DAILY TEXT, Today Wednesday, December 25, 2024, Obeying is better than offering a sacrifice (1 Sam. 15:22).

 DAILY TEXT, Today Wednesday, December 25, 2024, Obeying is better than offering a sacrifice (1 Sam. 15:22).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2024

Wednesday December 25, 2024

Obeying is better than offering a sacrifice (1 Sam. 15:22).

What should you do if a change in the organization tests your loyalty? Wholeheartedly support organizational changes. When the Israelites traveled in the wilderness, the Kohathites carried the ark of the covenant in the sight of all the people (Num. 3:29, 31; 10:33; Josh. 3:2-4). Tremendous honor! But when the Israelites occupied the Promised Land, things changed. It was no longer necessary to move the Ark around. So they gave other tasks to the Kohatites (1 Chron. 6:31-33; 26:1, 24). The Bible does not say that they complained or demanded more prominent jobs, since they had had very special responsibilities in the past. What is the lesson? Wholeheartedly support the changes that Jehovah's organization makes, even if it affects what you were doing up to that point. Enjoy any work assigned to you. Remember that your value as a person does not depend on the responsibilities you have in the organization. For Jehovah, your obedience is more important than any assignment. w22.11 23 paras. 10, 11.

How did Zaira feel when she had to leave Bethel?

Let's look at the case of Zaira, a sister from the Middle East. She greatly valued serving at Bethel, where she spent more than 23 years. But then she was reassigned as a special pioneer. She says: “That change was a very hard blow for me. I thought it was useless and I wondered what I had done wrong.” Sadly, some brothers and sisters in the congregation made her feel worse because they told her: “If you had done things better, the organization would not have let you go.” For some time, Zaira felt so down that she cried every night. But she says: “I never doubted the organization or the love of Jehovah.” What helped you maintain good judgment?

What did Zaira do to overcome negative feelings?

To overcome her negative feelings, Zaira read articles from our publications that talk about the situation she was going through. One that helped her a lot appears in The Watchtower of February 1, 2001, titled “You Can Face Discouragement.” This article discusses the example of Mark, the biblical writer, who probably felt as she did about the changes in her service to Jehovah. Zaira confesses: “Marcos' example was the best remedy for my discouragement.” She relied on her friends, did not isolate herself from her siblings or continue thinking about her sadness. He understood that the spirit of Jehovah guided his organization and that the brothers responsible truly cared about it. But he also realized that for Jehovah's organization the most important thing is that the work he has entrusted to him be done.

What organizational changes did Vlado have to adapt to, and what helped him achieve them?

A 73-year-old congregation elder from Slovenia named Vlado had a hard time accepting that his congregation was merging with another and having its Kingdom Hall closed. He admits: “I didn't understand why they had to close such a beautiful salon. It bothered me because we just renovated it. I am a carpenter and had made some of the furniture. Furthermore, the merger brought many difficult changes for us older brothers.” What helped you support the decision? He says: “Adapting to the changes that Jehovah's organization makes always benefits us. This prepares us to face greater changes in the future.” Are you dealing with changes brought about by merging congregations or a new assignment? Don't worry, Jehovah understands how you feel. If you support the changes and remain loyal to Jehovah and the organization he is using, you will receive many blessings.​—Ps. 18:25.

What can we do to maintain good judgment when difficult situations arise within the congregation?

As we approach the end of this system, it is not surprising that difficult situations arise within the congregation that could test our loyalty to Jehovah. That's why we need to maintain good judgment. If we think that a brother has treated us badly, let us not be filled with bitterness. If we are disciplined, let's look beyond the shame caused by the situation, accept the advice and make the necessary changes. And when Jehovah's organization makes changes that affect us personally, let us wholeheartedly support them and follow the guidance given to us.

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