 44: 30-34). Joseph's brothers overcame envy, and so they succeeded in bringing peace to reign in the family again (Gen. 45: 4, 15). Similarly, if we uproot any inclination towards envy,

According to James 3:17, 18, what will happen if we contribute to a peaceful environment?

Jehovah wants us to fight envy and promote peace. To achieve this, we must work hard, because, as we have seen in this article, we have a tendency to feel envy (James 4: 5). Furthermore, we live in a world where this harmful feeling is encouraged. But if we cultivate humility and appreciation, and are satisfied with what we have, we will leave no room for envy. Rather, we will contribute to a peaceful environment and cultivate the good qualities that we have discussed in this article (read James 3:17, 18).

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