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Congregation Bible Study (30 min.): Rr ch. 16 paras. 14-20 and Box 16B.
14, 15. What examples show that Jehovah warns before bringing destruction?
In Biblical times, Jehovah warned the people shortly before the “storm” of his punishment broke out. But he made sure to allow enough time for people to act. He did so during the ten plagues of Egypt. Take, for example, what happened before the seventh, a destructive hailstorm. Jehovah sent Moses and Aaron to warn Pharaoh and his servants. Since the hail would fall the next day, did they have enough time to find shelter? The Bible answers: “All of Pharaoh's servants who feared Jehovah's words caused their own servants and their livestock to take refuge at once. But those who did not take Jehovah's words seriously left their servants and their livestock in the field. Clearly, God gave warning well in advance. Thanks to this,the people who responded right away were saved from the worst effects of the plague. Thus with these examples we can see that Jehovah uses a small group of anointed Christians to feed “the servants of the house” that is, his faithful servants.
Jehovah appointed Ezekiel "Watchman for the house of Israel" From 613 B.C.E., Ezekiel gave clear warnings to Israel of approaching destruction. Other prophets, such as Isaiah and Jeremiah, also warned of the misfortunes that awaited Jerusalem. Through Jesus Christ, Jehovah today uses a small group of anointed Christians to feed “the servants of the house,” that is, his faithful servants, but also to warn people that the great tribulation is coming.
16. Why don't we mark those who will survive the destruction?
We have another mission which is to preach, to give the good news of the Kingdom and we also have to warn those who do not listen to us that this evil world will no longer exist. We have to take this mission very seriously because it is for the Kingdom of God.
Likewise, the parallel of antiquity is the same as today, Ezekiel was not used to visibly mark people before the destruction of Jerusalem, in the same way today the Servants of the spiritual house of Christ do not do that function, but rather our work is according to Matthew 24 and Matthew 28, to announce the Good News of the Kingdom of God and to warn people with courage that there is very little time left in this evil world so that is our function.
Recall that Ezekiel was not asked to go through Jerusalem putting a mark on those who would survive. Similarly, those of us as Jehovah's people are not on a mission to mark those who deserve to survive. Rather, Christ's spiritual "servants of the house" have a mission to preach.
And we show that we take this work very seriously by eagerly announcing the good news of the Kingdom of God and by courageously warning that this wicked world has little left. So our part is to help good-hearted people embrace pure worship.
17. What do we have to do now to receive the mark in the future?
We have to have a lot of faith and be very strong to face everything that is coming. Before destruction comes, each one has to "sigh and lament", we must all be deeply distressed by the evil of this world. We have to hold on to pure worship.
We have to show our faith, test ourselves if we really are in the faith. The survivors of the destruction of Jerusalem in 607 BC proved beforehand that they were totally against evil and that they clung to pure worship. And the same can be said of our days. Before destruction comes, each one has to "sigh and wail," that is, be deeply distressed by the wickedness of this world. And instead of hiding what you think, you have to show with your words and actions that you hold on to pure worship.
That implies among other things: Accepting the message of the preaching that is being carried out; develop a new personality, like that of Christ; dedicate oneself to Jehovah and be baptized; and loyally support the brothers of Christ.
18. a) How and when will Jesus carry out the marking work?
This will be done in the celestial region. Jesus Christ will come as judge of all nations, he will come during the great tribulation. Before Armageddon begins, Jesus will have to judge people and determine whether they are sheep or goats.
It is very clear that in ancient times those who participated in the work of marking came from the heavenly region, here also the same thing happens the man with the inkwell represents Jesus Christ when he comes in his glory as judge of all nations he will judge people and determine if they are sheep or goats during the great tribulation it will mark them as sheep, which indicates that they will go to eternal life.
The marking work will be done in the celestial region. In Ezekiel's time, angels were the ones who marked faithful Jews to survive. In the current fulfillment of the vision, the man with the secretary's inkwell represents Jesus Christ when he "comes in his glory" as judge of all nations. The coming of Jesus will be during the great tribulation, after false religion is destroyed.
Apparently, not all members of false religion will die when Babylon the Great is destroyed. At that time, even some religious leaders may abandon false religion and claim that they never belonged to it.
At that decisive moment, just before Armageddon begins, Jesus will judge people and determine whether they are sheep or goats. In judging those in the "great crowd," he will mark them as sheep, indicating that they "will go to eternal life."
b) Why don't the anointed need to receive this mark?
The anointed do not need to receive this mark, because they will receive a final seal, this will be before the great tribulation. And before Armageddon begins, the anointed will have to go to heaven.
They do not need to receive this mark or to be marked to survive Armageddon. In their case, they will receive the final seal before they die or before the great tribulation breaks out. Then sometime before Armageddon begins, they will receive life in heaven.
Because their hope is different therefore they are not going to survive Armageddon because they receive the final seal before they die or before the great tribulation breaks out or whichever of these two things comes first, because let's remember that the great tribulation begins with the destruction of false religion and concludes with Armageddon so in that period they will receive a heavenly reward they will not be in Armageddon here on earth.
19. Who will be with Jesus in executing the sentence against this system? (See the box “Sigh and Wail, Mark, Smash: When and How Does It Happen?”).
Jesus will be with his heavenly armies and will lead both the angels and the 144,000 against this evil world. So that once and for all they destroy it completely, and only faithful servants can be saved.
In Ezekiel's vision, the six armed men began the destruction when the linen-clad man finished his marking job. Similarly, during the war of Armageddon, Jesus will lead his heavenly armies both the angels and the 144,000 against this wicked world.
Well during the war of Armageddon both the angels and the 144,000 will completely destroy this evil world and save the faithful servants of God leading them to the just new world, for that reason the anointed do not survive Armageddon they receive their reward earlier because they must be in heaven during the war of Armageddon.
20. What good lessons does the vision of the man with the secretary's inkwell teach us?
That we can be absolutely sure that Jehovah will not eliminate the righteous with the wicked. Vision also teaches us what we have to do now so that we are marked in the future and we can survive.
One thing that is very clear is that Jehovah is not going to eliminate the righteous along with the wicked, there will be no confusion about this. We are also told what we have to do so that we are marked in the future and we can survive, we must also participate to the maximum in declaring the good news and warning those who are sighing and lamenting about the future destruction, that is, we must demonstrate it.
We can be absolutely sure that Jehovah will not eliminate the righteous with the wicked. The vision also teaches us what we have to do now so that we are marked in the future and we can survive. As servants of Jehovah, we are determined to participate to the fullest in declaring the good news and warning those who are sighing and mourning the wickedness of this world of future destruction.
INFO BOX 16B: Sigh and Wail, Mark, Smash | When and how does it happen?
The vision recorded in Ezekiel chapter 9 has a fulfillment in our day. Understanding how events will unfold will allow us to be calm when the end of this system comes.
Sigh and lament
A woman getting baptized.
WHEN: During the last days, before the great tribulation
HOW: Good-hearted people show by their words and actions that they detest the wickedness of this world. They accept the message of the preaching; they develop a new personality, like that of Christ; they dedicate themselves to Jehovah and are baptized; and loyally support the brothers of Christ
The man with the secretary's inkwell holding a writing pen.
WHEN: During the great tribulation
HOW: The man with the secretary's inkwell represents Jesus Christ when he comes as Judge of all nations. Those in the great crowd will be judged or marked as sheep, indicating that they will survive Armageddon
A man holding a gun to smash.
WHEN: At Armageddon
HOW: Jesus Christ and his heavenly armies - the angels and the 144,000 who will rule with him - will completely end this wicked world and save God's faithful servants to lead them to the righteous new world
How does Jehovah's mercy highlight the vision of the man with the secretary's inkwell?
Jesus is the one who judges people. He will handle the final judgment during the great tribulation, he shows mercy by separating when sheeplike people, who will survive, from goatlike people, who will be destroyed.
Well Jehovah gave a warning before acting, he did so before destroying Jerusalem he sent Ezekiel, Isaiah, Jeremiah they were used by Jehovah to make people change before the end of that city comes, the same is done now it is warned before it is too late.
What do you need to do now in order to be marked and survive in the future?
We have to preach the good news of the Kingdom of God. Jehovah's servants need to be determined to participate to the fullest in declaring the good news and warning of future destruction.
It is necessary to demonstrate that is to say sigh and lament as emphasized, it is necessary to accept the message of the preaching, develop a new personality like that of Christ, dedicate oneself to jehovah and be baptized, in addition to really supporting the brothers of Christ.
What are you determined to do after analyzing the vision of the man with the inkwell?
We have a mission which is to preach, because we have to give the good news. And we will also warn those who do not listen to us that this evil world will no longer exist.
It is necessary for our faith to be observed by others so that they see that we are sighing and lamenting, we must not hide who we support or what we are, that will make it possible for the man with the inkwell Jesus to dictate his sentence in the most just way.
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