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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2021
Thursday, November 18, 2021
Jehovah is a God who demands exclusive devotion (Nah. 1: 2).
Jehovah deserves our exclusive devotion because he created us and gave us life (Rev. 4:11). But even though we love and respect Jehovah, there are things that can attract us and prevent us from giving him the devotion he deserves. The Bible relates our intense love for Jehovah with our devotion to him. And giving him exclusive devotion means that we worship only him. We don't let anything or anyone take their place in our hearts (Ex. 34:14). Our devotion to Jehovah is based on what we have learned about him. We have come to admire its beautiful qualities. We know what you like and what you don't like, and we agree with it. We understand what your purpose is for us and we support you by living up to your standards. We are honored that you are giving us the opportunity to be your friends (Psalm 25:14). Everything we learn about our Creator brings us closer to him (James 4: 8). w19.10 26 pars. 1-3
According to 1 Corinthians 10:21, 22, why should we choose our entertainment wisely?
We want to give Jehovah exclusive devotion, so we cannot eat from “the table of Jehovah” and “the table of demons” (read 1 Corinthians 10:21, 22). Eating with someone is usually a sign of friendship. Choosing entertainment that encourages violence, the occult, immorality, or other carnal desires and attitudes is the same as sitting down to eat with God's enemies and taking what they have prepared. If we do so, we harm ourselves and our friendship with Jehovah.
a) How can entertainment be compared to food? b) Taking into account what James 1:14, 15 says, why should we not feed bad desires?
How can entertainment be compared to food? When we eat, we control what we put in our mouths. But, once we swallow it, a series of automatic processes are started that result in the nutrients in the food becoming part of our body. A good diet helps us to be healthy, while a bad diet damages our health. The effects are not seen from one day to the next, but over time.
Similarly, when we choose entertainment, we control what we put into our minds. But then a series of automatic processes begin that influence what we think and feel. Good entertainment makes us feel good, while inappropriate entertainment hurts us (read James 1:14, 15). The effects may not be seen immediately, but will become apparent over time. For this reason, the Bible warns us: “Do not be deceived: no one can mock God. Because what you are sowing is what you will reap. He who sows with his flesh in mind will reap corruption from his flesh ”(Gal. 6: 7, 8). So it is very important that we reject all diversions that promote the things that Jehovah hates. --Ps. 97:10.
What gift has Jehovah given us?
Many of Jehovah's servants love to watch JW Broadcasting®, our Internet television channel. A sister named Marilyn said, “This channel has helped me to be more positive, and I don't have to control what I watch. When I feel lonely or discouraged, I always find a morning speech or worship that lifts my spirits. That brings me closer to Jehovah and his organization. JW Broadcasting has completely changed my life. " Are we taking advantage of this gift from Jehovah? In addition to the program that is presented each month, we can watch numerous videos at any time, as well as listen to audio programs and uplifting songs.
Why should we carefully control the time we spend on entertainment, and how can we do it?
The kind of entertainment is not the only thing that we must carefully monitor. We must also watch the time we spend on it, because if not, we can spend more time having fun than serving Jehovah. Many find it difficult to control themselves. For example, an 18-year-old sister named Abigail recounts: “After a busy day, it relaxes me to sit and watch TV. But, if I'm not careful, I can spend hours in front of the screen ”. And a young man named Samuel says, “At times, I have been watching short videos on the Internet nonstop. I start with one and before I know it, three or four hours have gone by ”.
How can we control the time we spend on entertainment? First, let's find out how much it actually is. To do this, we could write down on a calendar the hours we spend during a week watching television, surfing the Internet and playing with our mobile device. If we find that we spend too much time on these things, let's try to make a schedule. Let's include the most important activities first and then make time for entertainment. Then let's ask Jehovah to help us stick to that schedule. This will give us the time and energy we need for personal Bible study, family worship, meetings, and preaching and disciple-making. In addition, we will not feel guilty about dedicating time to entertainment.
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