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“Give Jehovah the glory his name deserves” (PSA. 96:8).
1. What are many focusing on today?
Many today focus on themselves and their achievements, seeking recognition and attention, especially through social media. However, there are few people who give glory to Jehovah God, focusing on honoring him and recognizing his importance in their lives.
We just have to see how the world works today, social networks, people interested in everyone following them and seeing how wonderful they are. Of course, they are very far from thinking about what Jehovah deserves, about giving him glory.
It is evident that very few people give glory to Jehovah God. Therefore, in this article we are going to see what it means to give glory to Jehovah, what reasons we have for doing so and we are also going to learn how we can give God the glory he deserves and how He himself glorifies his name.
2. How did Jehovah reveal his glory on Mount Sinai? (See also the image).
Jehovah revealed his glory on Mount Sinai through an impressive manifestation. A dense cloud covered the mountain, there was a great earthquake, smoke, lightning, thunder and a loud horn sound. This spectacular demonstration left the Israelites deeply impressed.
On that occasion He used natural phenomena. While the Israelites were gathered on Mount Sinai, it says that a cloud covered the mountain, there was a great earthquake, lightning, thunder, and also the sound of the horn. All those natural phenomena were a manifestation of the glory of Jehovah.
In Exodus 24:17 it is mentioned that to the Israelites who were there, at the foot of the mountain, looking at the glory of Jehovah, it seemed like a raging fire on the top of the mountain. Jehovah used his power to demonstrate his glory.
The image that accompanies the paragraph helps us a little to put ourselves in the situation. If we imagine ourselves as if we were one of those Israelites seen there at the foot of the mountain, and now we see that mountain shaking, those thunder, those lightning, it would undoubtedly be something impressive. Sometimes, when there is a strong storm, this already scares us and impresses us. Well, let's imagine what that moment must have been like. The glory of Jehovah, without a doubt, was unsurpassed.
This impressed the Israelites so much that they said: “Go up, Moses, and speak to Jehovah, for we fear for our own lives.”
They were so impressed and the glory of Jehovah was manifested in such a spectacular way at that moment, that there was no doubt that everything came from Jehovah. It was very clear to the Israelites, as Psalm 68:8 says, when it says that “the earth shook and the sky poured out rain, but all because of God.” And Mount Sinai also trembled because of God. In this way, there was no doubt that Jehovah so impressively demonstrated his glory.
Dense clouds filled with lightning envelop the top of Mount Sinai. The Israelites gather at the foot of the mountain.
On Mount Sinai, Jehovah gave the Israelites an impressive display of his glory. (See paragraph 2).
3. What does it mean to give glory to Jehovah?
Giving glory to Jehovah involves speaking of his awesome power and wonderful qualities, as well as recognizing that everything we accomplish is thanks to Him. An example of this is King David, who in a prayer highlighted the greatness, power, and majesty of Jehovah, which led the entire congregation to praise him.
One way to do this is to tell people about the awesome power and wonderful qualities that Jehovah has, and give Him credit for everything accomplished by the power that He has. David already did so, in a prayer, when he said: “Yours, O Jehovah, are the greatness, the power, the beauty, the splendor and the majesty”, because everything that is in the heavens and the earth is his. If we speak this way, praise Jehovah this way, it is possible that the same thing will happen as at that time, when the people praised Jehovah.
Isaiah 26:12 says that everything we have done, He has done for us, referring to Jehovah. So, one way to give him glory is to give him credit for all the things we manage to do thanks to his power.
We must also obey God's commandments and live according to his principles. We should strive to do what is right in our lives, preach and share the good news of the Kingdom of God with others, be honest, kind, and considerate toward others, and maintain clean moral conduct. Additionally, we should express gratitude and praise to Jehovah through prayer, singing, and worship.
Giving glory to Jehovah involves making his name known, recognizing and exalting his greatness, his power and his holiness throughout our lives. As Psalm 29:2 says, “Give to Jehovah the glory his name deserves.”
Even thinking about everyday things, for example, if we have passed an exam or at work we have had a good idea and that has helped us, or in any other way, in reality, it is thanks to Him. We can give Him the glory by thanking Him for the mind that He has given us, for the brain and for the fact that we can do these things.
4. How did Jesus give glory to Jehovah?
Jesus brought glory to Jehovah by recognizing that his miracles were done through his power, by speaking about him, and by treating others with compassion. An example was when he healed a woman who had been bent over for 18 years due to a demon. Upon releasing her, she stood up straight and began to give glory to God.
He brought glory to him in many ways, and one of them was that when he performed miracles, he always said that he did them through the power of Jehovah.
We have the example of Mark, chapter 5, where Jesus frees a man from a legion of demons. He says that other prophets had tried, but it had been impossible, because there were many, in fact, he used about 2,000 pigs to free him from these demons, who threw themselves into the sea. And when this man was well, he begged him to go with him. What Jesus told him was: “Go home, return to your relatives and tell them everything that Jehovah has done for you.” One way to give glory to Jehovah is to tell others all that He has done for us.
One way Jesus brought glory to Jehovah was how he treated others with compassion. Another example is this woman who had been bent over for 18 years due to a demon. Then, upon releasing her, she straightened herself and also began to give glory to God.
Jesus performed that miracle in a way that the woman clearly understood was coming from God, because she says at the end, as we read, that she began to give glory to God. And this can motivate us too, so that, when we do something good for others, whenever possible, we let them know that our Creator motivates us.
Regarding this story of the woman who had been with a demon for 18 years, the compassion of Jesus is seen, which is a way of giving glory to Jehovah, because it says that, when he saw her, Jesus went to her and healed her. He didn't wait for her to come, like on other occasions when they asked him for help. We also have much to imitate, and in this way, we imitate and give glory to Jehovah.
5. What reasons do we have to respect Jehovah?
We have many reasons to respect Jehovah. He is all-powerful, his energy has no limits and his wisdom is reflected in creation. He has given us life and everything necessary to maintain it. Furthermore, he is loyal; He always keeps his promises and is successful in everything he does.
One reason is that He is all-powerful, and the words of Psalm 96:4 tell us that He is great and deserves all praise.
In Revelation 4:11 there is a very powerful reason to give glory to Jehovah. In fact, the book of Revelation itself says that he deserves it, and he deserves it because he is the Creator. When we meditate deeply on creation and see what it implies, when we look at the universe in a way, although very limited from here, from Earth, and see what it encompasses, Jehovah certainly deserves our glory for everything he has done, for what he has done implies, and more, thinking that he did it with us in mind.
We also respect him because he is successful at whatever he does and always keeps his promises. Joshua was a direct witness to this; That is why he could say that not a single word of all the promises that Jehovah God had made had failed them. He had seen how God freed the Israelites from slavery, protected them, fed them, and cared for them. So it is a reason to respect him deeply, to know that his promises will be fulfilled.
In Jeremiah 10:6,7 he shows how Jehovah is an imposing God, he has no rival, and that is why it is normal that we have many reasons to respect him. As he says at the end of the paragraph, we must not only respect him, but we must also have a lot of love, and for that he deserves our respect.
The text of Revelation 15:4 tells us that Jehovah is loyal. Although we know that there are other creatures who are also loyal, such as Jesus Christ and the angels, on this occasion it is highlighted that loyalty is united with the maximum expression, love. Jehovah is the highest authority in demonstrating love. Therefore, it says that He is loyal above all other people. So he also deserves that we adore him and give him glory.
Even knowing that Jehovah is the ultimate authority, one might think that He has every right to ask for respect. But, as has always been well said, respect is not something that is demanded or asked for, but rather something that is earned. And all these reasons that have been discussed make us see that Jehovah deserves all our respect.
Even knowing that Jehovah is the ultimate authority, one might think that He has every right to ask for respect. But, as has always been well said, respect is not something that is demanded or asked for, but rather something that is earned. And all these reasons that have been discussed make us see that Jehovah deserves all our respect.
6. Why do we love Jehovah?
We love Jehovah because he has qualities that inspire affection and admiration in us. He is merciful, compassionate and empathizes with our suffering. Furthermore, it helps us get closer to Him and be His friends. His humility also moves us, because he is interested in the most humble and lifts them up.
One of the reasons is because he is merciful and compassionate, as it says in Isaiah 49:15: “Can a woman forget her baby or not have compassion for the child she carried in her womb?” Well, just as a mother never forgets a pregnancy, even if it does not reach the end, Jehovah does not forget his servant either, whether we have been pregnant for a long time or a short time.
We love Jehovah because he is merciful, as Psalm 103:13 says: “Just as a father shows mercy to his children, Jehovah has shown mercy to those who fear him.”
In Zechariah 2:8 we are compared to the apple of the Lord's eye, and we know that there is nothing more sensitive than the eyes. This is how Jehovah feels the pain that we may be suffering. Even though He is not experiencing it in His own skin, He feels a lot of empathy for us and suffers along with us.
He also encourages us to draw closer to Him and be His friends. According to Acts 17:27, “even if they groped,” someone groped for Him, and they would truly find Him, because the truth is that He is not very far from each of us. Jehovah is accessible to anyone who seeks him, even without knowing where to find him.
He is also humble, as explained in Psalm 113. The comparison is very beautiful because it says that Jehovah is so, so, so high that he has to bend down to see the sky. But still, although he is so high, what he is really concerned about is not heaven, but “raising the lowly from the dust.” Someone so elevated, but who is worried about us.
Seeing all these qualities that Jehovah has, as we have seen in this paragraph, according to the psalmist, we join him when he asks the question: Who would not want to give glory to such a wonderful God? For that reason we praise him with all our hearts.
7. What nice opportunity do we have?
We have a beautiful opportunity to bring glory to Jehovah by helping people learn the truth about Him. Satan has spread lies that have blinded many, but we can show them that Jehovah is a loving and just God, giving Him the glory He deserves.
We can give glory to Jehovah by helping people get to know him, and helping to disprove the lies that have been told about him, such as that he is a vengeful God or indifferent to humanity.
And today many people are wrong, because Satan, as it is said in 2 Corinthians 4:4, has blinded their minds by telling lies about Jehovah. Many people have the mistaken idea that it is God's fault that the world is wrong and that He does not fix it. So, for us it is a very nice way to give glory to Jehovah, making people see that God is not to blame and that he really has hope for us.
If we were in a trial because someone had accused us of doing something bad, we would surely choose as a witness someone who knew us very well and who was trustworthy. And it is Jehovah himself, in Isaiah 43:10, who tells us that we are his witnesses. It means that Jehovah has chosen each of us to testify in his favor and deny all the false accusations that have been said about him, because he knows us well and trusts us. So, for us, it is a great honor and pride to be his witnesses, and we take advantage of every opportunity to praise his name.
We can say that we have imprinted on our hearts what we have seen. For example, on Mount Sinai, how Jehovah acted throughout history. We know that, and what we want is to share it with people, because we know that, since they are blind, they see a future without hope. However, because we know and love Jehovah, we also want people to come to know how great Jehovah is.
In 2 Corinthians he tells us that Satan has blinded people's minds with terrible lies. One of them, very common, is the lie that everything comes from a big explosion, when in reality something as wonderful and as complex as creation could not have arisen from an explosion. We have a nice opportunity to prepare well so that when the opportunity arises to contact people, we can help them see that there must be a creator, and in this way we give glory to Jehovah.
8. What is one way to give glory to Jehovah? (Psalm 96:1-3).
We can give glory to Jehovah by what we say about Him. Psalm 96:1-3 encourages us to sing to Him, bless His name, proclaim His salvation, and declare His glory among the nations. Following the example of faithful servants of the past, we should take advantage of every opportunity to speak of the wonders of Jehovah and defend his name.
There we are invited to sing to Jehovah, to bless his name and to proclaim the good news of his salvation and his glory among the nations.
Here we also have an example of how in ancient times they also took advantage of the opportunity they had to defend Jehovah. It was Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who told Nebuchadnezzar of the great power that Jehovah had and that, if Jehovah wanted, he would be able to get them out of that furnace.
In Acts 4:29, Peter and John also told him to give him courage to preach to others. Likewise, we have to ask Jehovah for courage so that we can preach.
There is a very interesting phrase that says, referring to the Christians of the first century, that they took advantage of every opportunity. We must take advantage of any opportunity we have to speak of Jehovah's goodness, and in this way we are giving Him glory.
The story in Daniel 3 is very beautiful, when Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego defend and give glory to Jehovah, because they said that if Jehovah wanted, he could free them from his hand, but if not, they knew that they would not bow before the image that he had made.
The text of Acts 4:24-31 begins by saying: “Sovereign Lord, you who made the sky, the earth, the sea and everything that fills it.” How they thought and felt how great Jehovah was, and as was commented at the end, what they ask of him is: “Please give us strength to speak about what you teach us.” And that is something we want to imitate and be grateful for.
9, 10. What does Angelina's case teach you? (See also the image).
Angelina's case teaches us the importance of being brave when defending Jehovah's name. Despite feeling nervous when a co-worker made fun of Jehovah's Witness beliefs at work, she said a silent prayer and responded calmly and respectfully. He showed photos of spiritual activities and explained his beliefs tactfully, getting his partner to remember positive experiences from his childhood. His example encourages us to praise Jehovah and give him glory, even in difficult situations.
We have surely experienced this case or will experience it in the future, because it is a case that usually happens on many occasions, both at school and at work. But the sister asked herself this question: Am I going to allow someone to tell these lies about Jehovah or am I going to defend him? She acted in a kind manner and, in the end, as experience tells us, she taught her presentation, defended the name of Jehovah, both before this companion who had spoken ill of Him and before the others. And in the end everything went well, he says that the companion calmed down and even recognized that he had good memories of when he was in the truth.
One of the keys that made everything go well is, as the paragraph mentions: when the situation became tense, she could have become even more tense or more nervous. But what did she do? As you mention, he stayed calm, so that's a great example for us. Because in many circumstances in our lives it is going to happen to us and we have to calm down.
One way this sister gave him glory is through preparation, because she knew what was going to happen, she knew she had to explain who she was, where she came from, and she took the opportunity to speak the truth. And this teaches us that it is very important, in certain areas, such as at work or at school, to have answers prepared in advance or things that we can say when our beliefs are questioned. In this way, we will be prepared and prepared to give glory to Jehovah.
How beautiful the love that this sister had for Jehovah, she said: Am I going to allow someone to say something bad about Jehovah, to tell lies, and I am going to be silent? Automatically, that love made him trust Him. He prayed a short silent prayer and was able to defend Him in the best way he could, and without a doubt, it had a good result.
As we see in the image in the paragraph, it is as natural as what the sister is doing, because when we have other coworkers who, for example, love to go to the countryside, they are talking to you about it all the time. So, when we, as Jehovah's Witnesses, love to be one and are proud of it, it is normal and natural that we express it so naturally.
It is interesting that when this sister was preparing, she already knew that the man from before was going to mess with the Witnesses and Jehovah. So it teaches us that sometimes we do not have to wait to be prepared to defend Jehovah, but we can create the opportunity to give glory to Jehovah.
Staging of Angelina showing slides to her classmates. While smiling, she shows them a photo of herself with delegates from another country at a special assembly.
We can give glory to Jehovah with what we say. (See paragraphs 9 and 10).
11. How have God's servants throughout history followed the principle found in Psalm 96:8?
God's servants have honored Jehovah with their possessions throughout history. The Israelites donated to the temple, some disciples helped Jesus and his apostles, and the early Christians sent humanitarian aid. Today we continue to give glory to Jehovah through voluntary donations.
The story of 2 Kings talks about how Jehovah's servants at that time were already aware that maintaining the temple required an expense. They contributed because they understood that this was what gave glory to Jehovah's name. So their donations helped bring glory to Jehovah's name.
In Psalm 112:4, 9, it says, “The man who lends generously is righteous and does well, because his heart is steadfast and he trusts in Jehovah, who has distributed justly to the poor.” For example, we can do it through humanitarian donations or with others.
In the first century, some of Jesus' disciples also used their property to minister to Jesus, and the result was that he was able to devote all his time to talking about Jehovah and glorifying Him.
12. How do we bring glory to Jehovah with our donations? (See also the image).
In 2020, during a severe drought in Zimbabwe, Prisca continued preaching despite taunts from her neighbors who told her she would starve. He trusted that Jehovah would never fail his servants. Thanks to donations, he received humanitarian aid, which impressed his neighbors. Seeing how Jehovah cared for her, seven of them began attending meetings, demonstrating that our donations can glorify God.
The case of one of our sisters who lives in Zimbabwe is told. In 2020, there was a great drought, to the point that they were in danger of dying of hunger. But, despite that, the sister had her custom; It is seen that he had that vow to Jehovah that had given him to go out on Wednesdays and Fridays, even when it was the plowing season. The neighbors made fun of her and told her that she was going to die of hunger. But she had so much confidence in Jehovah that she said that Jehovah had never failed his servants. The important thing about all this is that, if we make donations, we will help sisters like this one be able to respond to their neighbors. Thanks to donations, she was able to move forward and have food. The neighbors saw how these donations arrived, and then seven of them went to the meetings and wanted to know Jehovah.
The way to give glory to Jehovah was not by saying: “I don't worry, I don't do anything and Jehovah will help me.” She knew how to put the Kingdom first and did not let worries stop her from serving Jehovah.
If we did not read this Watchtower article, we would not have known the effect of these donations on this sister, nor do we know what donation or from what person it came to her. But what we are sure of is that, even if it is just a little, Jehovah can make that little bit give Him glory.
In the image we can see the attitude with which these two sisters are going to preach, with a face of satisfaction but at the same time of peace, knowing that they are doing the best for Jehovah, no matter what they are shouting at them deep down. They know that they are doing what is right, that they are giving glory to Jehovah. We can imagine the look of satisfaction they would have, when it later becomes clear that Jehovah has not abandoned them.
These are not isolated cases; We know that in many parts of the world there are brothers who have these same difficulties. When the slave wanted to tell us these stories, it is because they will benefit us. Because now we may be very well, but who knows if tomorrow we may be in the same conditions as this sister? So, we must continue to give glory to Jehovah, making his Word known and trusting that Jehovah will never fail his servants.
Staging of Prisca preaching with another sister. Prisca looks forward with confidence as her neighbors mock her.
We can give glory to Jehovah with our valuable things. (See paragraph 12).
13. According to Psalm 96:9, what should we do to give glory to Jehovah?
We can give glory to Jehovah with our conduct. Just as priests had to be clean to serve in the temple, we must strive to live a clean life before God. This means leaving behind bad attitudes and practices and adopting a personality that reflects the qualities of Jehovah. With its help, even those who had an immoral or violent life can change and live according to their principles.
To give glory to Jehovah, we must strive to keep ourselves clean in God's sight. And we must make every effort to leave behind the old personality, with its habits and practices unbecoming a Christian, and put on the new personality, thinking and acting in a way that reflects the qualities of Jehovah.
Exodus 40:30-32 mentions that Moses, Aaron and their sons, when they appeared at the tent of meeting or approached the altar, washed as Jehovah had commanded Moses. So we see the importance, when we worship Jehovah, of being clean in the physical sense, although it is more important to also be clean in the spiritual sense.
In this paragraph we see how to give glory to Jehovah with our behavior, with what we see, with what we can show others, what we do in our theocratic activities or even outside of them. The paragraph says that in order to show good behavior, we also have to learn to think in the right way. He says it very clearly: we learn to think and act. Because when we examine ourselves, we must see what our thoughts are like, what we have in our hearts, how we see others, even if we do not verbalize it. It is very important that we first examine ourselves inside, because that will be the first step for our behavior to be appropriate.
14. What does Jack's case teach you? (See also the image).
Jack, a violent man, sentenced to death, changed completely after studying the Bible. His transformation was so shocking that even the guards said goodbye to him with tears. His example motivated another prisoner to know Jehovah, demonstrating that our conduct can bring glory to God.
We see that he was a very violent man; in fact, they even nicknamed him 'the devil'. So we see how he was sentenced to death by law. When the execution date was close, he agreed to study the Bible. The change he made was such that they say that when the day of the execution arrived, some of the guards said goodbye to him with tears. They met a sergeant who said that he used to be the worst of the prisoners, but now he was one of the best. After the execution, a few days later one of the prisoners who had been his companion appeared at a meeting and was impressed by the change he had made. So we see how the way he behaved, his conduct, and what he became caused him to glorify Jehovah and testify to others.
Jack couldn't see how his example motivated others to start a Bible study, and the same can happen to us when we preach from house to house, or set a good example at school, work, or when we are with our strollers. This could motivate someone to study without us knowing it, but like Jack, we will find out in paradise.
Jack's example shows us how true the words of 1 Peter 2:12 are, which says that when we maintain exemplary conduct, others will notice it and the result will be glory to Jehovah. So we want our conduct to result in the glory of Jehovah.
Scene of Jack being taken away by prison guards, who are sad. One of the guards wipes tears from his face.
We can give glory to Jehovah with our conduct. (See paragraph 14).
15. What will Jehovah do soon to completely glorify his name? (Psalm 96:10-13).
Jehovah will bring justice through his judgments. First he will destroy Babylon the Great for having dishonored his name, which will lead some to worship him. Then, at Armageddon, he will eliminate Satan's system and save those who are faithful to him. At the end of Christ's Thousand Year reign, His name will be completely sanctified.
He will soon put an end to Babylon the Great, for having stained his name. And some of those who witnessed the destruction of false religions will decide at the last moment to worship Jehovah along with us. So we look forward to these events so that more people can join together to give glory to Jehovah.
At Armageddon, Jehovah will bring about the complete destruction of Satan's system. All those people who hate and stain the name of Jehovah will be eliminated. However, all of us who give Him glory, praise Him, love Him and are obedient to Him will be saved.
When the final test is completed, Jehovah will have completely sanctified his name.
The text of Habakkuk 2:14 says that the earth will be full of the knowledge of the glory of Jehovah, and it is interesting that it does not say that it will be full of his glory, because it already is. However, many people do not recognize Jehovah and give honor to other things. In the future, everyone will know that behind everything good and beautiful around us is Jehovah.
16. What are you determined to do? (See also the image).
As we wait for the day when everyone will glorify Jehovah, we should take advantage of every opportunity to honor his name. To highlight this responsibility, the text of the year 2025 has been chosen: “Give Jehovah the glory that his name deserves.”
Deepen the knowledge of the Bible and share it with everyone who is willing to receive it, to give glory to Jehovah.
As we see in the image, the day will come when all people living on earth will give glory to Jehovah, and also all creatures living in heaven. Until that time comes, we want to take advantage of every opportunity to bring glory to Jehovah today.
We should not get tired or discouraged, even if people's response is not as accommodating as we would like it to be. But we want to continue insisting, because we know that Jehovah is still giving these people an opportunity. So, we are not going to waste it.
Therefore, we must always take advantage of the opportunity to give glory to Jehovah. How? Preaching, singing, because, as I said in the paragraph, it is an honor for all of us to be able to do this.
Angels in heaven and human beings in Paradise on Earth praise Jehovah with joy.
The day will come when everyone will give Jehovah the glory his name deserves! (See paragraph 16).
What does it mean to give glory to Jehovah?
Giving glory to Jehovah means recognizing his supremacy, honoring him with our words, actions, and attitudes, and reflecting his qualities in our lives. The Bible encourages us to praise him and proclaim his greatness. For example, in Psalm 29:2, we are urged to “give Jehovah the glory due to his name.” Also, in 1 Corinthians 10:31, we are reminded that everything we do, even in everyday things, should be for the glory of God.
Tell people about their awesome power and wonderful qualities.
Also give him credit for what we achieved or the type of person we are, thanks to his education.
What reasons do we have to give glory to Jehovah?
Jehovah is our Creator and sustainer; He has given us life and everything we need to enjoy it. His love and mercy are evident in his provision of the ransom through Jesus Christ. Furthermore, Jehovah is a just and faithful God who always keeps his promises. His incomparable wisdom and power make him worthy of all praise.
First, because we love and respect him, but also when we act so that other people get to know him.
We have also seen that He is all powerful, He has given us life, He always keeps His promises, He is loving, compassionate, and is willing to attend to our needs and sufferings.
Another reason is that we know that many people blame Jehovah for things that are not their fault. His name has been stained, and Satan has taken it upon himself to do that. So a very powerful reason is that we want to clear his name, because we know that all of this is a lie.
How can we give Jehovah the glory he deserves?
We can glorify Jehovah through our conduct and worship. In Matthew 5:16, Jesus encouraged us to let our light shine through good works so that others may glorify God. We also honor him when we offer our praise and proclaim his name to others. Another way to give Him glory is by dedicating our resources and time to His service, as the first Christians did when helping their brothers in need. Finally, by keeping ourselves spiritually and morally clean, we reflect Jehovah's holiness and honor his name.
Defending his name, also with our valuable things and through our conduct.
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