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“Principles for Fair Judgment” (10 min.)
Some of us have possibly seen a representation of the judging of justice and it is represented as a female figure, with a blindfold holding a balance in one hand and a sword in the other. And it is said that justice is blind.
What do you mean? That it does not distinguish between people, that it is applied fairly and with the same principle. That is, this is a symbol of equity, of equality, of promoting justice in the most appropriate way. However, although the idea is very good, it is not true justice.
For that reason in this Treasures of the Bible speech, the title is: Principle to Judge Fairly and this is very applicable within the Christian congregation. And it was done to him already in the time of Israel when Jehovah demanded that this be done.
Therefore, for justice to be not blind, but to really be based on facts, on truths, three points must be met: It must be impartial, verify the facts and finally, ask for help in difficult cases. Let's examine this in light of the Bible. First point be impartial.
Deuteronomy 16: 18-19
"You must appoint judges and officials for each tribe in all the cities that Jehovah your God will give you, and they must judge the people with justice."
Do not twist justice starts it is partial. Don't take bribes either, because bribes blind the eyes of the wise and twist the words of the righteous.
According to what has been read, it is curious to perceive that human law represents justice as a woman blindfolded so that there is supposedly no corruption or partiality. But here Jehovah is indicating otherwise. Furthermore, in the book Insight, the symbol of blindness is said to represent judicial corruption.
And one of the things that can create this is what he indicated in verse 19, taking a bribe, that can blind justice and can make the decision biased. And it is that regardless of whether a judge is upright and has discernment. can be consciously or unconsciously affected by a gift that is given to him. So you could be making your ruling in favor of the person who gave you the gift.
You might think, but not everyone can. Well if we look closely, in verse 19 it said why bribes blind the eyes of the wise and twist the words of the righteous. He does not put it as an option, but as something that is going to happen, because that judge will let the sentimentality for having accepted a bribe or a gift affect the decision he will make.
The elders in the congregations, in the same way, must not let the sentimentality or friendship they have had with the sinner or wrongdoer affect the decision that must be made based on Biblical Principles and Laws.
That is why sometimes, an elder who is called to make judicial decisions may excuse himself from participating in a judicial committee if his feelings or a certain friendship may be related to the sinner in that way he does not participate in being partial. A great way to go.
Deuteronomy 17: 4-6.
It says: When they inform you of this matter or hear you will know about it so you must investigate it thoroughly. If it is confirmed that this detestable thing has happened in Israel. You have to bring the man or woman who has done this bad thing to the city gates, and the man or woman has to be stoned to death. You can only execute a person if you have the testimony of two or three Witnesses. It will not be executed if you have the testimony of only one Witness.
Jehovah's law is just and perfect. And what I was requesting of human beings back then, as they do now, is that a fact be thoroughly investigated. If there is a serious accusation in ancient Israel, as today the congregation needs two witnesses or perhaps even three.
Because? Because this added strength to the testimony and it was not just being judged by the hearsay a person might give unless another corroborates it. and if there were three even better. And this was a very serious matter of fact-checking, since the person's life was at stake in Israe's time.
Today also the elders need to make sure that an accusation, if the sinner does not confess it voluntarily, then there must be two witnesses who show that what is being accused of that person can corroborate it. And although of course, today he is not being judged to stone and kill him.
However, if the spiritual life of that person is at stake, if he is accused of something that is not true, for that reason it is still necessary to have two witnesses for an accusation and a fair trial. Let us now examine the third principle to judge in the way that Jehovah wants with justice, and that is: ask for help in difficult cases. now let's look at Deuteronomy chapter 17 verses 8 and 9 where it says:
"If in one of your cities you have a case that seems too difficult for you to judge, whether it is a case in which blood has been spilled, a legal claim has been filed or a violent act has been committed, or any other problem you have to go to the place that Jehovah your God chooses.Go to the Levitical priests and the judge who is on duty during those days and consult them, and they will inform you of their decision.
The verses we see here clearly show that not everyone has the capacity to handle every case that comes up. And Jehovah is requesting here to the judge, or speaking in the case of our congregations, that an elder who does not know how to act should be humble and enlist the help of other experienced elders.
This is what Jehovah said in the law. If a judge back then couldn't. Knowing how to resolve a situation, he had to go to the Levitical priests. Because? Because they played an important role in judging Israel. And they were more soaked than reading the law to the people. So they were in higher capacity.
And of course, a better relationship and communication with Jehovah. When congregations arise in difficult situations to resolve, elders may also humbly seek the help of other elders or other bodies of elders who may have already dealt with a similar case or have more experience or some instruction that may have been passed on to. one or another old man. Why do all this work? Because the point is to judge fairly, as if Jehovah were doing it.
If we see in our activity guide, the drawing that is put in this part of the treasures of the bible, perhaps we could imagine a husband accusing his wife of something or some man accusing a woman who could be perhaps too weak to fend. However, you can see the attitude of two different people, also there we could perhaps think of one of those who are kneeling there as a face of satisfaction to see how another with more experience is taking the case and deciding with the justice that corresponds.
They are really very important points to apply in each of the congregations. When we have impartial elders who check the facts before deciding. And when they are humble they recognize that they are not prepared or do not have enough knowledge to make decisions in difficult cases and they seek help from others.
No doubt those congregations really are progressing under Jehovah's blessing. It's good that we don't have blind justice within the organization. How nice that it is judged fairly, just as Jehovah would for the benefit of the innocent person and of course, he will also properly judge the guilty.
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