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“We hold fast to the beginning of our confidence until the end” (HEB. 3:14).
1, 2. (a) How were things in Judea when the apostle Paul wrote the Letter to the Hebrews?
As we see in Acts 8:1, when the apostle Paul wrote the letter to the Hebrews, the Christians of Judea faced constant testing and persecution. The economic difficulties, possibly due to the famine written in Acts 11 from 27 to 30, tested the faith and unity of these Christians, who had to remain firm in the faith, despite the adversities.
However, around the year 61 they experienced a period of relative peace compared to previous conflicts, which allowed them to strengthen themselves before facing new trials. This calm gave them time to reflect and strengthen their relationship with Jehovah.
1, 2. b) Why did this inspired letter come at just the right time?
The peace that the Hebrew Christians were experiencing at that time was about to end and Paul, seeing the potential danger, wrote the letter to the Hebrews to give them valuable advice. Paul gave them an important warning about how to hold on to the faith and how to avoid falling into discouragement.
In Hebrews 12:1-2 Paul encourages Christians to focus on Jesus and His example of perseverance. The destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD was devastating, and this letter helped faithful Christians stay spiritually prepared by highlighting the role of the congregation and the importance of gathering together and strengthening each other.
3. Why do we do well to analyze the Letter to the Hebrews today?
The letter to the Hebrews remains relevant today as it was written to encourage believers to endure and maintain their trust in Jehovah, just as the letter helped Hebrew Christians prepare for difficult times.
It can also strengthen us today when we face spiritual and moral trials that could weaken our faith and trust in Jehovah. It is essential for each of us because it reminds us that by remaining firm in faith we can overcome any challenge that may arise, including those associated with the great tribulation.
4. What challenges did Christians of Jewish origin have to face? (See also image.)
The converted Jews were faced with difficult challenges due to the profound changes in their system of worship and their religious identity. For centuries the law of Moses had guided all aspects of their lives, but with the coming of Christ and his sacrifice, Jehovah demanded that they abandon these traditional practices, which represented a very great emotional and spiritual challenge.Books of Jehovah
In addition to these changes, Jewish religious leaders began to persecute Christians, which increased the pressure on them to renounce their new faith and return to their previous practices. Despite all these challenges, their efforts to remain faithful are a lesson in perseverance and adaptation for all of us today.
At the temple, Jewish religious leaders are upset because Christians are preaching in the area. In order not to be led away from the truth, the Christians had to reject the false teachings of the Jewish religious leaders. (See paragraphs 4 and 5.)
5. Which two groups did those Christians face?
Christians in Judea not only faced persecution from Jewish religious leaders, but also from individuals within the congregation who sought to combine Christianity with Jewish traditions. These individuals believed that commitment to the Law of Moses would protect them from opposition and keep them out of trouble with Jews who did not accept Christ as the Messiah.
Galatians 6:12 highlights this intention to avoid persecution, which was a temptation for those who feared losing social peace. This example shows how external influences and internal pressures can divert Christians from their devotion to God, and emphasizes the importance of strengthening faith to resist any attempt to merge with practices or beliefs contrary to the teaching of Christ.
6. What did Paul encourage the Hebrews to do? (Hebrews 5:14-6:1)
In these verses Paul motivated the Hebrew Christians to advance towards spiritual maturity, emphasizing the importance of delving into the scriptures and developing spiritual discernment. He used the Hebrew scriptures to show them that the Christian worship system based on the sacrifice of Christ was superior to that of the law of Moses. With this understanding, the Hebrew Christians would be better prepared to identify and reject any teaching that would lead them away from the truth.
Paul knew that solid knowledge and understanding would help them stand firm in their faith and not be swayed by outside influences or by people who tried to mix Christianity with Jewish law.
7. What challenges do we face today?
Today we face challenges similar to those of the early Christians. The opposition we face today has intensified due to changes in modern society, which are increasingly moving away from biblical standards. The pressure we suffer includes attitudes and teachings that promote a morality contrary to that of the scriptures. By remaining firm, we develop the ability to discern between what pleases Jehovah and worldly ideas.Books of Jehovah
The reference to Hebrews 13:9 reminds us that we must not be carried away by strange doctrines, underlining the importance of having a solid faith based on accurate knowledge of the Bible.
8. How can we move towards spiritual maturity?
In his letters Paul emphasized the importance of growing spiritually, a process that requires constant dedication, so a good personal study program is essential to reach maturity and to develop a solid faith. The strengthening of faith described in Hebrews 11:1 as the certainty that what is expected will happen requires a deep understanding of divine principles and purposes.
In Psalm 1:2, we read that those who meditate on Jehovah's word experience blessings and spiritual stability. By cultivating this maturity, we are better prepared to face trials and challenges and demonstrate a continuing commitment to think and act according to Jehovah's principles.
9. Why did Christians need to have a strong faith?
For first-century Christians to flee Jerusalem rather than seek safety within its walls implied a great deal of trust in Jesus' words, since apparently fleeing Jerusalem at that time went against what was reasonable in the eyes of the world.
Hebrews 10:37-39, reminds us of the importance of persevering without turning back, with the certainty that Jehovah protects those who have faith in him. This act of faith, although challenging, would be essential for their salvation and Jesus' advice proved to be their escape route when Roman troops later invaded the city, thus fulfilling his warning.Books of Jehovah
10. What would Christians with strong faith do? (Hebrews 13:17)
Christians who had a strong faith would trust the brothers that Jesus had placed to lead the congregation, specifically the responsible elders. According to Hebrews 133:17, Christians were to be obedient to spiritual leaders not out of obligation, but because they recognized their divine authority and trusted that their instructions were wise and deserved respect.
Therefore, when faith is strong, obedience becomes natural, as Christians recognize that the elders' instructions reflect Jehovah's will.
11. Why do we need to have a strong faith?
For Christians, having a strong faith is essential, because it strengthens their confidence that Jehovah will fulfill his promises despite the mockery or skepticism of the world. Faith not only gives us the assurance that the end will come at the time determined by Jehovah, but it also allows us to face uncertainty with calm and hope.
Just as in Paul's day, today we live in a world that promotes doubt and materialism, but our faith makes us see beyond current circumstances, trusting that Jehovah will always fulfill his promises at the perfect time.
12. What will help us survive the great tribulation?
To survive the great tribulation we need to strengthen our faith that Jehovah is using the faithful and wise slave to direct and guide us spiritually.
Biblical history shows that when God's people have followed divine instructions, even those that seemed difficult or unusual, they have benefited greatly. Following the same principle, preparing ourselves now to obey and trust those who guide us can mean the difference between life and death.
During the great tribulation, strengthening our obedience today in times of peace is key so that this disposition is natural in times of crisis.
13. Why was the advice in Hebrews 13:5 so timely?
The advice in Hebrews 13:5 was fundamental for Christians of Hebrew origin, since they were waiting for the signal to flee and had to lead a simple life, thus avoiding attachment to material possessions.
They had endured hardships for their faith in the past and perhaps some of them began to focus on earning more money to protect themselves from need and danger, but the accumulation of money or material goods could not save their lives when Jerusalem was destroyed. In addition, the love of money could make it more difficult for them to leave their possessions and flee when necessary.
14. What kind of decisions will we make if we have a strong faith?
Having a strong faith drives us to make decisions that reflect our confidence that Jehovah will provide at the right time, especially when the end of this system approaches, the Bible warns us that riches will have no value on the day of Jehovah's fury.
When we read Ezekiel 7:19, we understand that these words help us live with a spiritual perspective that prioritizes eternal values over fleeting riches. Decisions such as maintaining a balanced life, avoiding unnecessary debt, and not tying ourselves to material things free us from distractions and burdens that could interfere with our relationship with Jehovah.
15. Why was it so important for Christians to have endurance?
For the Christians in Judea, endurance was an essential quality to face the challenges that lay ahead. Although some of them had already experienced persecution, many came to know the truth in times of relative peace. However, the situation in Judea was worsening and Paul warned them that the persecution would be more intense, requiring them to be ready to be faithful even at the possibility of death.
The growth of Christianity aroused the hostility of Jewish fanatics, who in their hatred went so far as to plan murders, as in the case of Paul. Therefore, this endurance reflected a mature and committed faith, helping them to maintain their hope and unity.
16. How does the Letter to the Hebrews help us to see persecution from the right perspective? (Hebrews 12:7)
Hebrews 12:7 highlights that trials can be interpreted as discipline from God, who allows his servants to face difficulties to help them grow as Christians. This approach highlights the perspective that God uses adversity to shape qualities such as patience, endurance, and faith, seeing trials as a form of spiritual training.
As Christians, we can find meaning and purpose in our difficulties, so instead of becoming discouraged, we can focus on the growth that each trial offers us, staying strong in our faith and spiritual development.
17. What did Paul know about enduring persecution?
Paul's knowledge of persecution was both theoretical and practical; having been a persecutor of Christians, he knew well the hatred and hostility they suffered.
He also understood the strategies used to intimidate them and destroy their faith. This past allowed him to deeply empathize with the Christians whom he encouraged in his letters. Paul understood that to endure persecution, it was not enough to depend on one's own strength.
In Hebrews 13:6, he quotes the words "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid," demonstrating his complete trust in Jehovah as his source of support. This statement revealed that although he was brave, his true strength came from his relationship with Jehovah.
18. What should we be clear about, and what should we do from now on?
It is important to understand that persecution is a reality for all who wish to live according to God's will. The Bible clearly states in Second Timothy 3:12 that all who wish to live with devotion to God in union with Christ Jesus will also be persecuted. Understanding this reality helps us avoid surprise or discouragement when difficulties arise. Instead, we are called to strengthen our trust in Jehovah because he promises to give us the help we need to endure.
In Second Thessalonians 1:7,8, it is mentioned that Jehovah will give relief to his faithful servants in due time and this reminds us that our endurance will be rewarded.
19. What things can we do to prepare for the great tribulation? (See also image.)
To prepare for the great tribulation we must follow the inspired advice that Paul gave in his letter to the Hebrews. First, it is essential to increase our knowledge and understanding of the scriptures, which will allow us to discern and reject teachings that could weaken our faith. By doing so, we will be firmer in our beliefs and less vulnerable to contrary ideas.
We also need to strengthen our faith so that we can obey without hesitation the instructions of Jesus and those who lead the congregation. Paul also reminds us of the importance of seeing trials from a positive perspective as opportunities that our loving Father gives us to grow spiritually. If we understand that these trials can help us to be better Christians, it will be easier to face them with determination.
A group of first-century Christians at an outdoor meeting. Jehovah blessed the faithful Christians for their endurance. After they fled Judea, they continued to meet together. What do we learn? (See paragraph 19.)
What will help us move towards maturity?
To advance toward maturity, it is essential that we delve deeper into our knowledge of biblical teachings and strive to understand and apply the deeper themes of the scriptures.
Why do we need to have a strong faith?
We need strong faith because we live in a world that mocks our hope in the end of this system and although we do not know all the details of the great tribulation, we must fully trust that Jehovah will take care of us.
Why is it important for us to have endurance?
Endurance is crucial for Christians as it helps us overcome trials and remain faithful even when facing persecution or difficult times, just as was expected of the early Christians.
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