DAILY TEXT, Today Monday, November 25, 2024, He who shows compassion to the needy makes a loan to Jehovah (Prov. 19:17).

DAILY TEXT, Today Monday, November 25, 2024, He who shows compassion to the needy makes a loan to Jehovah (Prov. 19:17).

Let us examine the Scriptures every day 2024

Monday, November 25, 2024

He who shows compassion to the needy makes a loan to Jehovah (Prov. 19:17).

One way elders can learn about their brothers’ needs is by asking thoughtful questions. (Prov. 20:5) Are their basic needs, such as food or medicine, covered? Could they lose their job or home? Do they need a hand applying for government assistance? Jehovah asks all of us to encourage and help others. (Gal. 6:10) Even a small gesture of caring can mean a lot to someone who is sick. Children might make a card or draw a picture to encourage a brother. Young people might offer to run an errand or shop for a sister. Others might prepare a meal for a sick person. Some brothers write thank-you notes to elders, who are often busier than ever during an outbreak. How good it is that we all strive to follow this Bible counsel: “Keep encouraging one another and building one another up.”—1 Thess. 5:11. w22.12 22 par. 2; 23 pars. 5, 6.

What can be the effects of an emergency situation?

An emergency situation can turn a person's life upside down in the blink of an eye. They may lose their material possessions, their home, or even a loved one. And this happens to our brothers and sisters too. How can we help?

What should seniors and parents do before an emergency situation?

What Elders Can Do Elders, help your brothers prepare for an emergency situation. Make sure the entire congregation knows what to do to stay safe and to contact you. Margaret, mentioned in the previous article, says, “In a talk about the needs of the congregation, the elders reminded us that fire season was not over and to leave immediately if the authorities told us to evacuate or if the situation became too dangerous.” That talk was timely because five weeks later a terrible fire broke out. Parents, in family worship, talk about what each of you should do in an emergency situation. If you and your children are prepared, you are more likely to remain calm in such times.

What should seniors do before and after an emergency situation?

If you are a group overseer, don’t wait for an emergency situation to make sure you have the correct contact information for all the brothers in your group. Make a list and keep it up to date. That way, in the event of an emergency, you can contact each publisher and assess their needs. Pass this information on to the elder coordinator, who will contact the circuit overseer. Teamwork pays off. After the fire, Margaret’s circuit overseer spent 36 sleepless hours coordinating the work of the elders trying to locate and care for some 450 displaced brothers. (2 Cor. 11:27) As a result, housing was found for all who needed it.

Why is it so important for elders to care for the sheep? (John 21:15)

Elders have a responsibility to provide spiritual and emotional support to their brothers (1 Pet. 5:2). When disaster strikes, they must first make sure that each brother is safe and has food, clothing, and shelter. But victims will likely need spiritual and emotional support for many months (see John 21:15). Harold, who serves on a Branch Committee and has spoken with many disaster victims, says, “Recovery takes time. Brothers may begin to get back to normal, but memories may come back again and again—whether of a loved one who died, a beloved family item, or a dangerous situation they experienced. Memories may stir up grief again. But this doesn’t mean they lack faith—it’s a normal reaction.”

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