DAILY TEXT, Today Thursday, January 30, 2025, I am a sinful man (Luke 5:8).

DAILY TEXT, Today Thursday, January 30, 2025, I am a sinful man (Luke 5:8).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2025

Thursday January 30, 2025

I am a sinful man (Luke 5:8).

God could have kept the apostle Peter's shortcomings from the Bible, but he wanted them to be recorded to teach us valuable lessons (2 Tim. 3:16, 17). When we look at the stories about Peter, a man who had weaknesses and feelings like ours, we see that Jehovah does not expect us to be perfect. What he wants is for us to persevere, to continue fighting despite our weaknesses. Why is it necessary for us to persevere? When we think we have overcome a weakness, we can suffer a relapse. But we continue fighting to improve ourselves. We all say or do things that we later regret. However, if we do not give up, Jehovah will help us continue to improve. (1 Pet. 5:10) The compassion that Jesus showed Peter despite his mistakes can motivate us to continue serving Jehovah. w23.09 20 paras. 23.

How does analyzing Peter's example help us?

Peter was right: he was “a sinful man.” The Bible indicates that sometimes he said or did things that he later regretted. Do you identify with Pedro? Have you been struggling with a personality defect or bad tendency for some time? In that case, don't be discouraged. Peter's example can help you. Think about this: God could have kept this apostle's flaws from the Bible, but he wanted them to be recorded to teach us valuable lessons (2 Tim. 3:16, 17). When we look at the stories about Peter, a man who had weaknesses and feelings like ours, we see that Jehovah does not expect us to be perfect. What he wants is for us to persevere, to continue fighting despite our weaknesses.

Why do we need to persevere?

Why is it necessary for us to persevere? Because, as the saying goes, “Practice makes perfect.” Let's take an example. It can take a musician many years to master an instrument. During all that time you may play thousands of notes wrong, but with practice you will improve. Even if you become a master, you may make a mistake from time to time. But that doesn't mean he gives up. Keep practicing. The same thing happens in our case. Even when we think we have overcome a weakness, we can suffer a relapse. But we continue fighting to improve ourselves. We all say or do things that we later regret. However, if we do not give up, Jehovah will help us continue to improve. (1 Pet. 5:10) Let's examine Peter's example of perseverance. The compassion that Jesus showed him despite his mistakes can motivate us to continue serving Jehovah.

How did Peter describe himself, and how did Jesus reassure him? (Luke 5:5-10).

The Scriptures do not say why Peter described himself as “a sinful man” or what sins he was thinking about (read Luke 5:5-10). I may have made some serious mistakes. Jesus noticed that Peter was afraid, perhaps because he lacked self-confidence. But he also knew that Peter could remain faithful. So he kindly said to him: “Don't be afraid anymore.” Seeing the trust that Jesus had in him left a deep mark on him. Later, Peter and his brother Andrew left the fishing business to devote themselves entirely to following the Messiah. Thanks to this decision, they received wonderful blessings (Mark 1:16-18).

What blessings did Peter receive for overcoming his fears and accepting Jesus' invitation?

As a disciple of Christ, Peter had magnificent experiences. He saw Jesus heal the sick, cast out demons, and even raise the dead (Matt. 8:14-17; Mark 5:37, 41, 42).b He also witnessed a vision of the glory Jesus would have in the Kingdom. That event marked his life (Mark 9:1-8; 2 Pet. 1:16-18). That's right, Pedro saw things he never would have imagined. How glad he must have been that he had not given in to his negative feelings! He would have missed out on all those blessings.

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