Watchtower Study, Do you have a goal to be an elder?, Week of January 27 to February 2, 2025, Comments and Responses.

Watchtower Study, Do You Have a Goal to Be an Elder?, January 27, February 2, 2025, Comments and Responses.

“If a man is striving to be an overseer, he desires a very good work” (1 TIM. 3:1).

1, 2. What does “very good work” done by elders include?

They take the lead in preaching, shepherd the sheep, teach and edify the brothers by what they say and what they do.


One of the tasks is that they take the initiative in preaching.

They work hard, teaching and shepherding the brothers.

They also build up the congregation, by what they say and by what they do.

3. What does a brother need to be named an elder? (1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9).

As we have reviewed in these two biblical texts, you need to meet the requirements to be an elder, not only do you need to be skilled in preaching or teaching, but you also need to fulfill three essential fields that we are going to see in this study, have a good reputation, both within as outside the congregation, be an exemplary head of the family and be willing to serve the congregation.


First of all, have a good reputation, both inside and outside the congregation. Secondly, be an exemplary head of the family. And thirdly, be willing to serve the congregation at all times.

As we see in 1 Timothy and Titus, elders, more than having abilities, need to have qualities.

We see one of the first requirements in first Timothy 3:1, it is mentioned to us that it is the desire, we must analyze ourselves and see why we want to be elders and what our motivation is. Once we have this point clear, on a personal level, we can begin to study the following requirements.


4. What does it mean to “be blameless”?

It means that within the congregation no one questions his good conduct, and people outside the congregation should not have any valid reason to doubt that he is honest, and well let's note the point, "Valid reason", there may be unfounded accusations , just for causing harm and that will not prevent him from fulfilling this biblical requirement.


That no one in the congregation can question the good behavior of that person, and even those outside, the non-believers. Maybe they can criticize your Christian beliefs, as they often do. But, they must not have any valid reason to think that that person has any fault.

In Daniel 6:4,5, it is commented that neither the officials nor the satraps could say anything negative, they could not accuse him, nor say anything corrupt about Daniel. On the contrary, no one could blame him for any type of negligence.

A good question for a man to ask himself to see if he qualifies as an elder might be: Do I have a good reputation inside and outside the congregation? Or as we elders ask in the final conclusions, when analyzed, does the congregation see him as an elder?

5. What does “loving what is good” mean?

That he likes to notice the good qualities of others and congratulate them for it, that is something very necessary from an elder towards his brothers. He also feels happy doing good things for others and that he not only does it out of mere commitment, but because he really wants to do it, he is born to do that. This is necessary, since as an elder you will invest much of your valuable time in shepherding the congregation and attending to your responsibilities, so you must have a sincere desire to give of yourself to others.


It means that they will notice the good things in others, but not only will they notice, but they will also congratulate them for those qualities. This includes being happy doing good things for others, even beyond what is necessary.

The elders have a lot of work that is not seen, they invest a lot of time in shepherding the congregation, getting to know all the brothers and taking care of many responsibilities. So, since the driving force is the love of what is good, it makes their task easier.

This is shown in 1 Thessalonians 2:8, they love their brothers so much that they are even willing to give their lives for them.

In 1 Peter 5, Peter is encouraging them to shepherd the flock carefully, not as obligatory, he says, not to take ownership of them, but rather, to set an example.

We must also take into account the joy of serving others, which compensates for any sacrifice. In Acts 20:35 it says, there is more happiness in giving than in receiving.

6. In what ways does someone show that they are hospitable? (Hebrews 13:2, 16; see also image).

Because as this expression means, your heart must be open to strangers, not only those you know, but also even those you are getting to know for the first time, that is why this hospitable person is going to do it with those who have few resources. that they cannot return the favor, nor does he expect that. And they are also especially hospitable to those who work hard on behalf of their brothers, such as circuit overseers or visiting speakers who come to the congregation from other places to give of their time teaching the brothers.


A person shows that he is hospitable when he does not offer his house or his help only to his friends, because what merit does that have? The merit is sharing and being hospitable with people who cannot give you anything back.

We have read in Hebrews, this is what Abraham did, who was hospitable to two strangers, who later turned out to be Angels.

As a certain reference work says, the door to your house and your heart has to be open to strangers.

Another way you demonstrate hospitality is by offering hospitality to travelers, circuit overseers, and branch representatives. As Romans 12:13 says, the apostle Paul wrote, always be hospitable, in this way this requirement is also reflected.

Another interesting idea is the one recorded in Luke 14: 13,14, Jesus said, that when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind and you will be happy, because they do not have with what to pay you. It is not only about inviting our friends, those who are within our circle of friendship, or interests, but also being hospitable to people who, as Jesus said, do not have the means to pay us.


Here we have a scene where we see some brothers who are offering hospitality, as the note says to a traveling overseer and his wife, it is a way to strengthen both of them and of course also demonstrating their hospitality. 

A couple shows a traveling overseer and his wife to their guest room. A Christian couple receives a traveling overseer and his wife with hospitality. (See paragraph 6).

7. How does an old man show that he does not love money?

He does this by putting the interests of the Kingdom first as Matthew 6:33 says, this means that he uses his time, energy and resources to serve Jehovah, take care of his family and the congregation, instead of focusing on accumulating material wealth, satisfaction. It lies in the necessary things and its main focus is on its service to Jehovah.

And that's why questions like: What value do I give to money? Am I satisfied with the necessary things? o Do I focus on making money and acquiring more material goods? Questions that a brother who wants to become an elder should ask himself.


Complying with what Matthew 6 says, put the interests of the Kingdom first and not focus on material things. Regardless of your economic condition.

You should also use time, energy, and other resources to worship Jehovah, care for your family, and serve your congregation.

As Matthew 6:24 says, you cannot serve two masters, because you will love one and hate the other. If we focus on material things, in the end we will leave them aside; What is most important is to serve Jehovah.

The problem is in the value given to money, one can be poor and give it a lot of value. So you have to be attentive to that.

Paul in his letter to Timothy writes that when one is content with the things he has, he has much gain, godly devotion. It is something that can help the elderly to better develop their qualities.

1 John 2:15-17 says not to love the world, nor the things that are in the world, because if anyone loves the world, the love of the father is not in him. And what the world promotes, making money, having fame, popularity. But in the end he says that he who does these things will not have eternal life, but he who does the will of Jehovah.

8. In what ways does someone demonstrate that they are “moderate in their habits” and have “self-control”?

This means avoiding excesses when eating and drinking, dressing and grooming modestly, using free time sensibly, and not being a slave to the trends of the world, and follows James 4:4 about not being friends of the world.

It also means staying calm in the face of provocations. In short, he is a person who does not let himself be carried away by extremes, but lives in a balanced way and focused on pleasing Jehovah.


He shows that he is balanced in all areas of his life when he avoids excesses in eating and drinking, or dressing like the people of the world. Something very interesting that The Watchtower says is that you should always remain calm, even in the midst of provocations, that can sometimes be quite difficult, even for the elderly.

Luke 21:34 tells us: Watch yourselves so that your heart never becomes overwhelmed by overeating and overdrinking. So we would have to keep these things in mind, and from time to time do this self-analysis: Is my way of acting, in these things, in drinking and eating, similar to the tendency of the world? This self-analysis could help us see if our actions resemble the trend of the world.

Basically, it talks about seeing the tendency that our heart has regarding things, seeing if we tend more to go for banal things or imitate a little what the behavior of the world is. Or ask ourselves if our heart's tendency is toward the things that Jehovah loves.

Self-control can also be measured by whether one is always calm despite provocations.

The paragraph talks about being a drunk or having a reputation for drinking too much. Because it is true that perhaps one does not reach the point of staggering. Although there are people who can say that they can endure a lot, but in a way it is a matter of reputation. If the brothers in the congregation see an old man who drinks a lot at mealtime, and perhaps he does not get dizzy, but if this is repeated it can generate a bad reputation.

9. What does it mean to have “good judgment” and be “orderly”?

It means carefully evaluating matters in light of biblical principles, meditating on how to apply them to make balanced decisions that reflect Jehovah's thinking, and being orderly implies being organized and punctual, following established guidelines and being reliable in everything you do. and this earns him a good reputation among others.


Good judgment is shown when dealing with matters in accordance with the principles of the Bible, there you will not fail, you will always have good judgment. Then, this will make you think carefully about how to apply that good judgment in the affairs of the congregation when you act.


10. What does it mean for a man to “lead his family well”?

What characterizes him is that he is a loving and responsible head of the family, who takes the initiative in worshiping Jehovah, and this brother makes sure that his family has a good reputation, and of course he puts biblical principles into practice in his home, that already gives an indication of his ability to care for God's congregation.


Since you must take the initiative in all facets of Christian worship, you must ensure that all the needs within your family are met. Also so that they can progress spiritually and help the congregation.

He should be known as a householder who is loving, responsible, and should take the lead in all facets of Christian worship. It is also expected that because of all these things, your family enjoys a good reputation.

If you don't fulfill all these facets at the family level, or you don't know how to handle them. The question is what it says in 1 Timothy 3:5, if a man does not know how to lead his own family, how will he take care of the congregation? So, how important it is to know how to take good care of the family, for what it entails later, taking good care of the congregation.

11, 12. How does family behavior influence whether a brother may be elderly? (See also the image).

In the case of your children, if they are minors, you must help them to be obedient and respectful and to live in accordance with biblical principles and have the goal of being baptized. However, if a child who is already a believer and lives in the same house, that is something that must be highlighted, lives in the same house, and commits a serious sin, if the father has been the careless one regarding education in your child's discipline, he may not meet the requirements to be an elder.


The Watchtower of October 15 says that it is clear that the elder has provided the necessary help, guidance and discipline in a spiritual sense. But the son does not choose to serve Jehovah, the father is not automatically disqualified from being an elder. But on the other hand, if you have several minor children at home and one after one they become spiritually ill and get into trouble. It may be that he is no longer considered a man who presides over his house excellently.

It has to be seen if over time, you have known how to teach your children appropriately and administer to them the discipline that at a certain moment they would have required.

It is evident that perhaps the father gave them the best spiritual education, he guided them perfectly. We have the example of Satan, he separated from Jehovah, surely he educated him in a wonderful and perfect way, but evidently every living being that exists in the universe decides whether it wants to obey Jehovah or not.

We can see the case of the entire family moving away from Jehovah, it is a tendency that could perhaps show that the head of the family has not given them the necessary spiritual guidance, or has not disciplined them over time. So, we see that there he has failed in what Jehovah expected of him as the head of the family, in giving them spiritual guidance and education.

We see in the image a father who is with his children, although they are little, but he is teaching them how important it is, for example, to clean with a video of SofĂ­ and Caleb. In the following image you can see how the children are helping their father when it is their turn to clean, the father himself is cleaning. So the father is teaching these children very well how to do what pleases Jehovah.


And in the image we can see two scenes in one, the brother is teaching his children, he has his simple effective method, he achieves the attention of the children and without a doubt, they are not teaching them for a long time so that the children do not get easily distracted, and in the other scene we have where the whole family is collaborating in the cleaning in the foreground, then there are the children cleaning the platform and the lectern, where the speeches are given, and in the back we also see to the sister to the wife collaborating in cleaning even with their daughter in their arms, they are all giving a good example that they are being well led by their brother. 

Image Series: 1. A father leads family worship with his wife and young children. At watch the video Become a Friend of Jehovah: You Have to Love the House of Jehovah. 2. Afterwards, the father and the two male children help clean the Kingdom Hall. The father and one of the children vacuum, and the other child helps dust. The heads of families teach their children to participate in different aspects of the sacred service. (See paragraph 11).


13. How does someone show that they are “reasonable” and not “stubborn”?

Because you must be someone who is willing to listen to others and support the best decision that the majority makes if it does not violate any principles of the Bible, because being part of a body of elders, you will have to listen to the opinion of others , you will also have to give your opinion, but the majority will make the corresponding decision according to biblical standards.

He also should not be abrupt and unpleasant, rather he is a peaceful person who uses kind words that help handle difficult situations, even with opponents and that could be seen both in what he is in the ministry and in any other normal activity in life.


You must promote peace, listen to others and always be open to the points of view of your colleagues.

It may be that in a meeting someone has a different biblical point of view than the others, and the others accept or make a decision that is the opposite of what he thinks. He accepts it, and he accepts it gladly and supports the decision, as long as it does not go against biblical principles.

You should not insist on doing things your way. As Proverbs 15:22 says, when there is no communication, plans fail, but with many counselors there are good results. So you have to recognize the value of having many advisors and not your own ideas.

There is the example of Abraham in Genesis 13:8,9, Lot was his nephew and Abraham could have said, I am your uncle, I have the right, I must choose where to go. But he was very humble, he told him we are family, there should be no fights. Let's separate, if you go to the right, I will go to the left. So it is a good example to emulate.

You should stand out for being a peaceful person, always taking the first step to maintain peace. Even when a situation starts to get tense.

14. Why should an elder “not be a newly converted man,” and how does he show that he is “loyal”?

He is not a recent convert because it is necessary for this Christian to have reached maturity before being appointed as an elder. This allows him to first demonstrate that he is humble and willing to serve Jehovah as he wants and when he wants, and the case is put forward. Jesus in Philippians 2:5-8, who humbled himself, became obedient by doing the will of his father, and as for being Loyal, when he supports Jehovah's righteous standards and following the instructions he gives through his organization.


Because you have to be a mature man in a spiritual sense, and for that you have to cultivate qualities such as humility and loyalty. And being able to have these qualities and demonstrate them takes time, so it cannot happen from one moment to the next.

15. Is it essential for the elderly to be a great speaker?

It is not necessary that you be, but you must be willing to continue improving your skills as a teacher, whether in the Ministry on pastoring visits and when teaching you have to strive to reach the hearts of those who listen to you.

And it is put in text in the first letter to the Corinthians 12, where it is indicated that in the first century each Christian stood out in something, some were teachers, prophets, Apostles, etc., not all were identical in terms of having something special, for example In the case of being good teachers, but was old, you should strive to continue improving in your teaching.


You don't necessarily have to be a great speaker, for example, you can be effective in teaching in the ministry, in pastoring visits. As Ephesians says, perhaps as a prophet or evangelizer. Everyone has different shapes, has different capabilities and has to continue to strive for it.

16. How can a brother be a more effective teacher? (See also the image).

Because this brother must stand out as a good, diligent student of the Bible and our publications, he must keep up with things, he also uses the word of God when teaching and strives to apply it correctly, not invent personal ideas, but always adhere to what Jehovah has said or through publications and of course he wants to reach the hearts of people, that is why he strives to be a good teacher, he will always be willing to encourage his brothers and when he gives advice he does it with kindness and affection.


The important thing is that you always base your teaching on the word of God. Both when he is teaching in public and when he gives advice in private.

It is basically described in three steps, first: when you study; think hard about how to apply that information, second: when you teach; get to the heart, and third: ask others for suggestions to improve.

Whether they have to encourage the brothers or censure when they have to give some advice, they are going to do it with kindness and striving to fulfill what Matthew 11 says, that they want to become that relief when the brothers have burdens or have issues. Thus they will be imitating Jesus who is our teacher.


And in the description of the image it says a ministerial servant accompanies an experienced elder and learns to use the Bible to encourage others, and the elder is observing him, listening to his way of teaching, the same ministerial servant practices his speech in front of the mirror , that is a good system without a doubt, because you can see your facial expression, it is very important, because if you are talking about anger, then you have to wrinkle your eyebrows a little, if you are talking about being happy you should smile and all those details must be reflected not only in what he says, but also how he expresses it through his body, good details are even the way he stands in front of the platform so that it shows that he is knowing and handling the situation to which he is speaking in the speech or the part that corresponds to him. 

Series of images: 1. A ministerial servant and an elder visit a sister at her home. Everyone has the Bible open while the ministerial servant talks with it. 2. The same ministerial servant practices his speech in front of the mirror. A ministerial servant accompanies an experienced elder and learns how to use the Bible to encourage others. The same ministerial servant practices his speech in front of the mirror. (See paragraph 16).


17. a) What can encourage ministerial servants to continue striving to be elders? 

You must be aware that you are not expected to demonstrate these requirements perfectly to become elders, because that is not possible, we already saw that according to the 1 letter to the Corinthians, each Christian stands out in something different.

In addition, we must also remember that the Holy Spirit is counted on as an assistant to polish some details, and of course they can turn to Jehovah to help them investigate the issue in which they must deal or improve and ask other experienced elders for some suggestions to help them. improve in some aspect.


That all these requirements that we have seen, we are not asked to be fulfilled perfectly. Jehovah and our organization do not expect us to fulfill them exactly, but we do have help.

We have the best helper, we have our God Jehovah, and surely if we pray as Philippians 2:13 mentions, He will give us His spirit so that we can achieve this goal.

We also have another help, as 1 Peter 2:21 says, which is to follow the example of Jesus.

17. b) What should elders remember when evaluating whether a brother qualifies for an appointment? (See the sidebar “Elders, Be Reasonable When Evaluating Others.”)

This box highlights that when the elders are going to recommend someone they have to be reasonable and not too fair, that is, demand that many things be fully fulfilled, even the appointed elders do not fulfill all the requirements perfectly and Jehovah understands this, for Under prayer, these brothers must evaluate whether or not they meet the requirements said in this part to a reasonable degree, of course they are not going to be so careless, but they are not going to be so demanding when it comes to asking you to fully comply with the requirements, it must be done to a reasonable degree. , but an important point is that they must always ensure that he respects Jehovah's righteous standards and that his appointment will be beneficial to the Congregation.


Elders have to be reasonable when evaluating, and remember that in reality no elder, no matter how experienced, perfectly meets the biblical requirements that we have just analyzed. So, the important thing is not to be too fair and think about whether this appointment is going to help the congregation.

Prayer, along with the spirit, will help the elderly when they have to make a decision like this. Because it is an important decision, lives are involved, both theirs and the congregation's.

18. What should all ministerial servants do?

They must strive to achieve the goal of being elders, so I prayed to Jehovah to train and mold him to be more useful in the congregation, and together with the brothers already appointed as elders, continue to cultivate qualities for the benefit of the brothers, little by little he learns from those who have more experience.


We must continue to strive to better fulfill those qualities in order to reach that goal of being an elder. And the best way, as Isaiah 64:8 says, is for them to be that clay in the hands of that potter who is Jehovah. He is going to mold them and make them able to fulfill that responsibility.

The farmer does not plant or sow and then he forgets, no, he continues cultivating, why does his work bear fruit? Well, that can happen in the same way with siblings. If they want to bear fruit that will benefit the congregation, they must continue to cultivate to the maximum all these requirements that are required of them.


... 1 Timothy 3:1-7?

That a brother must have a good reputation inside and outside the congregation, must know how to listen to others and recognize the value of having many counselors, must give priority to the interests of the Kingdom, his family and serve the congregation and must be an exemplary head of family.


That to become an elder requires more than just skills, such as preaching or teaching. Here are requirements that imply qualities, biblical requirements that have to do with good reputation, being an exemplary head of a family, and being willing to serve the congregation.

... Tito 1:5-9?

That he must teach his children to be obedient and respectful and live in accordance with Jehovah's principles and standards. You should always rely on the Bible when teaching in public as well as privately. And strive to improve your skills as teachers.


Other requirements for the elderly, qualities, are mentioned here, but there are also many that have to do with being a good head of the family, having children in subjection and being very exemplary in the congregation.

...Hebrews 13:2, 16?

That they should be hospitable, brothers who like to share what they have with those who work hard, whether they are circuit overseers or speakers who visit congregations to give talks or strengthen or encourage the brothers.


That they must be hospitable, and we have seen that being hospitable means being willing, for example, to receive those who need it, a circuit overseer or brothers in need. Not just doing it with friends.
