Watchtower Study, Lessons from the Parting Counsels of Faithful Men, Week of January 13-19, 2025, Comments and Responses.

Watchtower Study, Lessons from the Parting Counsels of Faithful Men, January 13-19, 2025, Comments and Responses.

“Is there no wisdom among older people? And does not long life give understanding?” (JOB 12:12).

1. Why can older people teach us a lot?

Mature Christians are like experienced guides. They have come a longer path than us, they have faced similar challenges. Their wisdom gained over the years has helped them make wiser decisions and avoid making common mistakes. Jehovah encourages us to learn from them, because their experience is a treasure that we can take advantage of.

2. What will we analyze in this article?

We will analyze the farewell words of Moses, David and the apostle John. These three men counseled the younger ones and stressed the importance of obeying Jehovah. These words have excellent advice for us, so much so that Jehovah made sure that his words will be recorded for our benefit.


3. In what ways did Jehovah use Moses?

He had a lot of experience in different fields of life. As prophet, judge, historian and commander. He led the nation of Israel out of slavery in Egypt. He was an eyewitness to many of Jehovah's miracles. Jehovah used him to write the first five books of the Bible, possibly the book of Job and Psalm 90 and perhaps 91. So he had a long history of serving Jehovah.

4. Who did Moses want to encourage and why?

To all those young people under 20 years old who saw the miracles performed by Jehovah over many years. They had seen the parting of the Red Sea and the defeat of Pharaoh's army. They felt Jehovah's protection in the desert and shortly before entering the Promised Land, Moses encouraged those who would enter it.

5. In his parting words, what future did Moses say the Israelites could have? (Deuteronomy 30:19, 20).

A wonderful future. With Jehovah's blessing they could live a long time in that beautiful fruitful land and with everything necessary to live well and in excellent conditions.

6. Why did God allow other nations to conquer Israel?

Among the words that Moses mentioned, he said that if they wanted to continue living in that beautiful land they had to obey Jehovah's commands. However, the Israelites did not do so and that is why Jehovah allowed the Assyrians and then the Babylonians to conquer them and take them into exile. So they were only fulfilling the words that they had already been warned about.

7. What can we learn from the words of Moses? (See also images).

That we find ourselves in a position similar to the Israelites. We are about to enter a New World, seeing the earth converted into a beautiful paradise. In those moments neither the devil, nor the demons, nor false religion, nor the rulers who oppress people will exist. only those who obey Jehovah's righteous laws will enjoy this.


Series of images: 1. A couple preaches with the cart. The wife shows something encouraging on her phone to a woman who approached the cart. 2. The same couple enjoys a meal with other friends in Paradise. If we obey Jehovah, we will be able to live on a paradise Earth not only for hundreds of years, but for all eternity. (See paragraph 7).

8. How did the promise of eternal life help a missionary? (Jude 20, 21).

This brother served for a long time in Africa and had to fight against a persistent weakness. He said: “Realizing that I could lose eternal life, I decided to fight the problem with all my might and beg Jehovah for help.” So this promise helped him remain obedient, and of course, to maintain a good conscience.


9. What trials did David face during his life?

Despite having excellent skills, he was also a fugitive, fleeing from his own father-in-law King Saul. Being king he also had to flee to save his life when his son Absalom. He wanted to take the throne from him. Although he made serious mistakes, he was still loyal to Jehovah until the end of his life and to Jehovah he was a man who pleased Jehovah's heart.

10. Why did David give advice to his son and successor, Solomon?

Because he was young and had been chosen to promote the worship of Jehovah and build a temple in his honor. So Solomon had some difficulties to face, that's why he gave him advice.

11. What did David say to Solomon, and how did those words turn out to be true? (1 Kings 2:2, 3; see also images.)

That if he obeyed Jehovah he would be successful in life and that was the case for many years. He was used to build a magnificent temple, wrote several complete books of the Bible, and also participated in others. He is recognized for his wisdom and wealth. But at the end of his life he worshiped other gods and Jehovah withdrew his favor.


Series of images: 1. David speaks on his deathbed with King Solomon, who takes his hand. 2. Several brothers and sisters attend the Pioneer Service School. A sister raises her hand to comment. David's last words to Solomon help us see that if we obey Jehovah, he will give us wisdom to make good decisions. (See paragraphs 11 and 12).

12. What can we learn from David's words?

Jehovah promises that if we obey, he will give us the wisdom necessary to make good decisions. His advice is so practical that it can be applied to employment, education, entertainment and money. If we allow Jehovah to guide us with wisdom, we will avoid permanent damage. We will enjoy good friendships and a happy family life.

13. How did Carmen manage to be successful in life?

She believed that higher education is the key to success in life. He studied architecture and his classes were from 7:30 in the morning until 6:00 in the afternoon. Going to meetings became difficult and he became spiritually weak. He prayed to Jehovah, sought information in publications, and received advice from mature brothers that enabled him to decide to serve Jehovah full-time. Thanks to that and the support of her mother, she says, she made the best decision of her life and she doesn't regret anything.

14. In essence, what was the advice of Moses and David?

That obedience was important to remain faithful to Jehovah. Furthermore, they warned that if they turned away from Jehovah they would lose his favor and blessings that he had promised.


15. What experiences did the apostle John have during his life?

He was one of the first to accompany Jesus in his ministry, witness his miracles and stay by his side in the hardest moments. He was a very beloved apostle of Jesus Christ, he was next to him when he was executed and later saw him resurrected. He saw the growth of Christianity and realized that the good news had been “preached in all creation under heaven.”

16. Who has benefited from John's letters?

Both in the past and in our days we have benefited from the letters of John, he also wrote the Gospel that bears his name and the “revelation of Jesus Christ.”

17. According to 3 John 4, what produces great joy?

By the time John wrote his third letter, some were spreading false teachings and causing divisions. But John expressed his joy that others obeyed Jehovah and were “walking according to his commandments.”

18. What can we learn from John's words?

That when we are faithful we make Jehovah happy. Los Angeles is also happy for our loyalty. And Jehovah's servants are happy when they see other servants endure trials or temptations.

19. What did a sister say about teaching the truth to others? (See also images).

Rachel: “I have no words to describe how happy it makes me to see my students come to love Jehovah, learn to trust Him, and make changes in their lives to gladden their hearts. This feeling far exceeds any effort and sacrifice I have had to make to teach them.”


Series of images: 1. A sister enjoys giving Bible classes to another woman. 2. Some time later, the sister and her student preach together very happily. It makes us happy to teach others to love and obey Jehovah. (See paragraph 19).


20. What do we have in common with Moses, David and John?

Both they and we serve Jehovah. Because we trust in Him, we turn to Him in prayer for His guidance. And we are convinced that Jehovah blesses generously if we obey him.

21. What blessings await those who follow the counsel of men like Moses, David, and John?

We will be successful in everything we do, we will live forever and we will rejoice the heart of Jehovah, who always keeps all his promises.



That if we are obedient to Jehovah we will live on earth converted into a paradise. We can enjoy unity and peace by obeying Jehovah's righteous laws. There will be love and trust between everyone.

... David?

That Jehovah will give us the wisdom necessary to make good decisions in our lives. Their advice is practical to apply in employment, education, entertainment and money. We will have good friendships and we will have the guidance we need to enjoy a happy family life.

... Juan?

That we can make Jehovah, the angels, and other Christians happy while remaining faithful and enduring trials and temptations.
