SPIRITUAL GEMS: December 30-January 5, 2025, Psalm 120 to 126, Answers.

 SPIRITUAL GEMS: December 30-January 5, 2025, Psalm 120 to 126, Answers.

Let's look for hidden pearls (10 mins.)

Psa 124:2-5. Can we expect Jehovah to protect us physically as he did the nation of Israel? (cl 73 para. 15).

Not necessarily individually, but as a group as shown by the example of his people today, Jehovah has demonstrated his protection by allowing the preaching work to continue despite the efforts of Satan and powerful governments to stop, this confirms that Jehovah protects his servants under his mighty wings as mentioned in Psalm 17 verse 7 and 8.


Psalm 124:2-5. It shows that although Israel's enemies were powerful, Jehovah protected them as a nation from being destroyed. Today, although we do not receive individual physical protection, we can expect Jehovah to protect us as a group. This is seen in how it has prevented Satan and governments from stopping our preaching. If we continue to trust in Jehovah, we can be sure that he will always maintain true worship. 

This Psalm reminds us that Jehovah has the power to save us from situations that seem impossible.  as when the people of Israel escaped the danger of being swallowed. In the same way, Jehovah protects his people as a group today, ensuring that neither persecutions nor prohibitions end the preaching work. This encourages us to continue trusting that he will have our back as we do his will.

Although Jehovah does not promise to physically protect us as individuals, Psalm 124:2-5 reinforces the idea that he will never allow Satan to destroy his people. The trials can be intense as if we were facing torrential waters, but Jehovah will always provide the means for us as a group to move forward. This motivates us not to fear and focus on fulfilling our mission. 

The book Let's Draw Closer to Jehovah highlights that, as a group, Jehovah's servants continue to receive physical protection on a global level, despite the opposition of governments and powers that seek to stop our worship, and that the devil, the ruler of this world, tries to destroy us. , Jehovah holds us under his protection, as Psalm 117:7,8 expresses it, With the metaphor of his powerful wings. Thus, Jehovah does not necessarily promise that all Christians will be saved from physical death, but he guarantees their protection in the context of his purpose and our mission.

Although we may face physical difficulties, Jehovah will continue to protect his people. On an individual level, some Christians may be persecuted, or suffer at the hands of their oppressors, but on a collective level, divine protection ensures that the preaching of the Kingdom of God continues. This reminds us that we must trust in Jehovah, knowing that he will protect us as we do his will.

Yes, we can expect Jehovah to protect us physically as he did with the nation Israel, although his protection in our time may manifest itself in different ways. In these verses, the psalmist recognizes that if Jehovah had not been with his people, the attackers would have completely destroyed them, comparing this threat to rushing waters that would have swept them away. This language shows how divine intervention saved Israel from total destruction.  Similarly, Jehovah continues to protect his servants today although the scenario may have changed.

It is evident that Jehovah has protected us over the years, allowing us to continue preaching and spreading his message of hope and salvation. Although we have faced many adversities and challenges, Jehovah has been with us, guiding and protecting us at all times. So, yes, we can expect Jehovah to physically protect us as a group, just as he did for the nation of Israel. His protection is a blessing that we must be grateful for and recognize in our daily lives.

An interesting detail is how the protection that Jehovah provides to his people is not only physical, but also spiritual. Even though we face persecution and opposition, his guidance and Holy Spirit strengthen us to maintain our faith and unity as a group. This divine care reflects his love and faithfulness towards his servants.

What spiritual pearls have you found in this week's Bible reading?

Psalm 120:1. This verse teaches us that in times of distress we can turn to Jehovah in prayer with full confidence that he hears us. It reminds us to depend on Jehovah as our Help and refuge in difficult times. 

Psalm 120:2. The need to trust in Jehovah to protect us from the influence and effects of lies is highlighted here. Furthermore, this verse exhorts us to avoid ourselves falling into the habit of lying or using deceptive words. 

Psalm 121:3. It underlines the faithfulness and constant care of Jehovah, he will never allow our feet to slip spiritually, that is, to fall into situations that distance us from him, this gives us the certainty that we can walk safely under his guidance and loving care, trusting in that he is always attentive to our needs. 

Psalm 121:5. It describes Jehovah as our shadow on the right, a metaphor that illustrates his constant proximity and protection at all times, just as a shadow is never separated from the person, Jehovah is always close to protect and guide us especially in times of danger or uncertainty.

Psalm 121:7. It teaches us that Jehovah promises to protect us from any evil, this means that even if we face trials or challenges he will give us the strength necessary to overcome it without spiritual damage. It also protects our lives in a full sense, ensuring that nothing can separate us from His love and purpose for us. 

Psalm 122:1. This verse highlights the joy that God's people feel in having the opportunity to be in his presence. 

Psalms 123:2. By keeping an eye on Jehovah, we express our confidence that he will show his favor at the appropriate time. This encourages patience and faith as we wait for him to act on our behalf especially in times of need or difficulty. 

Psalm 124:2. The psalmist emphasizes that without Jehovah's intervention the results would have been catastrophic. This helps us cultivate an attitude of humility and gratitude, recognizing that we cannot face life's challenges on our own. By reflecting on how Jehovah has helped us in the past, we strengthen our faith to continue trusting in him in the future. 

Psalm 125:5. This verse teaches us the importance of staying on Jehovah's right path. Crooked paths represent decisions that deviate from divine principles, often motivated by selfishness or the desire to obtain unfair advantages. Jehovah as the supreme judge does not tolerate evil and will take action against those who choose that path. This warning should prompt us to examine our actions and ensure that they are in harmony with Jehovah's teachings.

Psalm 120:1.2. When we are distressed or faced with lies, we can cry out to Jehovah, as the Psalmist did, knowing that he hears us and helps us. This verse reminds us to trust in Jehovah instead of trying to figure things out on our own or reacting negatively to injustice. With your support, we can respond calmly and truthfully.

Psalm 120:6,7. The psalmist expresses how difficult it is to live surrounded by people who seek conflict. Sometimes, we can feel this way too. This psalm encourages us not to be carried away by the environment around us and to strive to be peaceful, trusting that Jehovah sees our circumstances and will help us.

Psalm 121:1,2. The psalmist looks at the mountains and recognizes that his true help comes from Jehovah, the creator of all. This teaches us that, although there may be people or things that help us temporarily, our primary trust should be in Jehovah, who has the power to give us the best solution to any problem.

Psalm 121:3,4. Jehovah never gets tired or distracted, he is always watching over us. Sometimes we may feel alone or think that our struggles are insignificant, but this verse reminds us that Jehovah is completely attentive to our needs and protects us, even in the small details of life.

Psalm 122:1. The Psalmist's enthusiasm to go to the house of Jehovah shows how much he valued worshiping God together with others. This spirit encourages us to maintain a positive attitude toward the Meetings, remembering that they are an opportunity to strengthen our faith, receive encouragement, and show Jehovah how much we love him.

Psalm 123:2. Just as a servant is completely dependent on his master, we must look to Jehovah with confidence and patience. This Psalm teaches us to wait on Jehovah even when answers to our prayers seem slow. His love and guidance never fail, and He will always show us favor at the right time.

Psalm 125:1,2. Those who trust in Jehovah are compared to Mount Zion, which is firm and immovable. This reminds me that, if we put our faith in Jehovah, nothing but nothing to make us shake spiritually. Furthermore, as mountains surround Jerusalem, Jehovah constantly protects his people.

Psalm 121:3. This verse expresses the security and confidence we have in Jehovah's protection. The psalmist states that Jehovah is always alert, caring for his people in such a way that he will not let their feet slip, which implies constant protection against falls or dangers. The fact that Jehovah will not be asleep reinforces the idea that he is never absent or indifferent to our needs. 

Psalm 126:5,6. Sowing with tears and reaping with joy shows that our efforts in serving Jehovah, although sometimes difficult, are always worthwhile. Because Jehovah sees our work with love and will reward us with joy when we see the results.

Psalm 121:3. Today we can apply this verse by remembering that, although our circumstances may make us feel vulnerable, Jehovah will not leave us or forsake us. We often face challenges that can make us feel insecure or weak, but this verse assures us that as Christians we have Jehovah's constant protection. 

Psalm 122:1. In our day, this verse can make us value our meetings and assemblies. Instead of seeing them as an obligation, we should see them with the same joy and enthusiasm as the psalmist, recognizing the blessing it is to be able to worship Jehovah in unity with other brothers. 

Psalm 125:1. This verse uses the image of Mount Zion, which is the firm and immovable place, to illustrate those who trust in Jehovah. Mount Zion as a symbol of stability and permanence, represents the security and firmness that those who place their trust in God have. The idea is that, like Mount Zion, those who trust in Jehovah will not be moved by difficulties or trials, but will remain firm and secure.

Psalm 122:1. This verse reflects a deep joy and enthusiasm for going to the house of Jehovah, a place of worship and encounter with him. The Psalmist shows his joy at receiving the invitation to participate in the acts of worship. In the context of Ancient Israel, the house of Jehovah was the temple in Jerusalem, the place where the people gathered to worship God. This verse conveys the importance of communal worship and the desire to be in the presence of God.

Psalm 125:1. Today, this verse teaches us the importance of maintaining our faith in Jehovah in times of uncertainty. Life's challenges, such as financial problems, health problems, or persecutions, may try to shake us, but if we trust in Jehovah, we will stand firm, like Mount Zion.

Psalm 120:1. It teaches us that we all face moments of distress, but the most important thing is to know who to turn to. Like the psalmist, we must learn to cry out to God in the midst of our difficulties. He is always willing to listen to us and answer our prayers. No matter how deep the distress, God is our source of comfort and help.

Psalm 120:2. This psalm teaches us that even if we are good Christians, we could suffer lies and slander from other people, perhaps out of envy or bad intentions. It is good to remember that Jehovah is aware of everything and He will clarify matters in due time.

Psalm 120:7. This psalm teaches us that we are called to be peacemakers, to seek peace in all our ways. However, we will not always receive peace from others. Sometimes those around us may prefer discord and conflict. Despite this, we must continue seeking peace within ourselves and follow the example that Christ taught us.

Psalm 120:5. It is not taught that the psalmist describes your situation, how you are living among people who do not share your values ​​and your faith. In the world, we will often feel like foreigners, or that we don't fit in, since we live in a world that often does not understand or value biblical principles. However, we must stand firm, knowing that we belong to Jehovah, and that our hope is placed in Him.

Psalm 120:6. It reminds us of brothers who live in difficult places where there is discord and conflict, there is no peace, that can be very difficult to bear, but we can still experience a peace that surpasses all understanding, taking advantage of prayer and songs.

Psalm 121:1,2. In times of difficulty, the psalmist teaches us to look up, to seek our help in the Creator of the universe, Jehovah. No matter what challenge we face, our help comes from Jehovah, the almighty God, who created everything that exists.

Psalm 121:1. The writer did not look at any hill. When he wrote these words, Jehovah's temple was in Jerusalem, the city in the hill country of Judah that was, figuratively, the dwelling place of the Most High. Therefore, he may have looked towards the mountain where the temple was located, trusting that God would help him.

Psalm 121:7. It teaches us that Jehovah has the power to protect us from all evil. His protection not only covers our physical needs, but also cares for our soul and spiritual well-being. If we feel vulnerable or worried about the dangers of the world, let us remember that Jehovah is our Shepherd.

Psalm 122:1. The psalmist expresses great joy at being invited to go to the house of Jehovah. This motivates us when we go to the Christian meetings of the congregation, to do so with a heart full of joy, grateful for the opportunity to get closer to God and be in unity worshiping him.

Psalm 122:4. The tribes of Israel went up to Jerusalem to worship and give thanks to Jehovah. This is an important lesson about worship and gratitude. We should not only turn to Jehovah to ask, but also to thank him for his goodness, provision, and constant love. Remembering that it is one thing to feel gratitude and another thing to express it.

Psalm 120:1. This text does not teach the importance of prayer, we must remember that prayer is a way of communicating with Jehovah and that we have to do it regularly, by praying we can feel close to our God as if we were talking to a very dear friend, Despite being a very great and powerful God, Jehovah takes the time to listen to our prayers.

Psalm 120:2. This text does not teach us not to use "a deceitful tongue", that is, we must avoid flattery, and to be sincere and honest in our words and actions. This means avoiding speaking with hypocrisy, and instead, speaking with candor and truth. If we do so, Jehovah will be pleased with us, for He loves sincerity and truth.

Psalm 120:3-4. In these texts we can find comfort and hope when we face the "crafty tongue" of someone who slanders us or speaks ill of us. Jehovah teaches us that He will settle matters in due time and that slanderers will suffer the consequences of their actions. It is important to remember that Jehovah is a just God and that he will not leave unpunished the evil actions of those who harm us. Instead of seeking revenge, we can trust that Jehovah will act on our behalf and protect us from those who seek to harm us.

Psalm 120:5-7. This reading reminds us that we will not always be able to avoid being surrounded by negative or hostile people, but we can choose how we react to them. Like the Psalmist who cried out to Jehovah to provide protection and guidance in times of difficulty, we can do the same by taking refuge in Him and always seeking His day and protection.

Psalm 121:1-3. This text reminds us that in times of distress and need, we can look to Jehovah for help. It teaches us to trust Him and recognize that our help comes from Him, the Maker of heaven and earth. This will give us peace and security, knowing that Jehovah is always with us and that we can count on Him in any situation.

Psalm 121:5. This verse teaches us to trust in Jehovah's protection and care, and to recognize that He is a loyal and reliable friend who will always be by our side. It teaches us to seek His protection and guidance at all times, and to trust that He will always be ready to help and protect us. He is like a shadow that shields us from the dangers and calamities that may arise in our lives.

Psalm 121:6. This text teaches us that Jehovah protects us from all dangers and calamities, both day and night. The verse specifically mentions that "the sun will not harm you nor the moon at night." This teaches us that Jehovah is a constant and faithful protector who is always ready to help and protect us. Its protection has no time limits, that is, it protects us both day and night.

Psalm 121:7. This teaches us to trust in Jehovah's constant and eternal protection, which covers all aspects of our lives and gives us security and comfort in the midst of difficulties. It teaches us to seek His protection and guidance at all times, and to trust that He will always be with us, protecting and guiding us.

Psalm 121:8. This teaches us that Jehovah's protection and help have no time limits, but extend from the present to the indefinite future. This teaching gives us a great sense of security and comfort, knowing that Jehovah will always be with us, protecting and guiding us, no matter where we go or what calamities we face. His protection and help are constant and eternal, and he will never abandon us.

Psalm: 122:1. This verse teaches us the importance of feeling joy as we gather to worship Jehovah. Participating in the meetings strengthens us spiritually and fills us with happiness, since it is a privilege to be in the house of Jehovah and share with our brothers.

Psalm 120:1. This pearl teaches us that in times of anguish and difficulty, we can always turn to Jehovah in prayer. He hears our pleas and responds, giving us the necessary comfort and guidance.

Psalm 120:7. This pearl shows us that, as servants of Jehovah, we must always seek peace and act as peacemakers, even when we are surrounded by conflictive or violent people. This reflects our desire to imitate Jehovah, who is a God of peace.

Psalm 121:2. This pearl teaches us that Jehovah is our source of help and strength. He has the power to sustain us in any circumstance, since he is the creator of everything. Trusting in your help gives us security and encouragement.

Psalm 122:9. This verse shows us how love for the house of Jehovah motivates us to seek the peace and well-being of others. This spirit of service and concern for our brothers reflects our deep respect and appreciation for Jehovah and his organization.

Psalm 123:6. This verse teaches us the importance of praying for peace and unity among Jehovah's servants. It reminds us that when we love and promote peace in the congregation, we enjoy peace of mind and strengthen our relationship with Jehovah.

Psalm 123:4. This verse shows us that even if we face scorn or ridicule from proud people, we must remain firm in our faith. Jehovah understands our difficulties and will give us the courage and strength to endure them with dignity.

Psalm 126:5. This verse teaches us that even though we go through times of suffering, Jehovah blesses our faithful efforts. The current difficulties do not compare with the joy and reward that He promises us in due time.

Psalm 124:1,2. This verse teaches us to reflect on Jehovah's constant protection in our lives. Recognizing how he has delivered us in the past strengthens our faith and motivates us to continue trusting in his guidance.

Psalm 125:2. This verse shows us the protective love of Jehovah. Just as a wall of mountains provides security for Jerusalem, Jehovah is always around us, watching over us and protecting us from spiritual dangers.

Psalm 126:6. This verse teaches us that the efforts we make in serving Jehovah, even with sacrifice and hardship, will always be rewarded with joy and satisfaction, both now and in the future.
