Watchtower Study, Jehovah remembers all your tears, Week of February 24 to March 2, 2025, Comments and Responses.

Watchtower Study, Jehovah remembers all your tears, February 24, March 2, 2025, Comments and Responses.

“Collect my tears in your wineskin. Aren't they written down in your book? (PSA. 56:8).

1, 2. What situations could make us cry?

We can cry with joy in happy moments, such as the birth of a child, a reunion with a friend or a beautiful memory. However, many times we cry because of emotional pain, such as when we face betrayal, serious illness, or the loss of a loved one.


There are many reasons why we sometimes cry, it can be from joy or sadness. For example, who has not cried when we felt the birth of our child? It is something so exciting that we cry with joy. Also when we remember beautiful times that we have spent in our lives, or when we find someone that we have not seen for many years and whom we are very fond of.

Most of the time it is because our heart is sad because of the misfortunes that can happen to us, such as the loss of a loved one, or an illness, such as being diagnosed with cancer; So we cry. Even Jeremiah cried when he says he saw Jerusalem, which had been destroyed by the Babylonians. He says my eyes cried non-stop, without rest.

3. How does Jehovah feel when he sees his servants suffer? (Isaiah 63:9).

Jehovah feels sadness when he sees his servants suffer, because he is our loving Father and cares deeply about us. Not only is He aware of our pain and hears our pleas, but He also acts to help us, as Isaiah 63:9 says, Jehovah comforts us and sustains us in our times of distress, demonstrating His love and compassion.


And He hates to see us suffer; Better than anyone knows how we have been through it throughout our lives. Therefore, in Isaiah we read that he is distressed by our distresses. When they hurt us, like a good father, it is as if they hurt Him and He feels the same pain. So, when we ask Him for help, He always gives it to us.

The verse shows that during all his troubles, He was also distressed. And this is not only that Jehovah saw the pain in the case of his people or in ours, but he also feels it. Jehovah feels our pain and not only stays there, but does more: he is willing to help us.

Something that is very beautiful is that not only is Jehovah present at the moment when the anguish begins, but He is present in all the phases, until it is over or He provides a solution. So, no matter how much time we spend or how much anguish we have, we have a companion by our side, always.

And this is so because of what Psalm 34:15 tells us, that Jehovah's eyes are on the righteous and He is always aware of when something happens to us, when we ask for help. And that is why, since He is watching, He sees when our hearts suffer. And that's when he takes action.

4. What Bible examples will we analyze, and what will we learn about Jehovah?

We will analyze the cases of Anna, David and King Hezekiah, who experienced situations of deep sadness, betrayal or despair that made them cry. We will see how Jehovah responded to their pleas and comforted them in the midst of their pain.


We will learn the examples of Anna, David and King Hezekiah. We will see what reasons made them cry, what Jehovah did for them and how his example will comfort us, when sadness, betrayal or despair makes us feel sad.

Without a doubt, we are seeing Jehovah's love for his servants, not only those who in the past suffered and went through difficulties, but also those future servants who would come and find themselves in the same situation. For this reason, He recorded in His word, the Bible, everything that could help these servants, so that we too can put our trust in that He will also help us.


5. How did Ana feel?

Ana felt very sad and distressed, so much so that she cried frequently and had no desire to eat. Her pain came from several difficult situations: she was sterile, something that at that time was considered a great disgrace, and she was also constantly mistreated and mocked by Peninah, her husband's other wife.


She felt deeply distressed, as 1 Samuel 1:10 says, because her husband was married to her and Peninnah, who was a woman who treated her very badly and hurt her, because Hannah was barren and she had several children. So, for that reason, he constantly made fun of her.

Ana lived a time in which she was very sad, which made her shed many tears. This occurred especially at a time when a woman's sterility was considered a disgrace and fertility a blessing, just like children. Apart from that, her husband had another wife who made fun of her and made her feel bad. Women were valued, above all, for the number of children they could have, because that helped preserve the family lineage. Despite all these problems, Ana always continued to trust in Jehovah.

The story goes that such was his anguish that he did not even want to eat; all he did was cry.

It is not that it was a situation that lasted a few days, but rather the story mentions that it was year after year, the situation that Ana had. Therefore, it is normal that she was like this, distressed, did not eat and ended up crying.

6. What did Ana do to feel better?

To feel better, Hannah went to the tabernacle, the center of pure worship of Jehovah, and there she prayed to him with all her heart. While crying without being able to contain herself, she expressed her deep suffering to God and begged Him to remember her. Ana opened her heart to Jehovah, telling him all her feelings and anxieties.


The story says that she went to the tabernacle and there she began to pray to Jehovah, crying and begging him to remember her, to see her suffering. And in fact he said to him: 'Look what I'm suffering, remember me, don't forget me, please give me a male child.' And he said that he would give him to Jehovah, that he would serve him in the temple, in the tabernacle, all his life.

She knew where she could find the relief and comfort she needed, and she knew that what she needed was to talk to Jehovah. He says that it was so much like that, how he opened his heart, that he couldn't even stop crying.

We imagine the great feeling of sadness that Jehovah would have when he saw his daughter so sad and crying.

That brings to mind the words Jesus said: “You go into the room, close the door, and turn to God like a father.” And that makes us think about how He will feel when His servants, His children, feel bad and come to Him as a father.

We have just seen that Jehovah hears us, listens to our cries for help and that, furthermore, he is distressed by our suffering. Seeing this sad situation, it is easy to imagine how bad he must have felt.

7. How did Hannah feel after opening her heart to Jehovah?

After opening her heart to Jehovah and hearing the reassuring words of the high priest Eli, Hannah experienced an immediate change in her emotional state. The story indicates that he left, ate and the sadness disappeared from his face. Although his situation did not change immediately, he felt better because, by giving his emotional burden to Jehovah, he felt relief and peace.


In 1 Samuel it says that he left, ate, and the sadness disappeared from his face. So we see that she felt very relieved to have left the heavy burden she had in Jehovah's hands.

Although her situation had not yet changed, Hannah felt relieved, having left the heavy emotional burden in Jehovah's hands.

Ana's situation often reminds us of what happens to us when we have anxiety and worry about a medical result, when we go to the hospital. We think that what we have is something very bad, but the doctor tells us: “Don't worry, nothing is wrong,” after explaining to us that it is something that has a solution. And you stay calm, fine, and when you go out, it's like your life changes, even your appearance, and you want to celebrate it. Something similar happened to Ana; At that moment, he says he ate and his countenance changed. We see how, when we trust in Jehovah and tell Him everything that worries us, He listens and our lives change.

We also see in the story how generous Jehovah is, because Hannah asked for a son, but Jehovah blessed her with many more. She said, “Give me a son and I will leave him for you in the temple,” but in 1 Samuel 2:21 it says that later Hannah had three sons and two daughters. So Jehovah was very generous to her. This shows us that when we trust in Jehovah, He not only gives us what we need, but much more.

8, 9. According to Hebrews 10:24, 25, why should we make every effort to go to meetings? (See also the image).

We should do our best to go to meetings because they are a source of comfort and encouragement in difficult times. When attending, we hear biblical passages that encourage us and help us replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts. Additionally, siblings show us love and support, which lifts our spirits.


At meetings, brothers comfort us and show us how much they love us, and that can lift our spirits.

Normally, when we are going through a difficult situation, whether due to an illness or the death of a loved one, we may not feel like talking to anyone and want to isolate ourselves, right? But that can be very dangerous, this text reminds us that, when we are going through these situations, we must remember the example of Anna. She went to the tabernacle, opened her heart to Jehovah and He was able to help her a lot, right? So, when we are going through these same situations, let us open our hearts to Jehovah, go to the meetings, and surely the brothers will comfort us.

The end of paragraph 8 explains that in the meetings, with the ideas we hear from the Bible, Jehovah helps us replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts, and that little by little, we feel better, regardless of the fact that our situation has not changed. So, if we stay home, those negative feelings will probably increase; If we come to the meeting, they will surely improve.

In the illustration we see the case of the experience of this special precursor, who says that he cried. Sometimes he would stand in a corner and start crying and crying. But going to the meetings allowed him to feel Jehovah's love through his brothers. Perhaps he did not want to appear sad, but not showing sadness can prevent us from feeling the love that Jehovah is showing us through others.

Looking at the image and also reviewing what 1 Thessalonians 5:14 says, we can see the image upside down, right? We are putting ourselves in the shoes of those who need that encouragement. But if we put ourselves in the shoes of those around our brother, there, in 1 Thessalonians, a burden of responsibility is placed on each of us. We are told that we have to comfort the depressed and support the weak. So we have to be aware of how our brothers in the congregation are doing, make an effort to know their circumstances, because, as it says at the end of the paragraph, Jehovah uses the brothers to encourage them. And if Jehovah wants to use us and we are not doing our part, how sad it would be!

From all these comments we extract a very valuable lesson, especially if we are going through very difficult or complicated circumstances. And the method that Jehovah uses to help us in situations like this are meetings. There it has been commented that Jehovah gives us his spirit, we hear very good advice and, in addition, there are the brothers. Therefore, as has already been said, even if we don't feel like it, because in a bad moment everyone wants to be calm and isolated, the method that Jehovah uses is meetings. Let us never give up when we meet.

It may be that we are going through the loss of a family member, we do not feel like seeing anyone, and this reminds us of when we are very sick and the last thing we feel like is getting dressed, taking the car and going to the hospital to be treated. But no one, because they don't feel like it, stops going to the hospital, even if they don't feel like it, it's the last place they would like to go, but they go, to be cured. Well in the end, we have to see it the same way. It may be what we least want, but we have to be clear that the only place where we are going to receive encouragement and comfort is here, in the meeting, with our brothers, with the help of Jehovah. So we should not doubt, when we feel bad emotionally or are going through a problem, that here is the best spiritual hospital we are going to find.

And sometimes, we can even think that Jehovah is not interested in us, why has he allowed this situation of so much anguish, because we are really having a bad time, and that we have even done something wrong. But it's the other way around; We should think that Jehovah is interested in us, and that small effort of going to the meeting will bless him.


At a Kingdom Hall, a group of brothers and sisters are comforting an older brother who is very sad. The brothers comfort us. (See paragraphs 8 and 9).

10. How can we follow Ana's example in moments of deep sadness?

We can follow Hannah's example by unburdening ourselves to Jehovah in prayer, trusting that he hears us and understands our feelings. Although we do not always know how to express our pain, Jehovah understands us and gives us peace and comfort in the midst of sadness. Furthermore, by trusting in Him, we receive the strength to continue forward and the promise that He will reward our perseverance.


Like Hannah, if we are distressed, we should vent to Jehovah and leave all our concerns to Him, for, as Psalm 94:19 says, He will comfort and reassure us.

The text of 1 Peter 5:7 says that we are to cast all our burdens, and “casting” does not refer to sharing, but to transferring, so to speak. Because of course, Jehovah is telling us: “Give them to me, and I'll take care of it. Maybe I can't take the problem away from you now, but in the future I will take it away from you. But for now I'm going to help you get through it.” And sometimes it may be difficult to express it to Jehovah or we may not know how to express it, but if we do it with faith and ask for help, help is guaranteed.

It is interesting that Hannah did not improve when Jehovah blessed her; She did not know what was going to happen, but she got better the moment she cast her burden on Jehovah. That is to say, through his actions and his attitude, first by going to the tabernacle to unburden himself with Jehovah, and then also, instead of mulling over the same matter, he left it in the hands of Jehovah and no longer remembered the matter. And through her actions, because she took the initiative to eat, as the story says. So this helps us understand that, many times, if we go through these problems, many times the problems are not going to be solved in this system, but we can do a lot with our attitude and our actions.

Although we have mentioned that Jehovah helps us through the brothers in the congregation, who are interested in us and encourage us. Many times the pain is so intense, so intimate, so personal, that the brothers cannot understand it, they cannot help us much, because we cannot even explain it to them. What we feel is so strong that it is difficult for them to understand us and help us. But this is precisely what we are talking about now: that Jehovah does understand us, he puts himself in our place, he knows our hearts, our minds, what is happening to us, and that is why we are encouraged to vent to Him. Because He, as Philippians says, His peace is stronger than everything else, it surpasses everything else and fills us.

Jehovah can give us the peace we so desperately need in times of distress. As the Psalm says: “When worries overwhelm me, You comfort me and calm me.” It truly is a remnant of great peace to know that such a great and powerful God notices us, knows how many tears we have shed, knows our worries, even though we are imperfect, is willing to help us. Truly, that makes our love for Him grow even more.

One of the things that can hold us back from praying is that our pain is so deep that we don't know how to express it, how to explain it. However, I really like verse 6 of Philippians 4, because it shows us that the remedy for worry is prayer. It's almost like a process that should be automatic, just like when something burns us a lot, we automatically remove our hand. Well, every time we have a worry, prayer should be our automatic response, because, as has been mentioned, it is true that everything may not immediately be solved by saying a prayer, but we can feel that calm of Jehovah.

One of the things that can hold us back from praying is that our pain is so deep that we don't know how to express it, how to explain it. However, Philippians 6:4 shows us that the remedy for worry is prayer. It's almost like a process that should be automatic, just like when something burns us a lot, we automatically remove our hand. Well, whenever we have a worry, prayer should be our automatic response, because everything may not be solved immediately by praying, but we can feel that calm of Jehovah.


11. How did David feel when others treated him badly?

David felt very sad and hurt when others treated him badly, especially when he was betrayed by family and close friends. He went through such painful moments that he cried without being able to contain himself, as he expressed in Psalm 6:6, 7: “I am exhausted from sighing so much; All night long I soak my bed with tears, with my tears I flood my bed.”


David felt a lot of pain, so much so that it brought him to tears, and that came from some family and friends who betrayed his trust and tried to hurt him. Therefore, it was impossible for him to hold back his tears.

The text that says: “I have exhausted myself from sighing so much” is striking. That can happen to many of us, because there comes a time when we are so tired of so much pain that we no longer know what to say or what to do. In this case, David expressed it throughout his entire life, due to the betrayals he received from both family and friends, to the point that he no longer had the strength, so to speak, not even to express himself to Jehovah.

12. According to Psalm 56:8, what was David convinced of?

David was convinced that Jehovah loved him deeply and cared about his pain. In Psalm 56:8, he expressed his faith in poetic words, saying that it was as if Jehovah collected each of his tears in a wineskin or recorded them in a book. This reflects his complete confidence that his heavenly Father was not only aware of his sufferings, but also remembered them and understood how they made him feel.


These words show us that David was sure that Jehovah loved him and cared about him. And David said he felt as if his loving father collected his tears in a wineskin. That is, he was convinced that Jehovah knew and knew how the harsh trials he was going through made him feel.

The idea that Jehovah keeps all the tears in a symbolic wineskin demonstrates the love and compassion he has for us, because he does not want to forget any of those tears. Both David and we are convinced that he not only listens and remembers us, but that he will also act on his feelings.

13. What can comfort us if someone disappointed us or betrayed us? (See also the image).

If someone disappoints or betrays us, we can find comfort in Jehovah's unwavering love. Unlike humans, who can fail, He never abandons us. As one brother whose wife betrayed him said: “People can let you down, but Jehovah cannot. He is our rock, he will always be there.” Jehovah loves us deeply and values ​​our loyalty, no matter the circumstances.


As the brother very well tells in the experience, it may be that we feel really hurt, betrayed and even abandoned by the person who has betrayed us. But something that we must keep in mind is that Jehovah will never abandon us, as Psalm 37:29 says, Jehovah will never abandon his loyal ones. So, no matter how alone we feel, we will always have someone by our side, which is Jehovah, who will comfort us in the best way.

We also find comfort in the words of Romans 8:38, 39, where the apostle Paul inspiredly wrote that there was no circumstance, person, or place that could separate us from the love of Jehovah. So, even if everyone abandons us or no matter how difficult the circumstance may be, we can be convinced that Jehovah will always be by our side and will continue to love us.

Sometimes it is very easy to take for granted that we have Jehovah there and we do not remember Him. Therefore, as we see in the photo, the brother, after having gone through some disappointment of any kind, is meditating on how much Jehovah loves him, how much Jehovah cares for him, how much Jehovah cares for him, that he suffers with him. And that, without a doubt, will rekindle that faith, that trust that Jehovah will not fail you, that he will always be there. This way, you will be able to overcome any problem that comes your way in life.

In the image you can see a brother who has the Bible open to the Psalms, he is meditating on what he has read, and in this way he can remember that the love that people may have for us at a moment or not does not depend on the love that Jehovah has for us, that He is our rock, he will always be there and he will be loyal to us.

Furthermore, we can perceive a face similar to that of King David, with his hands placed on the wedding ring, who we do not know if he is going to make a certain decision or not about some betrayal that he may have suffered. But what is clear is that, as has been mentioned, even though he has those problems and those deep feelings, the first thing he does is go to Jehovah, go to the Bible, and that is what will give him the strength to make a good decision.

The image shows that it is very nice to think that, although perhaps this brother may be alone in his house or feel alone, the Bible reminds us what the paragraph says: that no one loves us as much as Jehovah. So, no matter what happens, we will always have Jehovah on our side, that resource, He speaks to us through His word, the Bible, and we have also seen before that He does it through prayer. So this brother is having a hard time, but he is clear that he is not alone, and that is what we want to record.


A brother is clutching his wedding ring with a worried face as he meditates on some of the things that King David experienced. The book of Psalms assures us that Jehovah is close to those who are heartbroken. (See paragraph 13).

14. What does Psalm 34:18 assure us?

Psalm 34:18 assures us that Jehovah is close to those who are brokenhearted and saves those who are sunken in discouragement, even when they feel they have nothing good to look forward to. Like a loving father comforting his son, He feels our pain and comes to our aid. It gives us hope by reminding us that there are good things to come.


The text shows us two steps that Jehovah takes. First, it says that He is close, like a father, He knows that we suffer and feels our pain, because He also knows the feeling of being betrayed and abandoned. But the second step is also very beautiful, because it says that He saves, and He wants and can also help us calm our hearts and alleviate our suffering.

In Isaiah 65:17, Jehovah God gives us a wonderful promise. He tells us that in those new heavens and new earth that he promises us, the things of the past will not be remembered nor will they rise to the heart. So that also helps us, because if perhaps now our trial does not have an easy solution or does not have the one we expect, knowing that in the very near future we will not even remember the suffering we are suffering now, helps us to continue fully trusting in Jehovah.

The image that the paragraph makes us see, the mental image of when a father takes a small child in his arms and comforts him when he is bad. We can imagine how, when a child loses a toy or something similar, he can start crying very hard, and how perhaps his father calms him down and tells him that now they are going to buy another one. The child, perhaps, has stopped crying and he doesn't even have the new toy yet, but those words from his father, the affection he shows him and that promise, which is very easy for the father to keep, have already comforted him. Well, just like us, even though we are going through a problem right now, those promises from Jehovah, which He will fulfill, comfort us and help us endure.

Jehovah gave what he wanted most, he says he was fond of him, after millions of years with him, and the way he died. He understands us better, and He paid that price for us to have this wonderful hope. So we have full confidence that no matter how difficult the situation is, He understands us.


15. What situation caused King Hezekiah to cry uncontrollably?

King Hezekiah cried uncontrollably when, at the age of 39, he became seriously ill and Jehovah, through the prophet Isaiah, told him that he was going to die. This news led him to shed tears of anguish and to cry out fervently to Jehovah in prayer, asking for his help.


He was told that he would die from his illness and would die at the age of 39, which is too soon. Furthermore, he did not receive the diagnosis from a doctor, but from Jehovah, and that is why we can understand why the news left him in a sea of ​​tears.

16. When Jehovah heard Hezekiah's prayer and saw his tears, what did he feel and what did he do for him?

Jehovah was deeply moved when he heard Hezekiah's prayer and saw his tears. Through Isaiah, he answered: “I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears, I am going to heal you.” Out of compassion, he not only healed the king and prolonged his life, but also promised to protect Jerusalem from the Assyrians.


Jehovah was very moved to see how Hezekiah was doing and told him that he had heard his prayer, that he had seen his tears and that he was going to heal him. Since Jehovah is a merciful God, he would give him the peace he needed and gave him 15 more years of life.

A very nice detail is what it says in verse 4, that Isaiah had not yet left the central patio when he received the message from Jehovah, to once again tell Hezekiah that Jehovah was going to heal him and that he was going to be able to defend his people. So also the immediacy with which Jehovah hears prayers is significant; He does not leave them there as pending messages to read later, but when Hezekiah needed it, he prayed to Jehovah and He heard him and responded immediately. This makes us feel very close to Jehovah, knowing that he listens to us at the exact moment we are praying to him.

Furthermore, what effect did that prayer have on Jehovah? How did it move you? Because Jehovah could have told him: “Well, don't worry, in the future you will be in paradise if you are a good person and have been faithful to me.” But no, Jehovah was immediately moved in such a way that he acted immediately and lengthened his life, curing him of that disease.

17. How does Jehovah support us when we have serious health problems? (Psalm 41:3; see also the image).

Jehovah sustains us by giving us comfort, strength, and hope in the midst of health problems. Although it does not always immediately eliminate our ailments, it promises to be by our side and help us cope with them. Through his Holy Spirit, he gives us strength, wisdom and inner peace to face the situation. Furthermore, it strengthens our faith with the hope that, in the future, all diseases will be eradicated.


As we have read in the Psalm, we must vent to Jehovah, even with our eyes full of tears, because he guarantees what he tells us, and Jehovah has written this for us. So we have to have complete confidence in Him. Although we cannot expect Jehovah to eliminate all our problems, he will sustain us, as Psalm 41:3 says: “When you are sick in bed,” which means in all situations, there are no exceptions. So we can trust it.

As we can see in the image, it is not expected that Jehovah will now take away our diseases, although we would like to. However, He gives us three very beautiful things: He can give us strength when we are going through a situation, He gives us wisdom to know what treatments to choose that are in His will, and above all, inner peace, to have a clear conscience in harmony with Him.

He also sustains us, gives us the certainty that he will sustain us through his Holy Spirit, who helps us have strength, wisdom and inner peace.

It also gives us hope. So, even if we face the most difficult situation, and even death, we know that it is temporary.

In the image we see King Hezekiah there, asking Jehovah, praying to him with all his heart, and at the other end, a sister receiving chemotherapy treatment. But you can see there that he is praying intensely to Jehovah. So, perhaps Jehovah does not take away problems and illnesses, but, as has already been mentioned, he gives us that inner peace. We do not have control of everything, but Jehovah helps us calm the situation, the anguish, those tears that we have shed due to those situations. But we know that in the future, Jehovah will completely eliminate diseases and gives us that hope to move forward.

The words of Proverbs 18:14 say that a person's spirit can sustain him in illness. It is true that you can have the strength to overcome an illness, but when the illness already makes you have a crushed spirit, that is more difficult. So when we turn to Jehovah for help, He will give us everything we need, because He knows us perfectly.


Series of images: 1. A sister prays intensely while receiving chemotherapy treatment. 2. King Hezekiah pleads with Jehovah while he is sick in his bed. Jehovah answers our prayers by giving us strength, wisdom and inner peace. (See paragraph 17).

18. What biblical text has helped you in a particularly complicated situation? (See the box “Words with which Jehovah dries our tears.”)

This question is a little more personal. If you have faced a particularly difficult or complicated situation, and one of these texts or another Bible passage provided you with help or comfort, you can share your experience.


The words mentioned in the book of Jeremiah 31:16 remind me how it was possible to overcome a very painful and difficult situation such as the loss of a loved one. Crying helps to vent the sorrows that seem to have no end, but there comes that moment when Jehovah comforts us with his promises. When he says: “Stop your crying and let your eyes shed no more tears, because you will receive a reward.”

A very encouraging text is Isaiah 33:6. There it says that Jehovah is the stability of your times. And sometimes, when we feel like everything is falling apart around us, Jehovah is reminding us that He is the one who gives us that stability. Putting Him first in our lives is what makes everything else stabilize.

Exodus 3:7 clearly explains how Jehovah does not go unnoticed, neither we, nor our pain, nor our situation. He knows us perfectly and, as he says at the end, he was referring to the sufferings of his people, but by extension to us: “I know their sufferings well,” that is, in detail. He is waiting, his eyes and ears are there for us to trust and pray.

Isaiah 57:15, places Jehovah as the High One, as the Supreme, but still identifies him that, although he lives there, he is with the crushed of humble spirit to revive the spirit of the humble and to revive the hearts of the crushed. So, thinking about this, that the most powerful being in the universe is watching over each of us, undoubtedly strengthens us in times of difficulty.

In Philippians 4:6, 7, Jehovah comforts us, telling us not to worry about anything, to pray to Him, to make our requests to Him, and that beyond what any human being can understand, He will protect our hearts and minds.

Many times, the problems we face make us feel weak and even cowardly when thinking about a possible future problem, thinking that we will not be able to face it. But a very encouraging text is Psalm 138:3, it says that Jehovah makes us brave and strong. Thinking that no matter what we may face in the future, our source of strength and courage is inexhaustible.

The text of “cast your burden on Jehovah,” which is from Psalm 55:22, because in the end, when you pray, what you do is cast all your problems on Jehovah. You empathize with Him, we see that we are His creation, who has taught us how to relieve all those amounts of emotions with which we survive on a daily basis. And when sad emotions come, we are there, we cry, we unload ourselves before Him, we empathize with Him and He relieves all our pains.

19. What reward awaits us?

If we endure faithfully, Jehovah will reward us with the promise that he will dry all our tears of pain. In the new world, there will be no more suffering, illness or sadness; only tears of joy. In the meantime, we can trust that Jehovah sees our tears, feels our pain, and comforts us through his word and Christian brotherhood.


As Revelation says, the time will come when there will be only tears of joy. But for the moment, what we are left with is what we have analyzed: opening our hearts to Jehovah, supporting the congregation, because it is one of the ways that Jehovah uses to comfort us. And if we continue to endure, Jehovah will greatly bless us, both now and in the future.



Jehovah comforted Hannah by hearing her prayer and seeing her tears. Although her situation did not change immediately, he gave her peace and emotional relief. Later, he blessed her by allowing her to have a son, which showed that he had heard her plea.


Once Hannah went to the tabernacle and poured out her heart before Jehovah, 1 Samuel 1:17 shows that the sadness disappeared from her face and she began to eat. Furthermore, Jehovah was very generous with her because he listened to her and gave her several sons and daughters.


Jehovah comforted David by being close to him in the midst of betrayals and attacks from others. Although David cried bitterly due to rejection and discouragement, Jehovah gave him peace and strength, reminding him that He would never abandon him.


Jehovah was well aware of his suffering and would be there to help him.

We also learned from King David's example that, no matter what happens around us, even if we feel betrayed or abandoned, perhaps by family or friends, Jehovah will always be there for us. Love, as we saw in that beautiful text, there is nothing that can separate us from the love of Jehovah, and this will help us in those moments.

King Hezekiah

When Hezekiah faced a serious illness and thought he would die, Jehovah was moved by his tears and sincere prayer. He promised to heal him, prolong his life and protect Jerusalem from the Assyrians, thus showing his mercy and willingness to respond to the pleas of his servant.


Jehovah heard King Hezekiah's prayer, saw his tears, his suffering and showed him mercy, healing him and extending the life of his faithful servant for 15 more years. And not only did he deliver him, but he also delivered all his people, all the city of King Assyria.
