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Let us examine the Scriptures every day 2024
Sunday, December 22, 2024
Blessed is the man who endures under trial, for when he is approved, he will receive the crown of life (James 1:12).
We must make sure that worship of Jehovah comes first in our lives. Since Jehovah is our Creator, he deserves our worship. (Rev. 4:11; 14:6, 7) So the most important thing in our lives should be to worship him as he desires—“with spirit and truth.” (John 4:23, 24) We want God’s holy spirit to guide our worship so that it is in accord with Bible truths. Our service to him should come first even if we live in a place where our work is restricted or prohibited. Today, more than 100 brothers and sisters are in prison simply for being Jehovah’s Witnesses. Yet they are happy because they do what they can to pray, study, and tell others about our God and his Kingdom. Even if we are insulted or persecuted, we are happy to know that Jehovah is with us and will reward us.—1 Pet. 4:14. w22.10 9 par. 13.
What happened to a young brother from Tajikistan, and why?
There are real-life experiences that prove that the three steps we have discussed make us truly happy, no matter what our circumstances. Take the case of Yovidon Boboyonov, a 19-year-old from Tajikistan. For refusing to serve in the military, he was forcibly taken from his home on October 4, 2019. He was held for months and treated like a criminal. Media in several countries reported on this injustice. He was reportedly beaten in an attempt to pressure him into taking a military oath and putting on a uniform. After that, he was convicted and sent to a forced labor camp until he was finally pardoned by the country’s president and ordered to be released. Throughout this ordeal, Yovidon remained loyal and happy. How did he manage this? By always acknowledging his spiritual needs.
How did Yovidón nourish himself spiritually while he was in prison?
When he was in prison, Yovidón fed himself spiritually even though he did not have the Bible or any of our publications. So how did he do it? When the brothers brought him food, they wrote the daily text on the bags. This way, Yovidón could read the Bible and meditate on it every day. When he was released from prison, he gave this advice to those who have not yet gone through very difficult trials: “Make the most of the freedom you now have to draw closer to Jehovah. And for that, it is very important that you read the Bible and our publications.”
What did Yovidón focus on?
Our brother Yovidón obeyed Jehovah’s rules. Instead of giving in to bad desires and doing wrong things, he focused on Jehovah and what he considers important. He spent time looking at God’s beautiful creation. Every morning he woke up to the sound of birdsong, and at night he looked up at the moon and stars. He said: “These gifts from Jehovah made me smile and feel good.” When we appreciate the spiritual and physical things Jehovah gives us, we feel happy, and that joy gives us strength to endure.Religious articles
How can 1 Peter 1:6, 7 help someone in a situation like Yovidon's?
Yovidón also put worship of Jehovah first. He knew it was very important to maintain his integrity. Jesus said, “Worship Jehovah your God, and serve him alone.”—Luke 4:8. The commanders and soldiers wanted Yovidón to renounce his faith. But he prayed earnestly to Jehovah day and night, asking Him to help him endure and remain faithful. Despite the injustices he endured, Yovidón did not give in. As a result, he is happy because he has something he did not have before he was taken away, beaten, and imprisoned: a faith of proven quality.—Read 1 Peter 1:6, 7.
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