DAILY TEXT, Today Saturday March 1, 2025, Hope does not disappoint (Rom. 5:5).

DAILY TEXT, Today Saturday March 1, 2025, Hope does not disappoint (Rom. 5:5).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2025

Saturday March 1, 2025

Hope does not disappoint (Rom. 5:5).

The new world is not here yet, but let's look at some things that are here: the stars, the trees, the animals, and human beings. Although those things did not always exist, no one would say that they are not real. They are now a reality because Jehovah created them (Gen. 1:1, 26, 27). Well, our God has promised that he will create a new world, and he will fulfill that promise. We will live forever and have perfect health. When Jehovah’s appointed time arrives, the new world will be as real as the things around us now (Isa. 65:17; Rev. 21:3, 4). As the new world arrives, let us do everything we can to strengthen our faith. Let us meditate with gratitude on the rescue, think about the power of Jehovah, and focus on spiritual activities. If we do all this, we will be among “those who through faith and patience inherit the promises” (Heb. 6:11, 12). w23.04 31 paras. 18, 19.

How does personal study strengthen our faith? (See also images).

Let's look at something else that strengthens our faith: personal study. Susan says having a schedule helps her a lot. She says: “On Sundays I study The Watchtower for the following week; Mondays and Tuesdays are the midweek meeting, and the other days are dedicated to a personal study project.” Since she always follows that schedule, Susan's faith is growing. For Irene, who has been at world headquarters for many decades, studying Bible prophecies has strengthened her faith. She explains: “I am very impressed to see how Jehovah's prophecies are fulfilled to the letter.”c

Why do we know that what Jehovah said to Habakkuk also applies to us? (Hebrews 10:36, 37).

Some servants of Jehovah have been waiting for the end of this system for many years. From a human point of view, it might seem like you are running late. Jehovah understands the feelings of his servants. Therefore, he assured the prophet Habakkuk: “The appointed time of the vision is still yet to come, and it is advancing rapidly toward its end, and will not fail. Even if it is delayed, stay tuned! It will be fulfilled without any doubt. “He won’t be late!” (Hab. 2:3). Were those words just for Habakkuk, or do they also encourage us today? Jehovah had the apostle Paul apply these words to Christians looking forward to the new world. (Read Hebrews 10:36, 37.) Even if we feel that Jehovah is delaying, let us remember that his promise “will be fulfilled without a doubt.” He won't be late!

How did a sister follow Jehovah’s advice to Habakkuk?

Many Christians have followed Jehovah’s counsel to remain expectant, even for decades. Consider the case of a sister named Louise, who began serving Jehovah in 1939. She says: “I never thought I would live to be 18 in this system because Armageddon would come first. But that didn't happen. What helped me all these years was reading the stories of what I call the super-patients, that is, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, and other servants of Jehovah who had to wait to receive the reward he had promised them. Being on the lookout has helped me and others not lose sight of the fact that the new world is very close.” I am sure that many who have served Jehovah for years feel the same way.

How can we strengthen our faith?

As the new world arrives, let us do everything we can to strengthen our faith. Let us meditate with gratitude on the rescue, think about the power of Jehovah, and focus on spiritual activities. If we do all this, we will be among “those who through faith and patience inherit the promises” (Heb. 6:11, 12; Rom. 5:5).

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