Watchtower Study, “Article 47”, Week of January 27 to February 2, 2025, Do you have the goal of being an elder?, Answers.

Watchtower Study, “Article 47”, January 27, February 2, 2025, Do you have the goal of being an elder?, Answers.

“If a man is striving to be an overseer, he desires a very good work” (1 TIM. 3:1).

1, 2. What does “very good work” done by elders include?

In Ephesians 4:8, the apostle Paul described this “very good work” as a work that requires exceptional qualities. It involves not only practical skills, but also a deep love for Jehovah and one's brothers.

An elder demonstrates these qualities by preaching with enthusiasm, being accessible to members of the congregation, and teaching in a clear and edifying manner.

Their work as shepherds is a reflection of the example of Jesus, who cared for his disciples with tenderness and understanding. Which makes them authentic gifts for the congregation.

3. What does a brother need to be named an elder? (1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9).

The appointment of an elder is much more than an assignment of responsibilities. According to the Bible, it requires specific qualities that demonstrate spiritual maturity, and an altruistic desire to serve.

In the texts of 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9, they highlight the importance of the brother's reputation, both inside and outside the congregation, indicating that he must be a person of solid principles, and an example of integrity. You must also be a leader in your home, guiding your family with love and patience.

Additionally, the brother must be willing to prioritize the needs of the congregation over his own. These qualities are not only requirements, but evidence that Jehovah has prepared that person to serve as an elder.


4. What does it mean to “be blameless”?

Being blameless is essential for an elderly person. This does not mean being perfect, but rather having a pattern of life that is in accordance with biblical standards. In Daniel 6:4,5, we read, that Daniel's enemies tried to find fault with him, but could not because his conduct was blameless.

Therefore, being above reproach implies being consistent with Christian principles in all areas of life and having a reputation that reflects the values ​​of the Kingdom of God. In this way, non-believers may not share your beliefs, but they should not be able to find valid reasons to question your integrity or morality.

5. What does “loving what is good” mean?

“Loving what is good” implies having a positive attitude towards the good qualities of others and enjoying doing good, even beyond what is expected. According to 1Thessalonians 2:8, this means becoming involved in the lives of the brothers with genuine affection, which creates strong bonds in the congregation. 

This love for the good also includes finding joy in serving others, as Jesus noted in Acts 20:35, when he said, “There is more happiness in giving than in receiving.” It is essential that elders show this love, because their work involves dedicating time and effort to shepherd the congregation and attend to various responsibilities.

6. In what ways does someone show that they are hospitable? (Hebrews 13:2, 16; see also image).

Hospitality is a fundamental quality for an elderly person, as it demonstrates their willingness to care for others in a practical way. First Peter 4:9 emphasizes that we are to be hospitable without complaining, thus showing a generous spirit. Hospitality not only benefits those who receive it, but also strengthens bonds within the congregation. 

Lydia, mentioned in Acts 16:15, was a notable example, as she offered her home to support the preaching work. This type of generosity also reflects what Proverbs 3:27 indicates, doing good to those who need it when it is in our power to do so.


A couple shows a traveling overseer and his wife to their guest room. A Christian couple receives a traveling overseer and his wife with hospitality. (See paragraph 6).

7. How does an old man show that he does not love money?

To make an example in the congregation, an elder must demonstrate that he does not love money, as 1 Timothy 6:17-19 requires. This means that you should not be obsessed with acquiring material goods, nor allow them to take center stage in your life. Rather, he should use his resources to honor Jehovah and to serve the congregation. This balance is not related to the amount of money you have, but rather to your attitude towards Him.

8. In what ways does someone demonstrate that they are “moderate in their habits” and have “self-control”?

Self-control and moderation are essential qualities for an elderly person, since these help them to be balanced in their decisions and lifestyle. James 4:4 highlights that friendship with the world is enmity with God, which reinforces the importance of not being carried away by the tendencies or pressures of the environment.

Moderation in habits such as food consumption, dressing, and use of free time shows a spiritual mind that seeks to honor Jehovah. This self-control is also reflected in the ability not to respond with anger in difficult situations, following the example of Jesus, who always acted calmly and patiently.

9. What does it mean to have “good judgment” and be “orderly”?

Good judgment and order are essential in an elderly person, because they allow him or her to make wise and balanced decisions that reflect divine wisdom. Proverbs 15:28 says that “the heart of the righteous considers before responding” which highlights the importance of thinking carefully before acting.

In addition, an orderly and organized elder can better manage his responsibilities, be punctual in his commitments and ensure that guidelines are followed effectively. These qualities not only facilitate their service, but also inspire respect and trust among the brothers.


10. What does it mean for a man to “lead his family well”?

Leading your family well means that a married brother should be known for being a loving and responsible leader in his home. This includes taking the lead in Christian worship, making sure your family regularly participates in spiritual activities, such as family worship and gatherings.

A family with a good reputation is a testimony to your ability to guide and care for others, as mentioned in 1 Timothy 3:5, where we read, “If a man does not know how to lead his own family, how will he care for the congregation of God?". This requirement is fundamental because the qualities that a man demonstrates in taking care of his home reflect how he treats the members of the congregation.

11, 12. How does family behavior influence whether a brother may be elderly? (See also the image).

The conduct of a brother's family has a great impact on whether he is named an elder. If you are a parent of minor children, you must ensure that your children are in subjection, teaching them with love and discipline to be obedient and respectful. This shows that an elder should be a good leader in his home, and educate his children spiritually.

If a son commits a serious sin because the father neglected his education and discipline, this could negatively affect the brother's chance of being named an elder. A potential elder must demonstrate that his family reflects Christian principles and the seriousness with which he takes the responsibility of educating his children.


Image Series: 1. A father leads family worship with his wife and young children. At watch the video Become a Friend of Jehovah: You Have to Love the House of Jehovah. 2. Afterwards, the father and the two male children help clean the Kingdom Hall. The father and one of the children vacuum, and the other child helps dust. The heads of families teach their children to participate in different aspects of the sacred service. (See paragraph 11).


13. How does someone show that they are “reasonable” and not “stubborn”?

The reason why a brother should be reasonable is based on the Christian principle of promoting peace. By being willing to listen to others, a brother must show that he values ​​the points of view of others, and that he does not act selfishly.

On the other hand, being stubborn can create unnecessary conflicts. An elder must recognize that sometimes it is necessary to compromise on some decisions, to maintain peace and harmony. You should not be confrontational or prone to getting angry easily, but always seek reconciliation and understanding.

14. Why should an elder “not be a newly converted man,” and how does he show that he is “loyal”?

The reason why an elder should not be a newly converted man is that spiritual maturity, and practical knowledge of biblical principles, are essential to serve in a position of responsibility.

Although it is not necessary to be a long-standing Christian, it does take time for a brother to develop the qualities necessary to lead the congregation. Life experience and application of biblical teaching enable you to make wise and balanced decisions in difficult situations.

15. Is it essential for the elderly to be a great speaker?

Just because an elder is “qualified to teach” does not mean that he must be an exceptional speaker. A brother who aspires to be an elder must recognize his strengths and weaknesses, and seek to improve in the area of ​​teaching.

This is accomplished not only by the skill of public speaking, but also by the ability to listen, understand the needs of others, and apply scripture in ways that edify the congregation. The willingness to improve and dedication to teaching are the essential aspects that define a good elder.

16. How can a brother be a more effective teacher? (See also the image).

To be a more effective teacher, a brother must “hold fast to the faithful word,” always basing his teachings on the scriptures. This means that you must be a good student of the Bible, paying attention to the correct application of verses, both in your personal life and when teaching others.

When teaching, an elder should strive to reach the hearts of those who listen to him, applying what he learns in a practical way. An important aspect of your growth as a teacher is to seek advice from experienced elders, who can provide helpful suggestions that improve your teaching ability.


Series of images: 1. A ministerial servant and an elder visit a sister at her home. Everyone has the Bible open while the ministerial servant talks with it. 2. The same ministerial servant practices his speech in front of the mirror. A ministerial servant accompanies an experienced elder and learns how to use the Bible to encourage others. The same ministerial servant practices his speech in front of the mirror. (See paragraph 16).


17. a) What can encourage ministerial servants to continue striving to be elders?

Ministerial servants can be encouraged by remembering that Jehovah and his organization do not expect them to demonstrate all the qualities of an elder perfectly. Despite the difficulties you may face, you can trust that Jehovah will help you develop these qualities through his holy spirit.

Additionally, if they wish to improve in a specific quality, they can ask Jehovah for help in prayer, research more on the subject, and ask the elders for suggestions. In this way, ministerial servants can see that with time and effort, they can achieve this noble goal.

17. b) What should elders remember when evaluating whether a brother qualifies for an appointment? (See the sidebar “Elders, Be Reasonable When Evaluating Others.”)

When elders evaluate a brother for an appointment, they should be reasonable and not impose expectations of perfection, recognizing that no elder meets all requirements perfectly.

They will evaluate the person with the help of prayer, considering whether the brother meets the Scriptural requirements in a reasonable manner, and whether he has a good respect for Jehovah's standards. This balanced approach helps them make just decisions, guided by prayer, recognizing that the goal is to help the congregation, not seek perfection.

18. What should all ministerial servants do?

Ministerial servants should continue to cultivate the qualities mentioned in the article, regardless of whether they are already elderly or not. If you want to become elders, you must continue to strive to achieve that goal. To do this, they must ask Jehovah to train and mold them to be even more useful to Him and the congregation. With these efforts, Jehovah will undoubtedly bless your efforts to achieve this goal.


... 1 Timothy 3:1-7?

We learn that the elderly must be men with a good reputation, that they have control over their family life, that they are balanced, reasonable, and that they must not be greedy, drunk or violent. They must be able to teach, and be examples for the congregation.

... Tito 1:5-9?

We learn that the elderly must be blameless, have a good family, be firm in the faith, and able to teach correctly. They must also be able to refute those who teach wrong things, and be examples in their personal lives.

...Hebrews 13:2, 16?

We learn that hospitality is an important quality in Christians, especially those who wish to be elderly. They must be willing to receive others, share what they have and do good deeds generously and without expecting reward.
