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"What is Jehovah your God asking of you?" (10 mins.)
What happens when we feel true love for our future spouse? One of the many things is that we pass on certain aspects to him because we truly love him. We know that we are both imperfect and we will make mistakes as well as say things at certain times that we do not like or misunderstand.
Still, we forget and forgive because our love is stronger. Things are there to talk about and change what we don't like. All of this is possible because our love for that person is much stronger than these small human mistakes and imperfections.
For God we also feel love, and in this case it is even more different because Jehovah is perfect, because everything he tells us is for our good in his immense wisdom and he never burdens us to do what he tells us. Out of love, we stay close to Him and do just as the Bible tells us.
In this sense, God will never fail us or make mistakes… because unlike our spouse who is imperfect, Jehovah is not. With more reason, it costs us less to develop an intimate relationship with him, because everything he tells us is to protect us, to take care of us and to strengthen us. He does not want to see that we suffer, but that we do well.
As we talk about things with our partner, with our husband or wife, we must reflect and meditate on what the Bible tells us to know exactly what Jehovah is asking of us in each moment of our lives. What is Jehovah asking us to do? What do you want our relationship with him to be like?
Unlike a human relationship, it is in this case Jehovah who forgets and forgives our mistakes. Because he also loves us, and wants us to do the same with a deep and sincere heart. So we read in Deuteronomy 10:12.
Deuteronomy 10:12
“Now, O Israel, what is Jehovah your God asking of you? He only asks you to fear Jehovah your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve Jehovah your God with all your heart and with all your soul "
Love for God is the most important thing that we must cultivate in our life, on our way to his Kingdom. This deep love compels us to have deep respect for our heavenly Father and to obey him in every moment of our lives. To follow his ways and obey him because we don't want to do anything that makes him feel bad about us.
We want all the actions, behavior and decisions of our life to be endorsed by him, we do not want to do anything to stain his holy name or give him a reason to be disappointed with us.
It is for this reason, for this deep love, for this deep respect that we fear God in this sense. Because we know that we are imperfect and we can make mistakes that lead us to sin seriously with Him and this is the last thing we want to do in our lives. This generates in us a deep fear for Jehovah that urges us, encourages us and gives us strength to remain obedient in all areas of our Christian life.
We see that Jehovah does not ask us for anything impossible to achieve, he only asks us for our love, that we love him just as he loves us. We love our imperfect spouse and lay down our lives for him or her. All the more reason we have to love with more intensity and strength our perfect heavenly Father who is always watching over our well-being and gives us all the blessings that we have in life.
Moses said it very clearly, Jehovah wants us to "love him and serve him with all our hearts and with all our souls." We show this love to him in many ways, one of them is obeying him and acting according to his Word the Bible in every area and moment of our lives.
And as we have said, these commandments or norms that the Bible gives us are not imperfect or equivocal. They are perfect, in their immense wisdom, one that no one can match or ever will. The wisdom of our Creator who has left us these judicial provisions, mandates and rules for us, for our well-being, so that we can do well.
They are not unjust, they are very just, it comes from the supreme justice of Jehovah. And they are not limiting at all, they allow us to have fun in a healthy way. Each biblical norm is designed for our life, so that we can do well, so that we do not have as many problems as we see today.
Deuteronomy 10:13
"And that you obey the commandments and statutes of Jehovah that I am commanding you today for your own good"
What I am sending you today was written thousands of years ago and it continues to be sent to us today because it is still useful, it has not changed, because the wisdom of God does not change it is infinite. The earthly laws of this system, of these governments change, and they do so every few years. Sometimes it is believed that for the better and others for the worse.
The Law of God is maintained for the years and it continues being everything for our good, without hidden interests. This is how we can see it in the image with this person's drinking and tobacco problem. How many people have such a problem? Many. How many have sought help to quit that habit? Many. How many have succeeded? Not all. Have they sought help? Yes. But where are you and have you always found the best help for this problem and many others? Exactly, in the Bible.
A Christian, as we know, we do not turn to any other type of help but to the Bible. Jehovah already knew that these situations would occur and tells us how to avoid them. This person in the illustration has seen how the Bible has changed his life, how he leads a healthier, happier life without so many health and financial problems.
This is just one example, and it has been many people with this same problem that the Bible has helped them out of that hole. Even many of our current brothers have had to make these changes, others similar and others even worse. And all thanks to Jehovah's guidance, because everything he commands us is for our good.
What happens to those of us who have been born in the truth and have not had to deal with changing these harmful habits? The Bible also helps us a lot, for example, not to be curious about these worldly vices and to stay away from these practices. The Bible teaches us that prevention is better than cure. Whatever Jehovah tells us, regardless of our situation, will always be and is the best for us and for keeping us close to him.
Living according to the just and wise norms and laws of God will avoid many problems, disappointments and we will have healthier and happier lives, apart from deserving of the great promises that he makes us under his Reign and the prophecies that will be fulfilled in a near time.
In addition, this effort that we make to always be close to Him and put Him in the first place before the temptations, tests and norms or customs of this system, is mutual. It is not about a one-sided relationship or an unrequited love that perhaps has ever happened to us. Jehovah wants us to draw close to him, he wants us to serve him, he wants to love us as we do. He wants to show us all his love as we read in Deuteronomy 10:15:
Deuteronomy 10:15
"But Jehovah only approached your ancestors and showed them his love, and out of all the peoples he chose you, his descendants, as you can see today."
It is a great emotion that the Creator of all things wants us to be by his side, wants to love us and choose us as his people. What great satisfaction we feel knowing that he will never abandon us, that he depends on us and what we do to get closer to him, that he will always receive us with open hands and show us his love whenever we obey him, which in turn has repercussions. in our well-being, safety and protection.
Jehovah does not force anyone to obey him. On the contrary, He acts like this spouse who loves us so much and forgives and forgets our mistakes, that although we are slaves of sin as Romans 6:17 says, He gives us the opportunity to be obedient from the heart so that we can get closer to Him and be part of it. from his town. When we do so, when we decide to dedicate our lives to Jehovah, we get, as we know, the best life possible.
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