DAILY TEXT, Today Saturday November 30, 2024, For everything there is a time (Eccl. 3:1).

DAILY TEXT, Today Saturday November 30, 2024, For everything there is a time (Eccl. 3:1).

Let us examine the Scriptures every day 2024

Saturday, November 30, 2024

For everything there is a time (Eccl. 3:1).

Jehovah’s creation gives families the opportunity to relax and have fun, and that brings them closer together. Jehovah has created beautiful places where we can do things we enjoy. Many families love spending time at a nature reserve, in the countryside, on the mountain, or at the beach. In the new world, parents and children will enjoy Jehovah’s creation as never before. We will no longer be afraid of animals, nor will they be afraid of us. (Isa. 11:6-9) We will have plenty of time to enjoy all that Jehovah has made. (Ps. 22:26) But parents, don’t wait until then to help your children observe and learn from creation. If you use creation now to teach your children about Jehovah, they will surely feel like King David, who said: “There is none like you, O Jehovah, nor are there any works like yours.” (Ps. 86:8) w23.03 25 §16, 17.

What can parents do to help their children see Jehovah’s wisdom?

Help your children see Jehovah’s wisdom, which is far superior to ours. (Rom. 11:33) For example, you can explain that water turns into clouds and floats through the air to easily reach new places. (Job 38:36, 37) You can also tell your children about the amazing design of the human body. (Read Psalm 139:14.) Consider how a father named Vladimir did it. He says: “One day, our son fell off his bike and got a wound. After a few days, the wound healed. My wife and I explained to him that Jehovah created our cells with the ability to repair themselves. We also told him that things made by humans do not have this ability. For example, a car does not repair itself after an accident. With this explanation, our son came to understand Jehovah’s wisdom.”

What can parents do to help their children think about Jehovah’s power? (Isaiah 40:26)

Jehovah invites us to look up at the sky and think about how his amazing power keeps all the stars in their places. (Read Isaiah 40:26.) You can encourage your children to look up at the sky and think about what they see. A sister in Taiwan named Tingting remembers something that happened to her when she was a child. She says: “One time, my mom and I went camping, and since we were far from the city, we could see a clear sky full of stars. At that time, I was facing pressure from my classmates and worried about failing Jehovah. My mom encouraged me to think about the power Jehovah used to create all those stars and to remember that he could also use that power to help me be faithful. After observing creation on that trip, I wanted to get to know Jehovah better and to serve him no matter what.”

How can parents use creation to help their children see that Jehovah is a happy God?

Jehovah’s creation shows that he is joyful and has a sense of humor. Scientists have observed that most animals play, including birds and fish. (Job 40:20) Your children have probably seen a kitten chasing a ball of yarn or puppies playing with each other and laughed at the scene. The next time your children are amused by the funny things an animal does, why not remind them that we serve a happy God? (1 Tim. 1:11)

What can help parents find out what their children are thinking? (Proverbs 20:5; see also image.)

Sometimes parents have a hard time getting their children to share their problems. If this is the case for you, what can help you find out what your children are thinking? (Read Proverbs 20:5.) Some parents have found success in talking with their children while enjoying nature. Why? One reason is that there are fewer distractions for both children and parents. A father from Taiwan named Masahiko explains another reason: “When we spend time outdoors with our children—whether in the mountains or at the beach—they are usually more relaxed. So it is easier for us to talk to them and find out what they are thinking and feeling.” Katya, mentioned in paragraph 9, says, “After school, my mother would take me to a beautiful park. In that quiet place, I felt more comfortable talking to her about what was happening at school or what was bothering me.”

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