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Let us examine the Scriptures every day 2024
Saturday, December 21, 2024
The Lord is on my side; I will not be afraid (Ps. 118:6).
Satan will not be able to frighten us if we are convinced that Jehovah loves us, that he is on our side. For example, the writer of Psalm 118 went through very distressing times. He had many enemies, including very influential people (verses 9, 10). At times he had to endure very strong pressures (verse 13). And he also received severe discipline from Jehovah (verse 18). Despite all this, he said in his song: “I will not be afraid.” He knew that even though his heavenly Father had disciplined him, he had Jehovah’s love. The psalmist was confident that no matter what happened, his loving God would always be ready to help him. (Ps. 118:29) Every Christian needs to be convinced that Jehovah loves him personally. Having this assurance will help us overcome three very common fears: (1) the fear of not being able to provide for one’s family, (2) the fear of other people, and (3) the fear of dying. w22.06 15 ¶ 3, 4.
What situations might concern heads of households? (See cover photo.)
Christian heads of households take seriously their responsibility to provide for their families. (1 Tim. 5:8) If that’s you, you may have been worried about losing your job during the COVID-19 pandemic. You may have been worried about not being able to feed your family or not being able to pay your rent or mortgage. And you may have thought that if you lost your job, you wouldn’t be able to find another one. Or, like Nestor and Miriam mentioned earlier, you may have thought that you couldn’t live on less. Using these fears, Satan has succeeded in turning many away from serving Jehovah.
What does Satan want us to believe?
Satan would have us believe that Jehovah does not care about each of us and that when we need his help to support our family, he will simply walk away. If we fall into this trap, we might think that we have no choice but to hold on to our jobs at all costs, even if this means disregarding Bible principles.
What does Jesus assure us?
No one knows the Father better than Jesus. That’s why he tells us with complete confidence: “Your Father already knows what you need even before you ask him” (Matt. 6:8). And Jesus also knows that Jehovah is ready to meet our needs. Christians are part of God’s family. And since he is the head, we can be sure that he will do precisely what he asks of all the heads in 1 Timothy 5:8.Religious articles
What will help us overcome the fear of not being able to provide for our family? (Matthew 6:31-33) And how can we follow the example of the couple in the photograph?
If we are convinced that Jehovah loves us and our families, we will not doubt that he will provide for our needs. (Read Matthew 6:31-33.) Jehovah wants to provide for us, and he does so lovingly and generously. When he created the earth, he did not just put on it the bare necessities for us to survive. Instead, he lovingly filled it with wonderful things for us to enjoy. (Gen. 2:9.) Even if at times we only have the basics to live from day to day, let us be thankful that we have the basics. Jehovah has been there and has continued to provide us with “bread for this day.” (Matt. 6:11.) We must keep in mind that whatever we deprive ourselves of today is nothing compared to what Jehovah will give us now and in the future. Nestor and Miriam found this out for themselves.—Isa. 65:21, 22.
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