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“Serving Jehovah Isn't That Hard” (10 min.)
Are you one of those who has said at some point Is it that I can not ?. And we say it before we start, it's the most curious thing yet, we don't even try and say we can't. But looking at it well, there are so many things we have done that for others it seems very difficult. And yet we have succeeded.
Let's put the following situation: you can write. Many of us do. However, do you remember how this process started? When we were very little they made us make circles, a line. And so we practiced how to hold a pencil in our hands.
And well, maybe we don't have a nice handwriting, although many do, but we know how to write. It is not true? We know how to communicate. For a person who does not speak our language. Doing that is very difficult, but you try. That is why we are going to discuss this Bible Treasures Topic: "Serving Jehovah is not that difficult."
But maybe you are one of those who say. How is it not so difficult? I can't preach. Give a speech, I can't. The pioneer is impossible for me or some greater responsibility that is being assigned. I think we all say at some point, I can't. But serving Jehovah is not that difficult.
Why do we say it? Because Jehovah knows it. He knows that we are qualified to do whatever he tells us.
LET'S READ: Deuteronomy 30: 11-14
11 “These commandments that I am sending you today are not too difficult for you nor are they out of your reach. 12 They are not in heaven that you have to say, 'Who will ascend to heaven and bring them so that we can hear and obey them?' 13 Nor are they across the sea that you have to say, 'Who will cross to the other side of the sea and bring them so that we can hear and obey them?' 14 Because the word is very close to you, in your own mouth and in your own heart, so that you fulfill it.
How clear Jehovah makes it! These commandments that I am sending you today are not too difficult for you. Why does Jehovah say that? There is a very clear truth that we want to acknowledge. Jehovah never assigns something that he doesn't know we can do.
Your requirements are always reasonable and we can meet them. It is true that it will take time, but we will. It is not impossible. And that's why Jehovah said: If it's in your heart, you can do it. So knowing and obeying God's commandments is not impossible. However, Jehovah does not force us to do what he says.
How loving is Jehovah! comparing, as in school, when children begin to write, the teacher has patience with the little ones, especially. He even takes his hand so that he can make the lines that they are asking him to do, so that he has the necessary fluency to do his writing or what he is drawing well. Jehovah is the same.
It tells us we can do it, but it doesn't force us to do it. Of course he wants us to do it, but he gives us freedom.
LET'S READ: Deuteronomy 30:15
Look, today I put before you life and what is good, and death and what is bad.
We can notice in this verse, how the Almighty, being able to force us to do things, simply puts the alternative there, what there is to choose from. Like a teacher, when the student leaves, the next day he may not come or a few more days he may not come.
Of course the teacher will be interested in knowing what happened to his student, if there is a serious problem that can help. And if they tell him he doesn't want to go. Maybe he would try to motivate him to do it, but the teacher will never go home, pick up the student and take him by force to school, because it is the parents' personal decision and if they do not want to do it, he will have to respect.
The Almighty Jehovah also respects our decision. He has given us the freedom to say what our life will be like. Either we do it our way or we do what he says.
LET'S READ: Deuteronomy 30:19
Today I put heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. And, for you and your descendants to live, you have to choose life
Therefore, although Jehovah gives us the freedom to decide what we want, he also tells us: "You have to choose life." Jehovah knows what is best for us. He knows perfectly well that serving him is not that difficult.
A teacher wants his students to go to class so that they can learn, they can write, they know something useful in their life. Jehovah is exactly the same, although he gives us a choice, but he also tells us to "do this" because he knows that it is best for us.
But what is the key to doing something that we find difficult? Want what we are doing. Loving what we are doing. Have you seen a child's reaction when he first writes his name? It is like taking off to start writing and writing so much that he writes that even the walls of the house can serve as a blackboard.
When we come to have deep love for Jehovah, we will see that what seemed difficult is now so simple. And we began to do one and another thing. Study the Bible, preach, get baptized, pioneer, give talks, and so on. We are seeing it in such a simple way because we have come to love Jehovah. That will move us to obey Him and be loyal to Him. Whatever happens.
Like the activity guide that we owe to our young brother. She loves Jehovah so much that she knows it is the best thing to do, even if she does not have the support of her family, but she knows that actually serving Jehovah is not that difficult. Let's continue to show complete trust in our Almighty God.
He will give us the guidance and strength we need to fulfill whatever assignment He puts before us. Remember that Jehovah will never ask us to do something that he does not know we can achieve and we will be thankful for having chosen life for God's protection. And we are talking about choosing not just any kind of life, but the best that we can have now.
In addition, if we are faithful to Jehovah, we will have the possibility of living forever in a new world. So the next time you say or want to say "I can't." Think clearly if Jehovah is asking you to do that, it is because he knows that you can get it. And you can do it.
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