DAILY TEXT, From today Thursday, February 27, 2025, No weapon that they make against you will have any result (Is. 54:17).

DAILY TEXT, From today Thursday, February 27, 2025, No weapon that they make against you will have any result (Is. 54:17).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2025

Thursday February 27, 2025

No weapon they make against you will work (Isa. 54:17).

The words of today's text are being fulfilled in our days. The following words are also being fulfilled: “All your children will be taught by Jehovah, and the peace of your children will be abundant. You will be firmly established in righteousness. [...] Nothing will make you afraid nor will you have reason to be terrified, because it will not come near you” (Is. 54:13, 14). Not even “the god of this system,” Satan, has the power to stop the work of Bible education being carried out by Jehovah’s people. (2 Cor. 4:4) Pure worship has been restored. It will never be contaminated again! No weapon they make against us will work. w24.02 4 para. 10.

Why are we sure that the great multitude will not be abandoned when all the anointed are in heaven?

What will happen when the anointed are taken to heaven? Let us remember that Jesus is our Shepherd and the head of the Christian congregation. In fact, he himself said, “Their Leader is one, the Christ” (Matt. 23:10). Our King will never neglect his responsibility to take care of us. So, with him at the helm, Christians on Earth will have nothing to fear. Of course, we do not know exactly what Christ is going to do for Jehovah's people at that time. But there are some biblical examples that can put us at ease. Let's see them.

How did Jehovah care for his people after the death of Moses? How did he do so after Elijah left to serve elsewhere? (See also the drawing).

Moses died before Israel entered the Promised Land. What then happened to God's people? Without the guidance of that faithful man, were they left alone and helpless? No, because Jehovah was by their side as long as they were loyal. For example, before Moses died, Jehovah told him that the next leader of the nation would be Joshua, a man whom Moses had been training for many years (Éx. 33:11; Deut. 34:9) . In addition, there were many other men of experience who led the nation: the leaders of 1,000, of 100, of 50, and even of 10 (Deut. 1:15). Of course, God's people were well taken care of. We also have the example of Elijah. For many years, he helped the Israelites worship Jehovah. But at one point, Jehovah sent him further south to Judah (2 Kings 2:1; 2 Chron. 21:12). Were Jehovah's servants from the 10 tribes of the kingdom of Israel abandoned? No, because Elijah had been training Elisha for years. In addition, they had the help of “the sons of the prophets,” who apparently were organized into schools of some kind (2 Kings 2:7). As we see, there were always many faithful men who helped lead God's people. So Jehovah continued to fulfill his purpose and care for his loyal servants.

What does Hebrews 13:5b assure us? (See also images).

Thinking about these Bible examples, what do you think will happen to Jehovah's servants left on Earth when all the anointed are taken to heaven? There is no need to think about it too much: the Bible assures us that Jehovah will never abandon them. (Read Hebrews 13:5b.) As in the case of Moses and Elijah, the small group of anointed Christians who lead Jehovah's people today know that it is important to train others. For years, members of the Governing Body have been training men from the other sheep to direct the work. For example, schools have been created to train elders, circuit overseers, Branch Committee members, Bethel overseers, etc. Additionally, members of the Governing Body have been personally training brothers to serve as helpers on their committees. In fact, these helpers are already handling many responsibilities well. There is no doubt that they are well prepared to take charge of Christ's sheep.

What important conclusion do we reach?

All of this brings us to the most important conclusion of this article: when the anointed are taken to heaven, towards the end of the great tribulation, God's people will continue to worship Him faithfully here on Earth. With Jesus Christ as Leader, God's servants will not take a step back. It is true that at that time they will be attacked by a group of hostile nations, which the Bible calls Gog of Magog (Ezek. 38:18-20). But that attack will be short-lived and will fail. He will not stop God's people from worshiping him. Without a doubt, Jehovah will rescue them. In a vision, the apostle John saw the “great crowd” of Christ's other sheep, and was further told that this “great crowd” was coming out of “the great tribulation.” So it is clear that they will be safe (Rev. 7:9, 14).

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