Watchtower Study, “Article 43”, Week of December 30 to January 5, 2025, What to do if we have doubts, Answers.

Watchtower Study, “Article 43”, December 30-January 5, 2025, What to do if we have doubts, Answers.

“Prove all things” (1 THES. 5:21).

1, 2. a) What doubts may arise?

Doubts are common and can reflect normal tensions in our faith. For example, a young person might doubt whether Jehovah cares about him and delay his decision to be baptized.

A brother with a family might worry about financial challenges, and reconsider his past choices, such as prioritizing service to Jehovah over material goals.

Finally, an older sister may become discouraged at not being able to contribute as much as she used to. However, Jehovah assures his servants that he always values ​​their sincere efforts, as highlighted in Hebrews 6:10.

By meditating on Bible texts, such as Isaiah 41:10, we can strengthen our confidence in Jehovah's constant care.

1, 2. b) What will we see in this article?

In this article we will analyze how the Bible can strengthen our faith when negative thoughts arise, such as the idea that Jehovah does not care about us, that our past decisions were not correct, or that we are no longer useful to him.


3. What will help us resolve our doubts?

The Bible is a fundamental tool to overcome doubts. When we face uncertainty or spiritual weakness, studying the scriptures allows us to better understand Jehovah's character and the promises he has made to us. For example, meditating on Bible stories can help us see how God guides and supports us in times of difficulty.

Furthermore, 2 Timothy 3:16, 17 fails to remember that all scripture is inspired and useful for correcting and training us. Through it, we can identify and confront negative thoughts that weaken our faith.

4. How can we prove all things, as 1 Thessalonians 5:21 advises us?

Testing all things involves carefully examining our ideas, feelings or beliefs in the light of the Bible. This process strengthens our faith and allows us to align ourselves with Jehovah's thoughts.

For example, if a young person doubts that Jehovah cares about him, he can meditate on texts such as Matthew 10:29-31, which shows how Jehovah values ​​even the small details of his creation, including human beings. Additionally, searching the Bible for accounts of people who also doubted but received help from Jehovah can be very encouraging.

This exercise not only clears up our doubts, but also reinforces our trust in Jehovah and his promises.

5. How can we “listen” to the answers that Jehovah gives us?

Hearing Jehovah’s answers requires an active approach in our Bible study. This includes searching for texts directly related to our concerns and extracting applicable principles.

Study tools, such as topical indexes, Bible guides, and publications such as The Watchtower, facilitate this process by providing context and helpful explanations.

For example, someone who doubts their abilities can read stories like that of Moses, who despite feeling incapable was guided by Jehovah.

It is also vital to accompany this investigation with sincere prayer, asking for Jehovah's guidance. Proverbs 2:3-6 reminds us that divine wisdom is available to those who diligently seek it.

This method strengthens our faith and helps us face doubts with confidence in Jehovah's love and guidance.

6. How do meetings help us resolve our doubts?

Congregation meetings are a channel through which Jehovah gives us guidance. Bible-based speeches often address topics that respond to our concerns, even if we did not expect it. The brothers' comments also provide enriching insights that may be just what we need to strengthen our faith.

Additionally, gatherings encourage interaction with spiritual companions who can share experiences or useful advice.


7. What might we ask ourselves?

Feeling unimportant, we may doubt Jehovah's care for us, but the Bible confirms that he does care about us.

King David reflected on this same point in Psalm 144:3, considering how majestic Jehovah is and how small we humans are in comparison.

However, Jehovah assures us that he cares for us personally and desires to be our friend. By analyzing biblical accounts such as David and other servants of Jehovah, we can find evidence of the deep interest he has in each of his faithful servants.

8. According to 1 Samuel 16:6, 7, 10-12, what does Jehovah pay attention to?

Jehovah does not evaluate people based on appearances or their position in society, but rather examines their interior, heart, and spiritual qualities.

In the verses we have read, Samuel thought that Jesse's older sons, with physical qualities and experience, were ideal candidates to be king. However, Jehovah corrected Samuel, reminding him that he sees what people do not see, since he sees inside.

Despite being the youngest, and a shepherd of sheep, David had demonstrated a heart that deeply valued the spiritual and did not obey Jehovah. This highlights the importance of cultivating inner qualities that please Jehovah, beyond what others may perceive.

9. How can you be sure that Jehovah cares about you? (See also the image).

Jehovah shows that he cares deeply about each of us by providing guidance that is tailored to our specific circumstances, as mentioned in Psalm 32:8.

This reflects how much he knows and understands us. Furthermore, by applying these tips and observing good results, we strengthen our faith in your personal interest. 

Jehovah not only observes our actions, but also our motivations and inner qualities. Beyond his constant care, Jehovah extends a special invitation; he desires to be our friend, motivating us to respond to that love.


A young sister does her personal study. He has the Bible open and watches a video on his tablet. “If you seek him, he will let you find him” (1 Chron. 28:9). (See paragraph 9).


10. When we look back, what might we ask ourselves?

As we reflect on our past choices, especially those that involved sacrifice, to prioritize serving Jehovah, questions naturally arise.

Perhaps, when comparing ourselves to acquaintances who prioritized material goals, we wonder if our decisions were the best, or if they could have resulted in a more comfortable life. These doubts reflect an internal struggle between the desire for material success and the satisfaction of having served Jehovah.

However, by meditating on how our choices strengthened our relationship with Him and produced spiritual fruit, we can reaffirm their value. Furthermore, remembering Jehovah's promises for the future helps us maintain the correct perspective and value the sacrifices made.

11. Why did the writer of Psalm 73 feel distressed?

The psalmist experienced deep anguish, observing that those who did not worship Jehovah seemed to prosper and live comfortably, while he faced difficulties despite his faithfulness.

This led him to think that his sacrifices for Jehovah were in vain, and these negative thoughts continually distressed him. These emotions are understandable, but they also reveal the importance of maintaining a spiritual perspective.

Reflecting on how Jehovah views our circumstances, and remembering his justice, helps us not be carried away by appearances.

12. According to Psalm 73:16-18, what helped the psalmist think clearly?

The psalmist found clarity by coming to Jehovah's sanctuary, a place of peace and worship. There he reflected on the fate of the wicked, and realized that although his life seemed comfortable in the present, his future would be dark and full of calamity.

This understanding allowed him to see beyond his immediate circumstances and appreciate the importance of putting Jehovah first. By doing so he regained peace of mind and renewed his determination to continue serving God faithfully.

13. How can you have peace of mind? (See also images).

Having peace of mind means focusing on the spiritual and material blessings that Jehovah has given us, and valuing the treasures stored up in heaven. Unlike those who do not serve Jehovah, who depend solely on what this world offers, we have the hope and promises of God, who assures us that he will give us much more than we can imagine.

Furthermore, although we cannot know what our lives would have been like if we had made different decisions, we are certain that those who choose to serve Jehovah will never lack what really matters.

Reflecting on this helps us maintain peace of mind and satisfaction with our decisions motivated by love for Jehovah and our neighbor.


A brother is cleaning the windows of a store and imagines that he is in Paradise with his wife, carrying a wheelbarrow full of fruit while deer eat grass near them. Let us always keep in mind the promises of Jehovah. (See paragraph 13).

“Could it be that I am useful to Jehovah?”

14. In what situation are some of Jehovah's servants, and what might they be wondering?

Many servants of Jehovah desire to do more in their service to God, but they face limitations such as advanced age, health problems, or disabilities. These circumstances may lead them to think that their contribution is not significant and to wonder whether Jehovah considers them useful.

However, Jehovah deeply values ​​everything that his servants do within their capabilities and never fails to pay attention to their faithfulness and effort.

This feeling of insecurity can be overcome by reflecting on how Jehovah focuses on the heart, and not only on external actions.

15. What was the writer of Psalm 71 convinced of?

The writer of Psalm 71 expressed his confidence that Jehovah would never abandon him, even in his old age or when his strength failed. He asked for help and guidance, saying: "When my strength fails, do not abandon me." Despite his limitations, he was sure that Jehovah would value his faithfulness and his best efforts. 

This psalmist understood that Jehovah delights in those who serve him sincerely, regardless of their circumstances.

This conviction is also reflected in Psalm 37:23-25, where it is stated that Jehovah does not abandon his faithful.

16. Why do we say that older brothers are very useful to Jehovah? (Psalm 92:12-15).

Older Christians have immense spiritual value to Jehovah and the congregation. Although their physical strength is limited, Jehovah allows them to bear spiritual fruit.

You can strengthen others by sharing how Jehovah has sustained you throughout your life, and by expressing your faith in the fulfillment of his promises. His example of faithfulness and perseverance inspires others. Furthermore, their prayers are very powerful, as Jehovah listens to his faithful servants.

Instead of focusing on what they cannot do, older brothers can focus on these spiritual contributions that enrich the congregation and strengthen the faith of those around them.

17. Why should we strive not to compare ourselves with others?

Jehovah appreciates what we do for him, regardless of what others may do. Comparing ourselves with others can lead us to feel insufficient in some cases, to be unfair to ourselves.

The Bible teaches that Jehovah values ​​our actions based on our motivation and devotion, not their magnitude. For example, Jesus highlighted the gesture of the widow who gave two coins as a great show of faith, just as he valued the expensive perfumed oil that Mary used to honor him.

What is important to Jehovah is the love and intention behind our actions, not their size or cost.

18. What can help you resolve your doubts? (See also the box “The Word of God helps you resolve your doubts”).

Doubts are normal, but Jehovah has given us his word to help us face them. In it we find comfort and guidance, as mentioned in Isaiah 41:10, where Jehovah promises to give us strength and support us with his right hand of Justice. He also assures us that he will not forget our works of love or the sacrifices we make for him.

By studying and reflecting on passages such as these, our doubts can be dispelled, and our hearts are filled with confidence that Jehovah cares deeply about us, values ​​our decisions, and promises to reward us.

The Word of God helps you resolve your doubts

Jehovah cares about you.

“Do not be afraid, because I am with you. Do not be distressed, for I am your God. I will give you strength. Yes, I will help you. With my right hand of righteousness, I will indeed uphold you” (Is. 41:10).

“I, Jehovah, am your God, who teaches you for your own good, who guides you in the way you should walk” (Isa. 48:17).

Jehovah values ​​the decision you made to serve him.

“My son, if your heart becomes wise, my own heart will rejoice” (Prov. 23:15).

“May your way of life be free from the love of money, and may you be content with the things you have. For he has said, ‘I will never leave you and I will never forsake you’” (Heb. 13:5).

Jehovah appreciates anything you can do for him.

“The gift that each one brings must be in proportion to the blessing that the Lord your God has given you” (Deut. 16:17).

“God is not unjust and does not forget your works or the love you showed for his name as you served the saints and continued to serve them” (Heb. 6:10).


How do we know that Jehovah cares about us?

Because he gives us advice that fits perfectly with our needs, he knows us very well and values ​​everything we do for him.

What should we do if we doubt that we have made the right decisions in life?

We must reflect on the spiritual blessings and treasures in heaven that we have accumulated, and trust that Jehovah always rewards our decisions based on love for Him.

What should we do if we doubt that we are useful to Jehovah?

We must remember that Jehovah values ​​our efforts, regardless of our limitations, and focus on what we can do, how to strengthen others with our experiences and prayers.
