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“Jehovah […] does not desire that any should be destroyed, but that all should come to repentance” (2 Pet. 3:9).
1. What does a repentant person do?
Biblical repentance goes beyond simple remorse; it involves a change of attitude and behavior. According to the glossary, it is an attitude accompanied by sincere regret for having acted wrongly or for having failed to do something.
In Matthew 3:8, Jesus emphasizes that this repentance must have a tangible fruit, which means that the repentant person must show with his actions that he has changed. In addition, 2 Peter 3:9 shows Jehovah's desire for everyone to reach the ar by emphasizing his patience and the opportunity he gives everyone to change.
2. Why do all human beings need to learn about repentance? (Nehemiah 8:9-11).
Repentance is a fundamental teaching for all human beings. Romans 5:12 reminds us that we live with the consequences of the sin inherited from Adam and Eve, none of us is perfect and we all sin.
This reality affects even those with a strong faith like the apostle Paul who wrote in Romans 7:21-24 about his constant struggle with sin, yet Jehovah does not want us to live with overwhelming guilt. Therefore, even though we are sinners, we can have complete confidence that Jehovah in his infinite mercy will forgive us if we sincerely repent. The Bible teaches us that this process not only reconciles us with God, but also brings us true happiness and peace of mind.
3. What will we see in this article?
Repentance has been a recurring theme throughout the Bible, both in the Old and New Testaments. Throughout history, Jehovah has shown his people the importance of correcting their course and living according to his laws. This underscores God's constant desire for all to repent and receive his forgiveness.
Therefore, in this article we will look at repentance from several perspectives. First, we will examine how Jehovah educated the nation of Israel on the importance of repentance. Second, the article will focus on how Jehovah helped various people to repent. And finally, the article will delve into Jesus' teachings on repentance.
4. What did Jehovah teach Israel about repentance?
Jehovah taught the people of Israel that repentance was key to maintaining their relationship with him.
In Deuteronomy 30:11,16, we see that he made a covenant with them and promised them protection and blessings as long as they obeyed his laws. These laws were not impossible to fulfill, but if the Israelites rebelled especially by worshiping other gods they would lose Jehovah's approval and suffer the consequences, even so, this did not mean that there was no way to regain Jehovah's approval.
In Deuteronomy 30:1-3 we read that if they are sincere, Jehovah would be willing to bring them back and bless them again.
5. How did Jehovah show that he had not given up on his people? (2 Kings 17:13, 14)
The people of Israel constantly rebelled against Jehovah by committing acts such as idolatry and other abominations. Despite this, Jehovah showed his infinite patience and mercy by not considering them a lost cause.
In 2 Kings 17:13,14, we see that Jehovah repeatedly sent prophets to warn them and motivate them to repent. These prophets reminded them that in order to regain divine approval, they must abandon their evil practices and follow Jehovah's laws. Yet the Israelites hardened their hearts and did not listen.
However, the fact that Jehovah did not immediately abandon them demonstrates his desire for his people to repent and return to him. This love of Jehovah demonstrates his merciful character that even when faced with disobedience, he continues to provide opportunities for repentance.
6. How did Jehovah use prophets to teach his people the importance of repentance? (See also image.)
Jehovah used prophets as messengers to warn and correct his people, urging them to repent and return to him. Through prophets such as Jeremiah, Joel, Isaiah, and Ezekiel, Jehovah expressed his desire for his people to abandon their wicked ways and be reconciled to him.
These warnings show that rather than passively waiting, Jehovah actively offered help and opportunities for people to repent. His desire was always for people to live out the life that demonstrates his love and mercy. Therefore, the role of the prophets was as a guiding light for those who were in spiritual darkness, a further example of Jehovah's unconditional love for his people.
Pictures of prophets whom Jehovah sent to correct his people: 1. Joel: about 820 B.C.E. 2. Hosea: after 745 B.C.E. 3. Isaiah: after 732 B.C.E. 4. Ezekiel: about 591 B.C.E. 5. Jeremiah: 580 B.C.E. Jehovah ued many prophets to help his people repent of their sins. (See paragraphs 6 and 7.)
7. What did Jehovah teach his people through the example of Hosea and his wife?
The story of Hosea and Gomer offers a powerful lesson about Jehovah's love and mercy. Gomer had betrayed Hosea by committing adultery in a bad situation; many would have considered that relationship irreparable. However, Jehovah, who examines hearts, instructed Hosea to take the initiative to forgive her through this command. Jehovah demonstrated that although his people continued to commit serious sins, he had not abandoned them.
Hosea 3:1 shows that Jehovah's love for Israel is so deep that even though they continued to follow false gods, he did not stop loving them or sending them warnings. This symbolic action reinforces that Jehovah does not give up on those who sin, but seeks them out and offers them opportunities to repent.
8. What did Jehovah do to help Cain repent? (Genesis 4:3-7; see also image).
When Cain offered a sacrifice that was not accepted by Jehovah, instead of correcting his attitude, he became angry and disappointed, even though his actions were not correct. Jehovah did not immediately reject him, but tried to help him see the need to repent.
In Genesis 4:3-7, Jehovah offered Cain a valuable warning by telling him that sin was lurking at the door, but he had the ability to control them and correct their behavior. This shows Jehovah's desire to help people repent before their mistakes have serious consequences.
Jehovah reminded Cain that divine approval was not something unattainable, it simply required that he change his attitude and make right decisions. Although Cain did not heed Jehovah's warning and killed Abel, Jehovah, in his infinite patience and love, continues to offer warnings and opportunities for sinners to rectify their ways.
Cain, club in hand, is on his way to kill Abel. He turns to hear the voice of Jehovah speaking to him from heaven. Jehovah reasoned with Cain in a loving way. He assured him that he could regain Jehovah's approval and warned him of the danger of his misbehavior. (See paragraph 8.)
9. How did Jehovah help David to repent?
Jehovah showed great compassion and mercy by intervening in David's life to help him repent, even though David had committed very serious sins, such as adultery with Bathsheba and the murder of her husband Uriah. Jehovah did not give up on him. According to the Law of Moses, these sins were punishable by death, but instead of letting David suffer the immediate consequences of his actions, Jehovah in his kindness sent the prophet Nathan.
Nathan used the Illustration of the rich man and the poor man, and at that moment David showed genuine repentance clearly expressed in Psalm 51, where he recognizes his mistake and asks for Jehovah's purification, the fact that Jehovah will take the initiative to help David, even before he showed signs of repentance, underlines his deep love and his desire for all his servants to repent and restore their relationship with him.
10. How does it make you feel to know that Jehovah is patient with us and forgives us?
Even though Jehovah hates sin, it is extremely comforting to know that he is patient with us and forgives us.
In Psalm 5:4,5, we see that Jehovah does not tolerate sin, but understands our sinful nature due to the imperfection inherited from Adam, his patience and willingness to help us repent, even when we make serious mistakes demonstrate his infinite love and mercy, this reinforces the fact that no one is beyond the reach of his love, which encourages us to always seek his forgiveness, no matter how serious our mistakes are.
What Jesus' followers learned about repentance
11, 12. What parable did Jesus tell to show that his Father is always willing to forgive? (See image.)
Jesus demonstrated this by telling the parable of the lost son or the prodigal son. In this story, a young man decides to leave his father's house and lead a wild life, spending all his inheritance. However, after facing difficulties and poverty, he regained his senses and decided to return home. When the father saw him, he was deeply moved and ran to meet him. He not only hugged him and kissed him tenderly, but he restored him as his son.
This parable beautifully illustrates Jehovah's willingness to forgive and accept repentant sinners, and it also reminds us that no matter how far a person has strayed, he can always return to Jehovah.
The lost son in Jesus' parable bows down before his father, who runs to embrace him. In Jesus' parable, the father runs to embrace his son, who was lost but has returned home. (See paragraphs 11 and 12.)
13, 14. What did the apostle Peter learn about repentance, and what did he teach on this topic? (See also image.)
The apostle Peter witnessed Jesus' compassion firsthand, especially at critical moments such as when he denied his teacher three times. Although Peter fell into fear and human weakness, Jesus did not reject him. After his resurrection, Jesus appeared to Peter to comfort him and confirm his forgiveness. This gesture demonstrated that sincere repentance always opens the door to forgiveness.
Having learned this lesson, Peter spoke to the Jews with love in his speech, inviting them to repent for having killed the Messiah, but assuring them that by doing so their sins would be completely erased. Peter made it clear that repentance is not just a verbal apology, but a complete change of life. Peter delved deeper into this concept by remembering that Jehovah is patient because he desires for all to repent and live.
Series of images: 1. The apostle Peter cries inconsolably. 2. The resurrected Jesus comforts Peter. The apostle Peter was repentant, so Jesus forgave him and confirmed his love for him. (See paragraphs 13 and 14.)
15, 16. (a) How did Paul learn about forgiveness? (1 Timothy 1:12-15)
Saul of Tarsus before becoming the apostle Paul was a relentless persecutor of Christians. As recounted in the book of Acts, Saul participated in the persecution of the followers of Christ, even approving the death of Stephen. Despite his violent behavior, both Jehovah and Jesus saw potential in Saul and Jesus called him a chosen instrument.
After becoming an apostle, Paul often reflected on Jehovah's kindness and mercy toward him. In 1 Timothy 1:12-15, Paul expresses his gratitude that even though he was a blasphemer and persecutor, Jehovah considered him worthy of his forgiveness and used him to proclaim the gospel.
Paul understood that through God's kindness and patience, he was able to repent and become a loyal servant. This motivated him to teach that sincere repentance is always possible.
15, 16 ). b) What will we see in the next article?
The next article will examine how Paul handled a serious case of sexual immorality in the Corinthian congregation.
This account will teach us important lessons about how Jehovah shows love and discipline, as well as the importance of being merciful in dealing with those who repent.
What did Jehovah teach the Israelites about repentance?
Jehovah taught the Israelites that even if they rebelled and worshiped other gods, they could always repent and return to him and if they did, he would forgive them and bless them again.
How has Jehovah helped sinners to repent?
Jehovah has helped sinners by sending prophets to warn them and guide them to repentance. For example, he sent the prophet Nathan to help King David realize his sins and sincerely repent.
What did Jesus' followers learn about repentance?
Jesus' followers learned that repentance implies a change of life and that Jehovah is always willing to forgive those who sincerely repent, as Jesus demonstrated in the parable of the prodigal son.
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