DAILY TEXT, Today's Friday, December 27, 2024, You have become a source of great comfort to me (Col. 4:11).

DAILY TEXT, Today's Friday, December 27, 2024, You have become a source of great comfort to me (Col. 4:11).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2024

Friday December 27, 2024

They have become a source of great comfort to me (Col. 4:11).

Elders have the responsibility to provide spiritual and emotional support to the brothers (1 Pet. 5:2). When disaster strikes, they must first make sure each brother is safe and has food, clothing, and shelter. But victims will likely need spiritual and emotional support for many months (John 21:15). Harold, who is a member of a Branch Committee and has spoken to many disaster victims, says: “Recovery takes time. Siblings may begin to return to normal, but memories can come back again and again, whether of a loved one who died, a beloved family item, or a dangerous situation they experienced. Memories can reawaken pain. But this does not mean that they lack faith; "It's a normal reaction." It is important for elders to follow this advice: “Weep with those who mourn” (Rom. 12:15). w22.12 22 para. 1; 24, 25 paras. 10, 11.

What can the congregation do to help with relief efforts? (See photo).

What the congregation can do. If a disaster occurs near you, ask elders how you can help. Perhaps you can offer your home for a time to house displaced brothers or those involved in relief efforts. Maybe you can help with the delivery of food and other essentials. And, if the emergency situation has occurred far from you, you also have the opportunity to help. As? Praying for the victims and supporting relief efforts with your donations to the global work (2 Cor. 1:8-11; 8:2-5). And, if your circumstances allow you to travel to that area, ask the elders how to help. If you are invited, you will most likely be trained to help when and where you are needed most.

What difficulties do brothers face in places where our work is prohibited?

The persecution complicates life even more for the brothers. Those who live where our work is prohibited continue to have financial problems, get sick, and lose loved ones. Due to restrictions, the elderly may not have freedom of movement or may not be able to talk calmly with those who need encouragement. That was what happened to Andréi, mentioned in the previous article. A sister in his preaching group was experiencing financial difficulties and then had a car accident. He underwent several operations and could not work. Despite the restrictions of the authorities and the pandemic, the brothers did everything they could to help her, and Jehovah was very aware of the situation.

How do elders show that they trust in Jehovah?

What the elderly can do. Andrei prayed to Jehovah and did what he could. And how did Jehovah respond? He used other brothers who had greater freedom of movement to do what they could. Some took their sister to doctor's appointments and others gave her financial help. Jehovah blessed their unity and all these courageous actions (Heb. 13:16). Elders, when our work is restricted, delegate (Jer. 36:5, 6). But above all, lean on Jehovah. He will help them so that they can attend to the needs of the brothers.

What should we do to stay united in times of persecution?

What the congregation can do. In times of persecution, we may only be able to meet in small groups. So it is more important than ever to be at peace with others. Let's fight Satan, not each other. Let us forgive the brothers' mistakes and resolve any disagreements immediately (Prov. 19:11; Ephes. 4:26). Let us take the initiative to support each other (Titus 3:14). The help that Andrei's preaching group gave to the sister had a positive effect on everyone. They became closer, like a family (Ps. 133:1).

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