APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of November 25 to December 1, 2024, Explain your beliefs: Role-play. Topic: Why don't Jehovah's Witnesses go to war? Lesson 4 point 4. Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: November 25-December 1, 2024, Explain your beliefs: Role play. Topic: Why don't Jehovah's Witnesses go to war? Lesson 4 point 4. Prepared Assignment.

Explain your beliefs (5 mins.) Role play. ijwfq 23. Topic: Why don't Jehovah's Witnesses go to war? (lmd lesson 4 point 4).

Host: Hi! Nice to see you. How did it go with what we talked about last time?

Visitor: Hi! Well, thank you. I've actually been thinking about something. I've been reading about you Jehovah's Witnesses, and I find it interesting that you don't take part in wars. Could you explain to me why?

Host: Of course. It's a very interesting topic. In fact, our position on wars is based entirely on the Bible. How about we look at some texts that explain this issue?

Visitor: Sounds good to me.

Host: First, in Isaiah 2:4, it talks about what God's servants would do. Look at what it says: this shows that God wants his servants to live in peace, don't you think?

Visitor: Yes, it's clear.

Host: Jesus also reinforced this teaching. When the apostle Peter tried to use a sword, Jesus told him in Matthew 26:52: …This shows that Jesus did not want his followers to use violence.

Visitor: That makes sense. But how do they manage to remain neutral in a world where everything is so polarized?

Host: That's an excellent question. Jesus himself said that his disciples are “no part of the world” (John 17:16). That's why we don't take sides in political or military matters. But we also avoid protesting or criticizing those who make a different choice.

Visitor: And what about love of neighbor? How does that fit into your position?

Host: Good point. Jesus taught his disciples to love their neighbors, even their enemies. Because of this, we could never take up arms against another person. In John 13:34, Jesus gave a key command: “Love one another.” This unites us as an international brotherhood, regardless of borders or nationalities.

Visitor: Interesting. So you are following that example.

Host:That's right. And, although we don't participate in wars, we contribute to the well-being of society. We respect the laws, we pay taxes, and we cooperate with the government when it comes to measures for the common good. That's what the Bible teaches us in Romans 13:1 and Matthew 22:21.

Visitor: It makes sense. It's good to see them practice what they preach.

Host: I'm glad you're interested. Everything we do is based on the Bible because we want our actions to reflect Jehovah's principles. Would you like to discuss this topic or something in particular from the Bible further?Books of Jehovah

Visitor: Yes, I find that interesting. What other topics could you cover?

Host: Perfect! We can talk about how the Bible helps solve personal problems or how it gives us hope for the future. Which of these would interest you the most?
