Watchtower Study, "Article 44", Week of January 6 to 12, 2025, How to react to injustices, Answers.

Watchtower Study,, "Article 44", 6-12-January-2025, How to react to injustices, Answers.

“Do not be overcome by evil, but continue to overcome evil with good” (ROM. 12:21).

1, 2. What injustices can we suffer?

The parable of the persistent widow teaches not only the importance of patience, but also that Jehovah always cares to deliver justice in due time. Furthermore, the words of Ecclesiastes 5:8 emphasize that injustices are inherent to the imperfect human system, which underscores the need to wait on Jehovah. Jesus showed humility and patience in the face of injustice, fully trusting in God's justice.

This attitude reflects the importance of not allowing injustices to lead us to lose our inner peace. Jehovah is not indifferent when someone suffers injustice, as mentioned in Psalms 72:14, where it is assured that he redeems the oppressed. This reminder should encourage us to imitate Jesus' patience and trust in Jehovah's loving concern for each of his servants.

3. How do we know that Jehovah cares about how we are treated?

Jehovah is not only aware of the injustices we face, but his love for justice moves him to act on behalf of his loyal servants. Psalms:37:28, emphasizes that Jehovah will never abandon those who seek to follow his will. Jesus reinforced this truth by assuring that God will bring justice quickly. Although that “quickly” may seem drawn out from our human perspective, we know that it is perfectly synchronized with his eternal purpose.

4. How does Jehovah help us?

Jehovah provides us with the necessary tools to confront injustice with a Christian attitude. According to 2 Peter 3:13, we have hope for a just future, allowing us to maintain a balanced perspective. Through the Bible, Jehovah gives us wisdom to act calmly and prevent injustices from getting worse. For example, Proverbs 15:1 highlights that “a gentle response calms anger,” a valuable principle that helps us deal with conflict. The model of Jesus is fundamental for us, since he did not return evil for evil, but trusted in Jehovah to resolve injustices.


5. Why should we be careful about how we react to injustice?

Jehovah understands that it is natural to feel anguish in the face of injustice. Job expressed his pain, saying that his sufferings were heavier than the sand of the sea, and Habakkuk asked how long Jehovah will allow injustice to be seen. These emotions, although intense, should not lead us to act rashly.

Ecclesiastes 7:7 reminds us that oppression can lead us to behave irrationally, which could damage our relationships with others, or even our relationship with Jehovah. Therefore, it is important to turn to Jehovah in prayer, as this will help us remain calm and demonstrate faith that Jehovah will deliver justice in his perfect timing.

6. What does Absalom's example teach us? (See also the image).

Absalom allowed his anger to lead him to take extreme measures, disobeying divine provisions to resolve injustices. Although Amnon had committed a serious sin, Absalom was not the legitimate authority to execute justice, since Jehovah had established a system of judges and laws to deal with these situations. By ignoring this principle, Absalom became guilty of murder, aggravating problems in his family and damaging his relationship with Jehovah. This example warns us about the danger of reacting hastily, and encourages us to trust that Jehovah will deliver justice when the right time comes.


Tamar cries desperately and tears her tunic. Absalom, acting cunningly, gestures for her to remain silent. When Absalom learned what had been done to his sister Tamar, he let his anger get the best of him. (See paragraph 6).

7. What was the first reaction that a psalmist had when faced with injustice?

The psalmist Asaph expresses emotions with which many of Jehovah's servants can identify. Watching people who commit injustices prosper can be disheartening. In his discouragement, Asaph felt on the verge of abandoning his faithfulness, questioning whether serving God was worth it. He expressed his disappointment by saying: “My feet had almost gone astray, they were about to slip.” However, his situation changed when he entered the sanctuary of God, and he understood the final destiny of the wicked, which was that they would receive their punishment at the time established by Jehovah.

8. How did a brother react when he suffered injustice?

When Alberto was falsely accused of stealing funds from the congregation, his initial reaction was bitterness, anger, and frustration. These emotions affected him deeply, leading him to lose heart and finally to distance himself from Jehovah for five years. His experience highlights how injustices can test our faith, and reveal the need to control our emotions so as not to allow them to separate us from our spirituality. The Bible encourages us not to give in to negative emotions in the face of injustice. Let us always remember that the Bible emphasizes the importance of staying calm and trusting in Jehovah.


9. What injustices did Jesus endure? (See also images).

Jesus faced extreme injustices that tested his patience and trust in Jehovah. His relatives rejected him, religious leaders falsely accused him, and the Romans tortured him. Despite this, he never lost his composure or allowed these trials to derail him from his purpose. Jesus' example teaches us the importance of staying calm and trusting in Jehovah when we face injustice. As mentioned in 1 Peter 2:23, Jesus “did not return insults” or threaten, but rather “put himself in the hands of him who judges justly.” This way of acting of Jesus reminds us that we can trust in Jehovah.


Images of the injustices that Jesus suffers: 1. He wears a crown of thorns and is bleeding. 2. Some non-believing family members doubt him. 3. Religious leaders oppose him furiously. 4. He falls under the weight of the torture stake that a Roman soldier forces him to carry. Jesus gave us the perfect example of how to react to injustice. (See paragraphs 9 and 10).

10. How did Jesus react to injustices? (1 Peter 2:21-23).

The example of Jesus is a perfect model of how we should react to injustices. Jesus suffered many false accusations and mistreatment, but he never reacted impulsively or in anger. On the contrary, when he was slandered, he opted for silence or responded wisely, without letting himself be carried away by emotions. His attitude shows how we should react to injustices.

We must not return evil for evil, but remain calm, control ourselves and wait on Jehovah, who is the just judge. This teaches us to follow the example of Jesus, by trusting in God's justice, and not trying to take revenge on our own.

11. What might it mean to control what we say? (See also images).

Imitating Jesus in terms of controlling our words requires wisdom and discernment. The Bible advises us that not all offenses require an immediate response, especially if what has been done is not serious. Instead of responding with harsh words, we can choose silence, which can be more effective than making the situation worse. However, at certain times, we must speak out to defend the truth, or to help someone who is being unfairly treated. The key is to speak with respect and in a gentle tone, always seeking peace, as 1 Peter 3:15 teaches us.


Images of how an older sister reacts to injustice: 1. She remains calm while a masked officer takes her away in handcuffs and another searches her house. 2. Speaks respectfully to the judge at trial. 3. He prays in his cell, watched by a guard. When we suffer injustice, we can imitate Jesus by thinking carefully about when and how to speak. (See paragraphs 11 and 12).

12. How can we put ourselves “in the hands of him who judges justly”?

The example of Jesus by placing himself “in the hands of him who judges justly” teaches us to wait patiently for divine intervention in situations of injustice. When someone unjustly accuses us or mistreats us, we must trust that Jehovah knows the truth, and that he will handle the situation in due time. This trust gives us strength to endure injustices, without succumbing to anger or feelings of resentment. If we allow ourselves to be carried away by these emotions, we run the risk of reacting impulsively, which could damage our relationship with Jehovah and affect our inner peace. Psalm 37:8 teaches us that abandoning anger and anger is essential to not allow these emotions to control us.

13. What can help us continue to endure injustice?

Facing injustice can leave us with emotional or physical scars, but we must remember that Jehovah deeply understands what we are experiencing. Jesus, who also suffered injustice during his life, can completely identify with our sorrows. This allows us to draw closer to Him for comfort and support. Although following Jesus' example perfectly is difficult, especially when injustices hurt us, Jehovah gives us wisdom in his word to help us make the best decisions.


14. What does the expression “give way to anger” mean? (Romans 12:19).

When the apostle Paul said “give way to wrath” in Romans 12:19, he was advising Christians not to take revenge into their own hands. The wrath he refers to is not human wrath, but the wrath of Jehovah. The context of the verse tells us that we must let Jehovah be in charge of executing justice, according to his will and in his perfect timing. Often, when we are treated unfairly, we may be tempted to respond with anger or take action on our own. However, Paul's counsel encourages us to resist this temptation and trust that Jehovah, the righteous judge, will take action at his appropriate time.

15. Why is it best to wait for Jehovah to act?

Waiting for Jehovah to act is best, because by handing over our concerns to Him and letting Him handle it, we save ourselves the emotional burden of trying to resolve injustices on our own. It's natural for us to feel frustrated or upset when we are treated unfairly, but the tendency to act impulsively can lead us to make decisions that are not beneficial. Jehovah, on the other hand, has the wisdom and power to handle any situation in the most just and appropriate way. By trusting Him, we free our minds and hearts from anger and resentment, allowing us to experience peace and tranquility.


16, 17. How does prayer help us to continue overcoming evil with good? (Romans 12:21).

In this verse we see that prayer has a fundamental role in helping us continue to overcome evil with good. Jesus gave us the perfect example of how to react to injustice. Instead of asking for punishment for his tormentors, I pray for them, asking for forgiveness on their behalf. Praying for those who harm us is not only a way of following Jesus' command, but it also has a profound impact on our own attitude. As we pray for them, we not only wish for their well-being, but we also work to free our hearts from anger, bitterness, and resentment. Prayer gives us the strength to resist the temptation of revenge, and also helps us show kindness even in difficult circumstances.

18. How did prayer help Alberto and John?

Prayer helped Alberto and John overcome the injustices they had suffered by allowing them to release their negative emotions and restore their peace of mind. Alberto prayed to Jehovah asking for help to leave behind what had happened, and to be able to forgive those who had treated him unfairly. Thanks to their prayers, he was able to overcome the bitterness and continue serving Jehovah faithfully. For his part, John also prayed repeatedly for the brother who had wronged him. These prayers helped him control his emotions, preventing his perception of his brother from being affected by the damage he received. Prayer gave him peace of mind and allowed him to see the situation more calmly, without judging or allowing himself to be dominated by resentment. In both cases, prayer was essential to heal their hearts and maintain an attitude of forgiveness and trust in Jehovah.

19. What should we do while this system lasts? (1 Peter 3:8, 9).

In these verses, Peter reminds us that as we live in this system, we cannot know what injustices we will face, but we must be prepared to react according to the principles the Bible teaches us. Peter urges us to maintain an attitude of unity, love, compassion, and humility, just as Jesus did when he faced many injustices without responding with evil. Jesus left us a clear example of how we should behave, bless instead of curse, and pray for those who persecute us. By applying these biblical principles in our daily lives, we can be sure that Jehovah will bless us and give us the strength to endure injustice with peace of heart.


How can we imitate Jesus when we suffer injustice?

We can imitate Jesus by maintaining control of our reactions, not returning evil for evil, and trusting that Jehovah will deliver justice in due time.

What does it mean to give way to anger?

Giving way to anger means letting Jehovah do justice, trusting in his judgment, instead of trying to take revenge on our own.

How can prayer help us overcome injustices?

Prayer helps us calm our emotions, forgive those who hurt us, and see injustices from Jehovah's perspective, which gives us peace of mind.
