SPIRITUAL GEMS: Week from January 27 to February 2, 2025, PSALM 140, 143, Answers.

SPIRITUAL GEMS: January 27, February 2, 2025, PSALM 140, 143, Answers.

Let's look for hidden pearls (10 mins.)

Psa 140:3. Why does David say that there is viper poison under the lips of evil men? (it-2 682).

David uses the metaphor of Viper poison to highlight the destructive power of malicious words. It teaches us that false teaching, lies, slander, and slander can cause deep and lasting harm, similar to the deadly effect of snake venom. It invites us to be aware of the power of our words and to avoid the use of harmful speech.

David says that there is “vipers' poison under the lips of evil men” because their words, like lies and slander, are as harmful as the venom of a snake. Just as poison can physically destroy, ill-intentioned words can ruin reputations, hurt emotionally, or cause conflict. This teaches me to be careful with my words so as not to be like those people and to use my tongue to edify.

Because the lies and slander of evildoers can severely damage the reputation of the victim, snakes are a symbol of hidden danger, evil and betrayal. When the tongue is used for false teaching, slander, slander, or any other harmful speech, “it is full of deadly poison.” Knowing this motivates us to avoid slander and lies.

This figurative language emphasizes the destructive power of negative speech, as also mentioned in Romans 3:13 and the letter of James, where it is warned that the tongue can be “full of deadly poison.” This poison represents the spiritual, emotional and social damage caused by words loaded with falsehood and malice.

David compares the words of the wicked to the poison of vipers because they are figuratively deadly. Their lies and slander not only deceive, but can also sow discord and pain. Just as a snake's venom hides behind its lips before being injected, the evil of slanderers hides behind their deceitful words.

David says that there is viper venom under the lips of evil men, because the lies and slander they tell are as harmful as the deadly venom of a snake. Just as the viper has its poison glands behind the lips and the teeth of its upper jaw, the words of slanderers hide a similar destructive power.


Just as snake venom can be deadly, deceptive doctrines and lies disguised as truth can spiritually poison people, distancing them from Jehovah. This underlines the importance of always relying on the word of God and contrasting any teaching with the scriptures to protect ourselves from these dangers and remain firm in the truth.

Just as the venom of a snake begins to act on our body when we are bitten, lies and slander produce a harmful effect on our heart and mind if we pay attention to them. Therefore, it is vital not to allow these negative influences to affect us, but to counteract them with the truth of God's word.

This verse reminds me that although we cannot control what others say, we can avoid responding in kind. If someone uses hurtful words or slander against me, I can ask Jehovah for strength to remain calm and not return evil for evil. This reflects Jehovah's wisdom and his way of acting.

This verse teaches me to reflect on how my words affect others. Before speaking, I can ask myself: “Am I building or destroying with what I am going to say?” Kind words can be like a balm that heals, while malicious words are like poison that hurts. This motivates me to imitate Jehovah, who always uses words that help and edify.

David uses the image of “the poison of vipers under the lips of evil men” to illustrate the destructive damage that lying and slanderous words can cause. Just as snake venom can be deadly, harmful words can have devastating consequences for people's reputations and well-being.

Ill-intentioned words, such as lies or destructive criticism, are compared to poison because they can destroy relationships, cause pain, and damage the reputations of others.

Just as the venom of the viper is hidden behind its lips and teeth, ready to cause harm, the malicious words of the wicked are insidious and damaging, affecting the reputations and lives of their victims.

This agrees with Romans 3:13 and James 3:8, which warn of the danger of a poisonous tongue. Therefore, Jehovah's servants must speak with truth and love, avoiding harmful language.

False teachings, slander, and any type of harmful speech are compared to poison, because they can ruin a person's reputation and cause much emotional and spiritual damage.

What spiritual pearls have you found in this week's Bible reading?

Psalm 141:3. Here we learn the importance of controlling our words. This text teaches us to ask Jehovah for help to speak with wisdom and avoid comments that could hurt others. A powerful reminder to apply in our daily relationships.

Psalm 143:10. This verse invites us to ask Jehovah to teach us to do his will and for his spirit to guide us toward righteousness. We recognize our need for your direction and guidance to live in a way that pleases you. This prayer motivates us to seek Jehovah's will in all our actions and to trust in his spirit to guide us on the right path.

Psalm 141:2. Here we learn that our sincere prayers are valuable to Jehovah, just as offerings were in ancient times. This text motivates us to maintain constant and meaningful communication with our God, as He appreciates our expressions of faith.

Psalm 142:3. In this psalm, David expresses his discouragement, but also recognizes that Jehovah knows his situation intimately. This teaches us that even when we feel overwhelmed or discouraged, we can trust that Jehovah understands our struggles and is close to us.

Psalm 141:4. This verse reminds us of the importance of keeping our hearts pure and away from evil. We ask Jehovah to help us avoid temptations and not engage in evil actions. This prayer motivates us to live according to Jehovah's principles and to avoid negative influences that may divert us from the right path.

Psalm 141:5. This passage teaches us to accept correction with humility, especially if it comes from someone righteous. Loving discipline can be an expression of kindness and care for our spiritual well-being.

Psalm 143:8. This verse highlights the importance of seeking guidance from Jehovah daily. By trusting in His loyal love, we can face each day with the assurance that He will direct us on the right path.

Psalm 140:12. This verse reminds us that Jehovah is a just God who does not ignore the difficulties of the humble or the needs of the disadvantaged. It teaches us to trust that He will act at the right time, demonstrating His love and care for all who seek His help.

Psalm 143:12. This verse reflects David's trust in Jehovah's loyal love to act on his behalf. David does not seek revenge on his own, but leaves justice in the hands of God. This teaches us to trust that Jehovah will act at the right time and in the right way, and to remember that we are his servants, under his care and protection.

Psalm 143:10. Here the psalmist's willingness to learn and follow the will of Jehovah is expressed. Recognizing that his spirit guides us through “flat terrain” symbolizes a stable life, in peace and under his protection. It invites us to always depend on Jehovah for our decisions.

Psalms 143:5. This verse encourages us to reflect on Jehovah's wonderful works in the past. By meditating on how He has shown His love and power in creation, as well as in the history of His people, we strengthen our confidence that He will continue to support us in the present and in the future. This also fosters a spirit of gratitude and praise toward our God.

Psalm 140:1. This verse reminds me that we can always trust in Jehovah when we face difficult situations or when other people try to harm us. No matter whether the problem is physical, emotional, or spiritual, Jehovah has the power to protect us. It also encourages me to trust him more than my own strength, because many times we cannot solve problems by ourselves. It is as if Jehovah were a secure fortress to which we can always run.

Psalm 140:13. This verse reminds me that Jehovah always cares for those who strive to do what is right. Even if there are bad people or complicated situations, Jehovah never abandons those who remain faithful to Him. This motivates me not to give up, because I know that if I continue seeking to please Him, I will be under His care. It also teaches me to be grateful to Jehovah in my prayers, remembering the blessings he has already given me.

Psalm 141:3. This teaches me how important it is to think before you speak. Sometimes we may say something unintentionally and hurt others, or even give the wrong impression. This verse encourages me to ask Jehovah for help in controlling my words, especially in times when I am upset or under pressure. I can ask myself: “Does what I am going to say build or destroy?” If I strive to speak wisely and lovingly, I will be reflecting Jehovah's qualities.

Psalm 141:5. Sometimes accepting advice or correction is not easy, but this verse teaches me that a righteous person, or someone who wants my good, is doing me a favor by correcting me. It is like a gift that helps me improve and please Jehovah more. This makes me think: “How do I react when someone gives me well-intentioned advice?” If I take it with humility, I can grow spiritually and strengthen my relationships with others.

Psalm 142:2. Here David shows that we don't have to endure things alone. Jehovah wants us to tell him everything that worries us, as if we were talking to a close friend. This verse reminds me not to keep emotions or problems to myself. As I open my heart to Jehovah in prayer, I can feel his peace and support. It's like unloading a heavy backpack; What a relief to know that Jehovah is always there to listen to me!

Psalm 142:7. David felt like he was in an emotional or spiritual prison, but he knew that Jehovah could get him out of that situation. This teaches me that no matter how trapped I feel by my problems or emotions, Jehovah has the power to set me free. It also reminds me that surrounding myself with spiritual brothers, “The Righteous Ones,” can give me the support I need to get through difficult times. Jehovah uses the congregation to encourage us, and that motivates me to seek that support when I need it.

Psalm 143:4. This verse shows that even if we feel deeply discouraged or exhausted, we are not alone. Even David went through moments of deep sadness, but the important thing is that he told Jehovah how he felt. This text reminds me that it is okay to feel this way sometimes, because we all go through moments of weakness. The important thing is not to get caught up in those feelings, but to seek Jehovah in prayer and trust that He can give me the strength to move forward.

Psalm 143:10. This verse teaches me that I should always seek Jehovah's guidance in making decisions. Sometimes I may think I know what is best, but this text reminds me that the safest path is to follow Jehovah's principles. It also gives me comfort to know that His Holy Spirit can help me make good decisions if I ask Him in prayer. It is as if Jehovah is a reliable GPS that always directs me to the right destination, even when I don't know the best path.

Psalm 141:8. This verse shows us that we should trust in Jehovah and take refuge in Him, because He is the only one who can help us in times of need. By taking refuge in Jehovah, we are acknowledging his sovereignty and power, and we are asking for his protection and help.

Psalm 141:9. This text shows us that, as human beings, we can face situations of persecution, attacks or traps set by violent or malicious people. In this sense, the text teaches us the importance of asking Jehovah to protect us from all these traps and dangers.

Psalm 141:10. This shows us that if we follow Jehovah's will and trust in Him, He will protect us from all harm and evil that may be caused to us. On the other hand, evil people who oppose God's will and seek to harm others have a devastating future awaiting them. This verse reminds us to trust in the protection and care of our loving father. By doing so, we can be assured that He will guide and protect us at all times.

Psalm 141:4. The text teaches us to be aware of the company we choose and to avoid those people who can negatively influence us and lead us to do things that are not good. This message is very important, since the people we surround ourselves with can have a great impact on our lives and our decisions. If we surround ourselves with people who promote evil and injustice, we are more likely to be influenced by their attitudes and behaviors.

Psalm 141:5. This text teaches us to accept correction with gratitude, even if it is difficult to accept. This helps us maintain a humble attitude. The person who corrects us wants the best for us, and his intention is to help us improve. Recognizing this helps us see correction as an opportunity to be better people, rather than as criticism. Thanking someone who corrects us is an appropriate response, even if we do not agree with the correction.

Psalm 141:6. This verse teaches us to trust the word of God and be aware that through it the lives of many people can be transformed, because the word of God is true and powerful. So we must not let the opposition now doubt discourage us.

Psalm 141:1. This verse teaches us the importance of prayer. It shows us that we can go to our creator at any time and ask for help, guidance and protection. It also reminds us that we must be patient and wait for God to answer our prayers, and always keep in mind that His time is not like ours.

Psalm 141:2. This text teaches us the importance of prayer. It is compared to prepared incense, this shows us that we must be careful in our prayers. In David's time, sacred incense was used to worship Jehovah, and the priests prepared it with great care. The preparation of incense was a process that required attention and dedication. By comparing his prayer to the prepared incense, David meant that he would think carefully about what he was going to say to his Heavenly Father in his prayers. He wanted to make sure that his words were pleasing to God and that his prayer was a sincere act of worship. In the same way, we wish to do the same.

Psalm 141:3. In this verse, King David asks God to help him control his words and speak wisely and godly. David recognizes that his words can be a source of blessing or curse, and therefore, he asks God to guide and protect him from speaking in a reckless or sinful manner. This verse teaches us the importance of controlling our words and speaking wisely and godly. It reminds us that our words have power and can affect others positively or negatively.

Psalm 140:1. This verse teaches us to seek God's protection and refuge in times of danger or adversity, especially when faced with evil or violent people. This reminds us that Jehovah is our refuge and our strength, and that we can trust Him to protect us.

Psalm 140:2. This text teaches us that there are people who have evil intentions in their hearts and who constantly seek to cause conflicts and problems. This reminds us to be alert and pray that God protects us from people with evil intentions and guides us on the path of peace and justice.

Psalm 140:3. This verse teaches us that evil people can use their words to hurt and harm others, just as a snake uses its venom to attack. It reminds us that we must be aware of the power of words and seek to speak with wisdom, love and truth.

Psalm 140:4. This text teaches us to trust in Jehovah in times of difficulty. It reminds us that although problems may seem insurmountable, we can find help and comfort in Jehovah. The Bible encourages us to trust our creator and see problems as opportunities to strengthen our faith.

Psalm 140:5. This teaches us to be alert and aware of the traps and snares that Satan and the world can set to cause us to fall and lead us away from God. It reminds us of the importance of standing firm and following Jehovah's laws to avoid falling into the traps of corruption and evil. It also encourages us to maintain a vigilant attitude and seek the guidance and protection of our creator.

Psalm 140:6. This text urges us to trust in Jehovah in times of great pain and despair, we can turn to Jehovah in prayer and seek his comfort and support. It reminds us that God is willing to hear our prayers and give us the strength and encouragement we need to face life's difficulties.

Psalm 140:7. This text teaches us to imitate the psalmist and to invoke Jehovah at all times, seeking his protection and blessing in our lives. By doing so, we can experience the peace and security that comes from knowing that God is with us and cares for us.

Psalm 140:8. This verse is not about wishing harm on someone specific, but rather asking Jehovah not to allow the wicked and evildoers to succeed in their plans and prosper. We can pray to our father that justice and righteousness will always prevail.

Psalm 140:9. This text is clear, it reminds us that the evil words and actions of others can have negative consequences for themselves, so as Christians we must strive not to speak evil words, my act in a negative way to avoid those consequences, rather strive every day to do the will of our Creator.

Psalm 140:10. This verse teaches us that those who do evil and persecute the righteous will receive their deserved punishment from God. It also reminds us that Jehovah is a just God and will not leave evil actions unpunished. So we can trust our creator, that He will do justice, instead of taking revenge into our own hands.

Psalm 140:11. This text teaches us that slander and evil can have serious consequences and that we must be careful not to fall into them. It is important to remember that those who indulge in slander and violence will be judged by Jehovah.

Psalm 40:12. Jehovah is a God of love and justice who cares for everyone, especially the most vulnerable, such as the poor and disadvantaged. He is a God who defends the voiceless and brings justice to those who are treated unjustly. This makes it clear to us what we serve a just and merciful God.

Psalm 140:13. This text is clear and shows us that people who love Jehovah recognize his goodness and mercy in our lives. We feel grateful for everything He has done for us, for his unconditional love, his guidance and his protection. This attitude of gratitude and appreciation arises from our love and devotion to Jehovah, and motivates us to live in accordance with his principles and commandments.

Psalm 140:1. It teaches us the importance of praying to Jehovah and asking him to protect us from bad people, not everyone around us has good intentions, that is why in the model prayer Jesus said: “Deliver us from all evil”, trusting that Jehovah will protect us like a shield.

Psalm 140:2. Although evil sometimes seems to prevail, the Bible calls us to stand firm in goodness and peace, and not allow the actions of others to corrupt us. Instead, when faced with conflictive situations, we breathe, pray and avoid falling into conflict. They are steps that lead us to imitate the character of Christ.

Psalm 140:3. This psalm teaches us that our words have a great impact, they can heal or hurt. We can make a conscious effort to build with our words. Before speaking, ask ourselves: “Does this glorify God? Will this help others?” If the answer is no, it may be best to say nothing.

Psalm 140:4. It teaches us that when we go through difficult circumstances, we must remember that Jehovah is our defender, He fights our battles. When we feel that the difficulties are too great, we turn our worries over to Jehovah in prayer. He is stronger than any problem.

Psalm 140:4,5. It motivates us to take care of ourselves and not trust just anyone. There are those who smile and greet us in front of us, but secretly wish us harm. This happened to King David, his personal advisor, who sat at the table with him. It was a traitor, we live in the last days in which there is a lot of tradition.

Psalm 140:7. It teaches us that Jehovah is with us in daily struggles, we are not alone. God is our Savior and protector at all times. An exercise we can do is that every time we face a “battle” we say in our minds: “Jehovah is my Savior, He gives me strength and protects me.”

Psalm 140:12. It teaches us that even when injustice seems to prevail, God does not forget those who suffer. He is just and upright, if we see or experience injustice, we trust that Jehovah will do justice in due time. In the meantime, we can be an instrument of His love by helping and encouraging others.

Psalm 140:13. It teaches us that gratitude and righteousness are keys to living in the New World and surviving this old world. When we thank Jehovah, we recognize his goodness. The organization encourages us to write down three things for which we are grateful every night, this will strengthen our faith and fill us with joy.

Psalm 141:1. Jehovah is always willing to listen to us, but we must approach him with trust and faith, knowing that he is never late. We can make prayer our first resort in times of difficulty, not our last. Let's spend some time daily praying to Him for His help and direction.

Psalm 141:2. It makes us value prayer, prayer is not just a request; It is an act of worship. Like incense, our prayer rises to God with a pleasant aroma. Therefore, before asking, let us spend a few moments in prayer to praise Jehovah for his greatness, love and faithfulness.

Psalm 40:1-2. This psalm teaches us to trust in Jehovah when we face difficult situations or people who plot evil against us. He reminds us that instead of taking justice into our own hands, we must ask for his protection and for this he has given us prayer so that we can express our concerns and fears.

Psalm 140:3. Harmful words, bought with the venom of vipers, have the power to cause serious harm. This encourages us to take care of our language, because if we do not express ourselves well we can cause harm to our brothers, and some end up leaving the congregation because of the way other brothers act.

Psalm 140:8-9. Although sometimes the wicked seem to prosper, this Psalm assures that Jehovah will not let their plans succeed, and that the evil they plan will fall upon them. This encourages us to continue serving Jehovah with confidence, knowing that our labor is not in vain. In the end Jehovah will bless us.

Psalm 140:12. This verse reminds us that Jehovah cares deeply about the disadvantaged and that we should imitate his justice and empathy. By analyzing our way of acting, we can ensure that we do not take advantage of our position or resources to mistreat those of humble status, whether within the congregation or in our preaching. Giving them the opportunity to hear the good news is an expression of genuine love.

Psalm 141:1. This verse highlights the need to turn to Jehovah promptly when we face challenges or difficulties. It teaches us that He is willing to listen to us as long as we sincerely seek Him. This teaches us the importance of developing a close relationship with Jehovah through constant prayer, Bible study, and attending meetings trusting that he will respond to our supplications at the appropriate time.

Psalm 141:2. The comparison of prayer with incense shows that our prayers must be pure and sincere. It is not just the act of praying, but the attitude of the heart that makes our prayers acceptable to Jehovah. This verse teaches us that we must do a self-examination of our prayers, so that they do not become repetitive or monotonous, ensuring that our relationship with Jehovah is intimate.

Psalm 141:4. This verse warns against the desire to engage in sinful acts or associate with people who practice evil. It reminds us that the inclination toward evil can be subtle, and enter through what we see, by associating ourselves with bad company, and reach the heart. That is why we need Jehovah's support to resist these temptations and ask him to help us be alert.

Psalm 141:5. Accepting someone's correction is not easy, but it is a sign of loyal love from our brothers and a means to grow spiritually. This verse teaches us that we should be humble and receptive to the loving guidance of those who seek our spiritual well-being. Considering correction as “oil on the head” reminds us that it can be a blessing and protection if we accept it with a willing heart.

Psalm 141:10. It is highlighted here that the wicked will face the consequences of their own actions. This verse teaches us not to take justice into our own hands, but to trust that Jehovah is just and that in due time he will deal with those who practice evil. Meanwhile, the righteous who trust in Jehovah will be preserved and escape hardship safely.

Psalm 142:2. Here we learn that we can pour out our worries and anxieties before Jehovah without fear. It teaches us that Jehovah is not only willing to listen to us, but also wants us to trust him with our deepest thoughts and feelings. This strengthens our relationship with Him and gives us the peace that comes from knowing we are in His hands.

Psalm 142:4. This verse teaches us that at times we may feel alone or without human support, but Jehovah is always with us. Although others may fail us or show no interest, Jehovah never abandons us. This underscores the importance of depending first on Jehovah as our true refuge and comfort.

Psalm 140:2. It teaches us that bad actions do not arise from nothing; They are first born in the mind and heart of a person. Therefore, we must take care of our thoughts and avoid feeding negative feelings such as resentment or envy.

Psalm 140:4. This text shows us that Satan uses violent people to sow fear and discouragement. But, like the psalmist, we can ask for Jehovah's protection so as not to fall into his traps.

Psalm 140:6. David does not hesitate to ask for help because he knows that Jehovah listens. We too can be assured that our prayers are not in vain and that Jehovah will answer us at the appropriate time.

Psalm 140:12. It teaches us that although injustice is common in this world, this verse reminds us that Jehovah will bring justice in due time. We must not despair or lose faith.

Psalm 141:8. By asking that Jehovah not take his life, the psalmist recognizes that his existence depends entirely on God. This teaches us humility and reminds us that each day of life is a gift from Jehovah, the giver of life.

Psalm 141:9. We see how Satan and the world try to trap us with temptations and deceptions. That is why it is so important to be attentive and strengthen our faith so as not to fall into their networks.

Psalm 142:3. When the psalmist says, “When my spirit fails within me,” he expresses a deep feeling of anguish. There are times in life when we feel completely down, without strength or courage to move forward.

In these moments of despair, we can remember that Jehovah understands what we feel and does not abandon us. Let us remember that Jehovah sees our suffering and understands our pain. The best decision is to go to Him in prayer and trust in His loving support.

Psalm 142:3. The psalmist mentions: “In the path where I walk, they hide a trap for me.” This indicates that his enemies were trying to harm him. Similarly, Jehovah's servants today face obstacles and trials that can trip up our faith.

From this we learn that we should not be surprised if we face opposition, temptations or challenges in our spiritual life. However, with Jehovah’s help, we can avoid these pitfalls and remain steadfast on the path of life. Praying for His guidance and staying close to Him will help us overcome any difficulty.

Psalm: 142:5. By saying “all that I have in the land of the living,” the psalmist recognizes that without Jehovah he has nothing of true value. This helps us reflect on what is really important in our lives: our relationship with Jehovah, who gives us stability and hope.

Psalm 143:2. This verse reminds us that, as imperfect humans, we cannot stand before Jehovah with the pretense of being righteous on our own merits. Even though we try hard to obey Him, we still make mistakes and constantly need His mercy.

Psalm 140:1. This verse teaches us the importance of seeking Jehovah's protection against malicious people. By asking Him to deliver us from the evil and violent, we recognize that only He can provide us with the safety and refuge we need in dangerous situations. He encourages us to trust in His power and to stay close to Him in times of adversity.

Psalm 140:13. It is emphasized here that those who practice justice and righteousness have the privilege of praising Jehovah and enjoying his presence. This teaching motivates us to live according to divine principles, knowing that by doing so we draw closer to God and experience his favor and companionship in our daily lives.

Psalm 141:3. This verse highlights the importance of controlling our words by asking Jehovah to place a Guard over our mouth. We recognize the need to be careful with what we say. It teaches us to be aware of the power of our words and to seek divine help to speak in an uplifting and respectful way.

Psalm 141:5. Here the value of loving correction is highlighted. Accepting the rebuke of a righteous person is beneficial and shows loyal love. This teaching encourages us to be receptive to constructive correction, seeing it as an opportunity to grow and improve on our spiritual path.

Psalm 142:5. This verse reminds us that Jehovah is our refuge and our inheritance in life. By crying out to Him, we recognize that He is our source of protection and sustenance. It teaches us to depend on God in all circumstances, trusting that He will provide what we need to face daily challenges.

Psalm 143:8. The importance of seeking Jehovah's guidance from the beginning of the day is emphasized here. By asking Him to show us His loyal love and show us the path to follow, we demonstrate our trust in Him. This teaching encourages us to begin each day seeking divine direction, ensuring that our decisions are aligned with His will.

Psalm 143:10. This verse highlights the desire to learn and fulfill the will of God, by asking for His good spirit to guide us, we show our willingness to be directed by Him. It teaches us the importance of seeking divine instruction and allowing His spirit to lead us along paths. upright and safe in our daily lives.

Psalm 140:4. This verse teaches us to depend on Jehovah to protect us from the evil intentions of others. It encourages us to seek divine help when we face danger, remembering that He is always ready to intervene to care for those who trust in Him. But it also motivates us to stay away from violent and malicious behavior.

Psalm 140:12. Here the justice of Jehovah and his compassion towards the most vulnerable are highlighted. This teaching assures us that God does not ignore the difficulties of those in need, but rather intervenes to defend them. He invites us to imitate his example, helping those facing difficult situations and promoting justice in our daily lives.

Psalm 141:2. This verse highlights that our sincere prayers are like pleasant incense to Jehovah. It teaches us that constant communication with God is essential and that our prayers, when made with faith and a clean heart, are well received by Him. It also motivates us to cultivate an attitude of reverence when addressing Jehovah.

Psalm 141:10. Here is shown the psalmist's confidence that Jehovah will thwart the evil intentions of enemies. It teaches us that we do not need to take revenge because Jehovah will provide justice at the right time. This lesson encourages us to leave our worries in God's hands. Trusting in His power to protect us.

Psalm 142:3. This verse reminds us that Jehovah knows our troubles and is attentive to our struggles. It teaches us that even when we feel like there is no way out, God is aware of our situation and is willing to guide us. This motivates us to trust Him as our constant support in difficult times.

Psalm 143:4. This verse reflects the reality of human emotions, such as fear and anxiety. It teaches us that it is not wrong to express our internal struggles to Jehovah, who understands us better than anyone. By acknowledging our vulnerability before Him, we strengthen our relationship and find comfort in His love and care.

Psalm 143:11. Here it is shown that we can trust in Jehovah to preserve our lives and lighten our burdens. This teaching reminds us that God acts motivated by his justice and the honor of his name, which gives us the assurance that he will always be faithful to his promises. It encourages us to seek your help with confidence.

Psalm 140:7. This verse highlights that Jehovah is our strength and refuge in times of difficulties and trials. It teaches us that when we face adversity we can rely on His protection and support. It reminds us that He covers us as a faithful protector, guiding us and helping us through any battle we may be facing.

Psalm 141:4. Here we are taught the importance of keeping a clean heart and away from evil. The psalmist asks Jehovah to protect him from falling into temptations and bad influences. This verse reminds us that we must be careful with the situations around us and make decisions that honor God, avoiding falling into the traps of evil.

Psalm 142:7. This verse highlights the psalmist's desire to be set free so he can praise Jehovah. It teaches us that when Jehovah helps us overcome our difficulties, our response should be to praise him. Furthermore, it encourages us to surround ourselves with righteous people who will build us up in our faith and to recognize that Jehovah always acts on our behalf when we sincerely seek him.

Psalm 143:2. This verse reminds us of the humility and dependence we must have on Jehovah. The psalmist recognizes that no human being is completely self-righteous and that we need Jehovah's mercy to be forgiven. It teaches us to approach Him with a humble heart and to recognize our need for His grace and compassion.

Psalm 143:6. This verse expresses the psalmist's deep spiritual need to be close to Jehovah. It teaches us that just as dry land needs water, our souls need Jehovah's presence and guidance to be satisfied. He encourages us to seek Him with our entire being, trusting that He will fill our spiritual void.

Psalm 143:9. Here the psalmist expresses his complete trust in Jehovah to be delivered from his enemies. It teaches us that when we face difficulties or people who seek to harm us, we can take refuge in Jehovah. As our protector, he reminds us that we should not rely on our own strength, but on divine help to overcome any adversity.

Psalm 143:12. This verse teaches us that we can ask Jehovah to act in defense of his people, based on his loyal love and justice. It reminds us that when we are in difficulty, Jehovah not only listens to us, but acts by his name and by his love for us. This teaching encourages us to remain faithful to Him, trusting that He will defend us and help us.
