Watchtower Study, Week of March 3-9, 2025, Give Glory to Jehovah, Underlined Answers.

Watchtower Study, March 3-9, 2025, Give Glory to Jehovah, Underlined Answers.

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“Give Jehovah the glory his name deserves” (PSA. 96:8).

1. What are many focusing on today?

HAVE we noticed that nowadays most people focus a lot on themselves? For example, there are those who use social networks to try to get everyone to notice them and their achievements. But very few people give glory to Jehovah God. In this article, we will look at what it means to give glory to Jehovah and what reasons we have for doing so. We will also learn how we can give God the glory he deserves and how he himself will soon glorify his name.


2. How did Jehovah reveal his glory on Mount Sinai? (See also the image).

2 In the Bible, the word glory can refer to what makes someone impressive. Shortly after the nation of Israel was freed from slavery in Egypt, Jehovah displayed his glory in a spectacular way. Let's imagine the scene: millions of Israelites are gathered at the foot of Mount Sinai to hear what God is going to tell them. A dense cloud envelops the mountain. A huge earthquake occurs and smoke begins to rise from the mountain while lightning is seen and thunder and a deafening horn sound are heard. (Ex. 19:16-18; 24:17; Ps. 68:8). Without a doubt, the Israelites must have been deeply impressed by this impressive manifestation of Jehovah's glory.


Dense clouds filled with lightning envelop the top of Mount Sinai. The Israelites gather at the foot of the mountain.

On Mount Sinai, Jehovah gave the Israelites an impressive display of his glory. (See paragraph 2).

3. What does it mean to give glory to Jehovah?

3 And what about us? Can we give glory to Jehovah? Of course. One way to do this is to tell people about their awesome power and wonderful qualities. Another way is to give him credit for all the things we achieve thanks to his power. (Is.  26:12). A very notable example is that of King David. In a prayer he made before the entire congregation of Israel, he said: “Yours, O Jehovah, are the greatness, the power, the beauty, the splendor and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and the earth is yours.” When he finished praying, “the whole congregation praised Jehovah.” (1 Chron. 29:11, 20).

4. How did Jesus give glory to Jehovah?

4 When Jesus was on Earth, he brought glory to his Father in many ways. For example, he always explained that his miracles were done through the power of Jehovah (Mar. 5:18-20). He also gave him glory for the way he spoke about him and the way he treated others. On one occasion, Jesus was teaching in a synagogue and among those present was a woman who had been possessed by a demon for 18 years. Because of that demon, she was very bent over and couldn't straighten up. What a terrible situation! Realizing how much she must be suffering, Jesus took pity on her and said lovingly: “Woman, you are freed from your weakness.” Then he laid his hands on her, and immediately she stood up straight and “began to give glory to God.” (Luke 13:10-13). That woman who had recovered her health and dignity had good reasons to give glory to Jehovah; and we have them too.


5. What reasons do we have to respect Jehovah?

5 We give glory to Jehovah because we deeply respect him. We have many reasons to respect it. Jehovah is almighty; His energy has no limits (Ps. 96:4-7). His immense wisdom is clearly seen in what he has created. He has given us life and everything we need to maintain it (Rev. 4:11). He is loyal (Rev. 15:4). He is successful in whatever he does and always keeps his promises (Josh. 23:14). No wonder the prophet Jeremiah told him: “Among all the wise men of the nations and among all their kingdoms, there is absolutely no one like you.” (Jer. 10:6, 7). It is clear that we have many reasons to respect our heavenly Father. But he doesn't just deserve respect; He also earns our love.

6. Why do we love Jehovah?

6 We give glory to Jehovah because we love him with all our hearts. Jehovah has many qualities that make us love him. For example, he is merciful and compassionate (Sal. 103:13; Is. 49:15). When we suffer, he feels empathy and it hurts him to see our pain. (Zac. 2:8). It helps us get closer to him and be his friends (Psalm 25:14; Acts 17:27). Furthermore, he is humble and “bends down to observe heaven and earth, to lift the humble from the dust.” (Ps. 113:6, 7). Who wouldn't want to give glory to such a wonderful God? (Ps. 86:12).

7. What nice opportunity do we have?

7 We give glory to Jehovah because we want people to know him. Many have a wrong idea about God. Because? Because Satan has spread terrible lies about him and has blinded their minds (2 Cor. 4:4). He has convinced them that Jehovah is vengeful and uncaring and that he is to blame for much of the bad things that happen in the world. But we know the truth. And we have the opportunity to help people know what our God is really like, and thus give Him glory. (Isa. 43:10). Next we are going to analyze some verses from Psalm 96, which focuses on giving glory to Jehovah. This analysis will help us see ways to give God the glory he so richly deserves.


8. What is one way to give glory to Jehovah? (Psalm 96:1-3).

8 (Read Psalm 96:1-3). We can give glory to Jehovah by what we say about him. In these verses God's servants are invited to sing to Jehovah, bless his name, proclaim the good news of his salvation, and declare his glory among the nations. These are all ways to give glory to our heavenly Father. Both faithful Jews and first-century Christians took every opportunity to defend Jehovah's name and speak of the good things God had done for them. (Dan. 3:16-18; Acts 4:29). How can we imitate them?

9, 10. What does Angelina's case teach you? (See also the image).

9 Let's look at the case of a sister from the United States named Angelina. a She was brave and defended Jehovah's name in her workplace. Since she was a new hire, she was invited to a meeting where all the new employees had the opportunity to say something about themselves so that others could get to know them. She prepared a presentation with photographs to show how happy she is as a Jehovah's Witness. However, it turns out that the colleague whose turn it was to speak just before her said that he had grown up as a Jehovah's Witness, but he began to mock our beliefs. Angelina says: “I felt like my heart was going to burst out. But I asked myself, ‘Am I going to allow someone to tell these lies about Jehovah, or am I going to defend him?’”

10 When the companion finished, Angelina said a short silent prayer. Then, in a kind way, he told her: “We have something in common. I was also raised as a Jehovah's Witness, and in fact I still am.” The situation became tense, but she remained calm. So he first showed them some nice photos of some spiritual activities he had attended and then tactfully defended his beliefs (1 Pet. 3:15). By the time she finished her presentation, the colleague had calmed down and even acknowledged that he too had very special memories from growing up as a Jehovah's Witness. Angelina says: “Jehovah deserves that we defend his name. "It's quite an honor!" It is also our privilege to praise Jehovah and give him glory, even when others speak ill of him.


Staging of Angelina showing slides to her classmates. While smiling, she shows them a photo of herself with delegates from another country at a special assembly.

We can give glory to Jehovah with what we say. (See paragraphs 9 and 10).

11. How have God's servants throughout history followed the principle found in Psalm 96:8?

11 (Read Psalm 96:8). We can give glory to Jehovah with our valuable things. True servants of God have always honored Jehovah in this way (Prov. 3:9). For example, the Israelites made donations to build and maintain the temple (2 Kings 12:4, 5; 1 Chron. 29:3-9). Some disciples of Christ “used their assets” to care for him and his apostles (Luc. 8:1-3). And, in the first century, Christians also sent humanitarian aid to their spiritual brothers. (Num. 11:27-29). Today we too can give glory to Jehovah through our voluntary donations.

12. How do we bring glory to Jehovah with our donations? (See also the image).

12 Let's look at a case that shows how we bring glory to Jehovah with our donations. In 2020, due to a very long drought in Zimbabwe, millions of people were in danger of dying of hunger. Among them was a sister named Prisca. Despite the drought, he did not stop going out to preach every Wednesday and Friday, even during the time of plowing his lands. Her neighbors made fun of her for preaching instead of working in the fields, and they told her: “You're going to die of hunger!” But she answered them with confidence: “Jehovah has never failed his servants.” Shortly after, thanks to our donations, our organization was able to provide him with humanitarian aid. Some of his neighbors were very impressed and told him: “God has never failed you. We want to know more about him.” And seven of them began to attend congregation meetings.


Staging of Prisca preaching with another sister. Prisca looks forward with confidence as her neighbors mock her.

We can give glory to Jehovah with our valuable things. (See paragraph 12).

13. According to Psalm 96:9, what should we do to give glory to Jehovah?

13 (Read Psalm 96:9). We can give glory to Jehovah with our conduct. Jehovah's priests were required to wash and be clean when serving in the tabernacle and temple (Ex. 40:30-32). We also strive to be physically clean, but most importantly we live clean lives in the sight of God (Ps. 24:3, 4; 1 Pet. 1:15, 16). We must put all our efforts into putting off “the old personality” and putting on “the new personality.” In other words, we abandon bad attitudes and dirty practices, and learn to think and act in a way that reflects the beautiful qualities of Jehovah. (Col. 3:9, 10). With the help of God even the most immoral and violent people can change and put on the new personality.

14. What does Jack's case teach you? (See also the image).

14 Let's look at the case of Jack, a violent and very dangerous man who was nicknamed the Devil. Due to his crimes, he was sentenced to death. However, while waiting for his execution date to arrive, he agreed to study the Bible with a brother who was visiting the prison. Despite everything he had done in the past, Jack changed, and eventually became baptized as a Jehovah's Witness. His transformation was so great that on the day of his execution some of the guards said goodbye to him with tears in their eyes. A sergeant who worked there said: “Before, Jack was the worst prisoner we had. But now he is one of the best.” The week after the execution, the brothers who returned to lead the weekly meeting at the prison noticed a prisoner there who had never attended before. Why did you decide to go that day? Because he was very impressed with Jack's change and wanted to know what he had to do to worship Jehovah. It is clear that our conduct can bring glory to our heavenly Father (1 Ped. 2:12).


Scene of Jack being taken away by prison guards, who are sad. One of the guards wipes tears from his face.

We can give glory to Jehovah with our conduct. (See paragraph 14).


15. What will Jehovah do soon to completely glorify his name? (Psalm 96:10-13).

15 (Read Psalm 96:10-13). Psalm 96 ends by describing Jehovah as a King who judges justly. How will Jehovah soon give glory to his name? Bringing justice through his trials. He will soon put an end to Babylon the Great for having stained his holy name. (Rev. 17:5, 16; 19:1, 2). Some of those who witness the destruction of false religions may decide to worship Jehovah along with us. Then, at Armageddon, Jehovah will destroy Satan's entire system. He will eliminate all those who hate him and dirty his name, but he will save all those who love him, obey him and are proud to give him glory. (Mark 8:38; 2 Thess. 1:6-10). After Christ's Thousand-Year Reign, when the final test is over, Jehovah will have completely sanctified his name (Apoc. 20:7-10). At that time, “the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of Jehovah as the waters cover the sea.” (Hab. 2:14).

16. What are you determined to do? (See also the image).

16 How wonderful it will be when the entire world gives Jehovah the glory his name deserves! While we wait for that day to arrive, we can take advantage of every opportunity to give glory to our God. To highlight this important responsibility, the Governing Body has chosen Psalm 96:8 to be the text for the year 2025: “Give Jehovah the glory his name deserves.”


Angels in heaven and human beings in Paradise on Earth praise Jehovah with joy.

The day will come when everyone will give Jehovah the glory his name deserves! (See paragraph 16).


What does it mean to give glory to Jehovah?

One way to do this is to tell people about their awesome power and wonderful qualities. Another way is to give him credit for all the things we achieve thanks to his power.

What reasons do we have to give glory to Jehovah?

We give glory to Jehovah because we love him with all our hearts. Jehovah has many qualities that make us love him. For example, he is merciful and compassionate. When we suffer, he feels empathy and it hurts him to see our pain. It helps us get closer to Him and be His friends. Furthermore, he is humble and “bends down to observe heaven and earth, to lift the humble from the dust.”

How can we give Jehovah the glory he deserves?

We can give glory to Jehovah by what we say about Him. We can sing to Jehovah, bless his name, proclaim the good news of his salvation, and declare his glory among the nations. These are all ways to give glory to our heavenly Father. Both faithful Jews and first-century Christians took every opportunity to defend Jehovah's name and speak of the good things God had done for them.
