DAILY TEXT, Today Sunday, December 29, 2024, I will not let myself be controlled by anything (1 Cor. 6:12).

DAILY TEXT, Today Sunday, December 29, 2024, I will not let myself be controlled by anything (1 Cor. 6:12).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2024

Sunday December 29, 2024

I will not let myself be controlled by anything (1 Cor. 6:12).

The Bible is not a medical book or a nutrition manual, but it does reveal how Jehovah views these matters. For example, he gives us this advice: “Keep harmful things away from your body” (Eccl. 11:10). Among the life-threatening things that the Bible condemns are gluttony and drunkenness (Prov. 23:20). So, when it comes to deciding what and how much to eat and drink, Jehovah expects us to know how to control ourselves. (1 Cor. 9:25) If we want to make decisions that show that we appreciate the life God has given us, we must use our ability to think (Ps. 119:99, 100; Prov. 2:11). For example, when deciding what to eat, we need good judgment. If we like a food but we know that it harms us, the most sensible thing is not to eat it. Common sense also tells us that we should get enough sleep, exercise regularly, practice good personal hygiene, and keep our home clean. w23.02 21 paras. 6, 7

According to the Bible, how much importance does Jehovah give to our safety?

Jehovah gave the Israelites laws to prevent serious accidents at home and at work. (Ex. 21:28, 29; Deut. 22:8) If a person killed another by accident, there were very serious consequences (Deut. 19:4, 5). And the Law mandated that anyone who harmed an unborn baby be punished, even if it was unintentional (Ex. 21:22, 23). The Bible makes it clear that Jehovah wants us to take proper precautions to avoid accidents.

What measures can we take to avoid accidents? (See also images).

We show that we are grateful for the life that God has given us by taking measures to avoid accidents at home and at work. For example, we keep sharp objects, chemicals or medicines out of children's reach. And, when we have to get rid of them, we do it safely. We are also very careful with fire, power tools and hot liquids, and never leave them unattended. We also do not drive vehicles when we take medication that affects our ability to drive, when we are under the influence of alcohol or when we have not had enough sleep, nor do we carry a phone in our hand when we are driving.

What can we do before and during a life-threatening emergency?

Of course, we cannot always prevent life-threatening situations from happening, such as natural disasters, epidemics, and violent conflicts. But when they do occur, we can try to reduce the risks and increase our chances of survival by obeying curfews, evacuation orders, and other instructions given to us by authorities (Rom. 13:1, 5-7). On the other hand, there are emergencies that can be foreseen, so we do well to follow the guidelines given to us by the authorities to help us be prepared. For example, it may be helpful to store water and non-perishable foods and have a first aid kit.

What if there is an epidemic where we live? What should we do?

Obey the instructions given by the authorities, such as washing your hands, maintaining social distancing, wearing a mask or face covering, and respecting quarantines. If we take these matters seriously, we will show that we value the life that God has given us.

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