DAILY TEXT, Today Sunday March 9, 2025, Through one man, sin entered the world (Rom. 5:12).

DAILY TEXT, Today Sunday March 9, 2025, Through one man, sin entered the world (Rom. 5:12).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2025

Sunday March 9, 2025

Through one man, sin entered the world (Rom. 5:12).

When Adam and Eve rebelled, did Satan succeed in thwarting God's purpose of filling the Earth with obedient and perfect people? Perhaps the Devil thought that Jehovah had very few options. For example, one option was to eliminate Adam and Eve, and create another perfect couple that would fulfill their purpose for humanity. But if Jehovah had done that, the Devil would have accused him of being a liar. Because? Because, according to Genesis 1:28, Jehovah had told Adam and Eve that their descendants would fill the Earth. Or perhaps he thought that Jehovah would allow Adam and Eve to have children, but that they would never become perfect (Eccl. 7:20; Rom. 3:23). If that had happened, Satan would surely have accused Jehovah of being a failure. Because? Because God's purpose could not be fulfilled; The Earth would not be filled with perfect human beings. w23.11 6 paras. 15, 16.

Why might it have seemed that Jehovah could no longer fulfill his purpose?

After rebelling, Adam and Eve became sinners and passed on sin and death to their descendants (Rom. 5:12). Would that affect God's purpose of filling the Earth with obedient and perfect people? Would Satan ensure that Jehovah could never say “Omega”? It could give that impression. Perhaps the Devil thought that Jehovah had very few options. For example, one option was to eliminate Adam and Eve, and create another perfect couple that would fulfill their purpose for humanity. But if Jehovah had done that, the Devil would have accused him of being a liar. Because? Because, according to Genesis 1:28, Jehovah had told Adam and Eve that their descendants would fill the Earth.

Why did Satan perhaps think he could accuse Jehovah of being a failure?

What other option perhaps crossed the Devil's mind? Perhaps he thought that Jehovah would allow Adam and Eve to have children, but that they would never become perfect (Eccl. 7:20; Rom. 3:23). If that had happened, Satan would surely have accused Jehovah of being a failure. Because? Because God's purpose could not be fulfilled; The Earth would not be filled with perfect human beings.

What did Jehovah do to resolve the rebellion of Satan and the first humans, and how will it all end? (See also the image).

The way Jehovah resolved the rebellion of Satan and the first humans must have left Satan speechless (Ps. 92:5). By allowing Adam and Eve to have children, Jehovah demonstrated that he is not a liar at all, but that his word is always fulfilled. And it also showed that it is not a failure, but quite the opposite. As? He made there be a “seed” who would save the obedient descendants of Adam and Eve, and so His purpose moved forward (Gen. 3:15; 22:18). It would never have occurred to Satan that Jehovah would save humanity through ransom. Because? Because rescue is a gesture of pure love (Matt. 20:28; John 3:16). And Satan is so selfish that he cannot feel that kind of love. So, what will be achieved thanks to the rescue? At the end of the 1,000 years, the obedient and perfect descendants of Adam and Eve will live on Earth as a paradise, just as Jehovah intended from the beginning. At that time, Jehovah will be able to say “Omega.”

What three reasons does Jehovah give us to trust in his promise? (See also the box “Three Reasons to Trust in Jehovah's Promise.”)

In this article we have seen reasons that confirm that the Earth will be a paradise. What can we say to others to assure them that God will keep his promise? First of all, it is Jehovah himself who makes the promise. Revelation says: “He who sat on the throne said, ‘Look! I am making all things new.’” He wants to keep his promise and has the wisdom and power to achieve it. Second, Jehovah is so sure that his promise will be fulfilled that he talks about it as if it had already happened. That is why he says about his words: “They are faithful and true.” And he adds: “They have already come true!” Thirdly, when Jehovah begins something he finishes it. This is confirmed by the phrase “I am the Alpha and the Omega.” Jehovah will show that Satan is a liar and a failure.

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